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Nature sports: state of the art of research

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Pages 52-78 | Received 29 Oct 2017, Accepted 14 Feb 2019, Published online: 22 Feb 2019


  • Abdalad, L. S., V. L. De Menezes Costa, L. Mourao, N. T. Ferreira, and R. F. Dos Santos. 2011. “Women and Risk Sports: Diving Into the Universe of Apneistas. [Mulheres e esporte de risco: um mergulho no universo das apneistas].” Motriz. Revista De Educacao Fisica 17 (2): 225–234.
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  • Baena-Extremera, A., J. M. Serrano Perez, R. Fernandez Banos, and J. Fuentesal Garcia. 2013. “Adapting new Adventure Sports to School Physical Education: Via Ferratas. [Adaptacion de nuevos deportes de aventura a la educacion fisica escolar: las vias ferratas].” Apunts. Educacion Fisica y Deportes (114): 36–44.
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  • Brymer, E. 2009. “Extreme Sports as a Facilitator of Ecocentricity and Positive Life Changes.” World Leisure Journal 51 (1): 47–53.
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  • Brymer, E., and T. Gray. 2010. “Developing an Intimate “Relationship” with Nature Through Extreme Sports Participation.” Leisure/ Loisir 34 (4): 361–374.
  • Brymer, E., and L. G. Oades. 2009. “Extreme Sports: A Positive Transformation in Courage and Humility.” Journal of Humanistic Psychology 49 (1): 114–126.
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  • Brymer, E., and R. Schweitzer. 2013b. “The Search for Freedom in Extreme Sports: A Phenomenological Exploration.” Psychology of Sport and Exercise 14 (6): 865–873.
  • Buckley, R. 2012. “Rush as a Key Motivation in Skilled Adventure Tourism: Resolving the Risk Recreation Paradox.” Tourism Management 33: 961–970.
  • Bujdoso, Z., and L. David. 2013. “Extreme Sports and Other Activities in Tourism with Special Regard to the Matra Mountain.” Journal of Physical Education and Sport 13 (1): 39–45.
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  • Burgin, S., and N. Hardiman. 2012. “Extreme Sports in Natural Areas: Looming Disaster or a Catalyst for a Paradigm Shift in Land use Planning?” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 55 (7): 921–940.
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  • Castanier, C., and C. L. Le Scanff. 2010. “Who Takes Risks in High-Risk Sports? A Typological Personality Approach.” Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 81 (4): 478–484.
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  • Chandler, D. L. 2007. “Space Diving: The Ultimate Extreme Sport.” New Scientist 196 (2626): 46–49.
  • Chang, H., and Y. Huang. 2012. “Paragliding Adventure Recreation Consumers’ Activity Motivation, Enduring Involvement and Their Involved Behaviour.” The Journal of Inter-National Management Studies 7 (2): 61–74.
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  • Collins, L., and D. Collins. 2013. “Decision Making and Risk Management in Adventure Sports Coaching.” Quest 65 (1): 72–82.
  • Collins, L., and D. Collins. 2015. “Integration of Professional Judgement and Decision-Making in High-Level Adventure Sports Coaching Practice.” Journal of Sports Sciences 33 (6): 622–633.
  • Collins, L., and D. Collins. 2016a. “Professional Judgement and Decision-Making in Adventure Sports Coaching: The Role of Interaction.” Journal of Sports Sciences 34 (13): 1231–1239.
  • Collins, L., and D. Collins. 2016b. “Professional Judgement and Decision-Making in the Planning Process of High-Level Adventure Sports Coaching Practice.” Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning 16 (3): 256–268.
  • Collins, L., D. Collins, and D. Grecic. 2015. “The Epistemological Chain in High-Level Adventure Sports Coaches.” Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning 15 (3): 224–238.
  • Coontz, P. 2001. “Managing the Action: Sports Bookmakers as Entrepreneurs.” Deviant Behavior 22 (3): 239–266.
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  • Coulom, J. 2015. “Nature Sports as Resource for Sustainable Development in a French Medium-Size Town Territory: The Case of pau. [Les sports de nature comme ressource de developpement territorial durable d'une ville-moyenne Francaise: Le cas de Pau].” Bulletin d'Association De Geographes Francais 92 (2): 258–276.
  • Crawford, J. J., J. K. Vallance, N. L. Holt, and K. S. Courneya. 2016. “Extreme Sport/Adventure Activity Correlates in Gynecologic Cancer Survivors.” American Journal of Health Behavior 40 (2): 172–181.
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  • Dawson, D. 2001. “Composites Dive Into Protective Headgear for Adventure Sports.” Advanced Composites Bulletin (DECEMBER): 6–7.
  • Dean, D. H. 2012. “Self-control and Perceived Physical Risk in an Extreme Sport.” Young Consumers 13 (1): 62–73.
  • Demirhan, G. 2005. “Mountaineers’ Risk Perception in Outdoor-Adventure Sports: A Study of sex and Sports Experience.” Perceptual and Motor Skills 100 (3 II): 1155–1160.
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  • Dias, C. A. G., and E. D. Alves Júnior. 2007. “Notas Conceituais Sobre Esportes na Natureza.” Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes 12: 114–122.
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  • Donnelly, M. 2006. “Studying Extreme Sports: Beyond the Core Participants.” Journal of Sport and Social Issues 30 (2): 219–224.
  • Dorville, C., and M. Bouhaouala. 2006. “The Part of Outdoor Sports in Tourism Development of Nord - pas-de-Calais Region. [Place des sports outdoor dans le developpement touristique de la region Nord-Pas-de-Calais].” Territoire En Mouvement (3): 3–13.
  • Dos Santos, P. M., M. N. Manfroi, J. De Paula Figueiredo, V. Z. Brasil, and A. Marinho. 2015. “Training and Perception of Skills Studentes of Physical Education: A Reflection from the Discipline of Adventure Sports. [Formacao profissional e percepcao de competencias de estudantes de educacao fisica: Uma reflexao a partir da disciplina de esportes de aventura e na natureza].” Revista Da Educacao Fisica 26 (4): 529–540.
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  • Duret, P., and K. Anguao. 2015. “Two Norms for Innovation in Outdoor Sports: Technical and Social Innovation.” Loisir Et Societe 38 (3): 372–382.
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  • Ellmer, E., and S. Rynne. 2016. “Learning in Action and Adventure Sports.” Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education 7 (2): 107–119.
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