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Leisure and health – critical commentary


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  • Iwasaki, Y., J. G. Bartlett, B. Gottlieb, and D. Hall. 2009. “Leisure-like Pursuits as an Expression of Aboriginal Cultural Strengths and Living Actions.” Leisure Sciences 31 (2): 158–173.
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  • Lozano-Sufrategui, L., D. Carless, A. Pringle, A. Sparkes, and J. McKenna. 2016. “Sorry Mate, You're Probably a Bit Too Fat to Be Able to Do Any of These”: Men's Experiences of Weight Stigma. International Journal of Men's Health 15 (1): 4–23.
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  • Mansfield, L. 2016. “Resourcefulness, Reciprocity and Reflexivity: the Three Rs of Partnership in Sport for Public Health Research.” International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics 8 (4): 713–729.
  • Mansfield, L. 2017. “The Imperative of Physical Activity in Public Health Policy and Practice.” In Routledge Handbook of Physical Activity Policy and Practice, edited by J. Piggin, L. Mansfield, and M. Weed, 79–91. London: Routledge.
  • Mansfield, L., N. Daykin, and T. Kay. 2020. “Leisure and Wellbeing.” Leisure Studies 39 (1): 1–10.
  • Mansfield, L., T. Kay, N. Anokye, and J. Fox-Rushby. 2019. “Community Sport and the Politics of Ageing: co-Design and Partnership Approaches to Understanding the Embdied Experiences of low-Income Older People.” Frontiers in Sociology. https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fsoc.2019.00005.
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  • Stickley, T., and S. Clift, eds. 2017. Arts, Health and Wellbeing: A Theoretical Inquiry for Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Stronach, M., H. Maxwell, and S. Pearce. 2019. “Indigenous Australian Women Promoting Health Through Sport.” Sport Management Review 22 (1): 5–20.
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