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Javnost - The Public
Journal of the European Institute for Communication and Culture
Volume 28, 2021 - Issue 4


  • Ala-Fossi, Marko. 2020. “Finland: Media Welfare State in the Digital Era?” Journal of Digital Media & Policy 11 (2): 133–150. doi:
  • Allern, Sigurd. 2018. Mediekapitalet. Ägarskap, Kontroll och Ideologisk Hegemoni i Svenska Nyhetsmedier [Media Capital. Ownership, Control and Ideological Hegemony in Swedish News Media]. Stockholm: Katalys.
  • Andersson, Per. 2001. Stenbeck: Ett Reportage om det Virtuella Bruket [Stenbeck. A Reportage on the Virtual Mill]. Stockholm: Pan Norstedts.
  • Andersson, Ulrika. 2018. Svenska Nyhetsvanor [Swedish News Nabits]. Myndigheten för press, radio och tv.
  • Andersson, Ulrika, and Lennart Weibull. 2018. “Polariserat Medieförtroende” [Polarized Media Trust]. In Sprickor i Fasaden [Cracks in the Facade], edited by Ulrika Andersson, Anders Carlander, Elina Lindgren, and Maria Oskarson, 71–92. Göteborgs universitet, Gothenburg: SOM-institutet.
  • Baeten, Guy, Lawrence Berg, and Anders Lund Hansen. 2015. “Introduction: Neoliberalism and Post-Welfare Nordic States in Transition.” Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 97 (3): 209–212. doi:
  • Benson, Rodney, Matthew Powers, and Timothy Neff. 2017. “Public Media Autonomy and Accountability: Best and Worst Policy Practices in 12 Leading Democracies.” International Journal of Communication 11: 1–22.
  • Bergström, Annika, Jesper Strömbäck, and Sofia Arkhede. 2019. “Towards Rising Inequalities in Newspaper and Television News Consumption? A Longitudinal Analysis, 2000–2016.” European Journal of Communication 34 (2): 175–189. doi:
  • Birch, Kean, and Matti Siemiatycki. 2016. “Neoliberalism and the Geographies of Marketization: The Entangling of State and Markets.” Progress in Human Geography 40 (2): 177–198. doi:
  • Blumler, Jay. 1991. Television and the Public Interest: Vulnerable Values in Western European Broadcasting. London: Sage.
  • Bolin, Göran. 2013. “Questioning Entertainment Value: Moments of Disruption in The History of Swedish Television Entertainment.” In A History of Swedish Broadcasting: Communicative Ethos, Genres and Institutional Change, edited by Monica Djerf-Pierre, and Mats Ekström, 261–281. Göteborg: Nordicom.
  • Callison, William, and Zachary Manfredi. 2020. “Introduction: Theorizing Mutant Neoliberalism.” In Mutant Neoliberalism: Market Rule and Political Rupture, edited by William Callison, and Zachary Manfredi, 1–38. New York: Fordham University Press.
  • Castells, Manuel, and Pekka Himanen. 2002. The Information Society and the Welfare State: The Finnish Model. Oxford: Oxford University Press on Demand.
  • Christians, Clifford G., Theodor L. Glasser, Denis McQuail, Kaarle Nordenstreng, and Robert A. White. 2010. Normative Theories of The Media: Journalism in Democratic Societies. Urbana, Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
  • Coppens, Tomas, and Frieda Sayes. 2006. “Enforcing Performance: New Approaches to Govern Public Service Broadcasting.” Media, Culture & Society 28 (2): 261–284. doi:
  • Danielsson, Martin. 2014. “Digitala Distinktioner: Klass och Kontinuitet i Unga Mäns Vardagliga Mediepraktiker.” [Digital Distinctions: Class and Continuity in Young Men’s Everyday Media Practices]. PhD diss., Jönköping University.
  • Dawes, Simon. 2014. “Broadcasting and the Public Sphere: Problematising Citizens, Consumers and Neoliberalism.” Media, Culture & Society 36 (5): 702–719. doi:
  • Debrett, Mary. 2009. “Riding the Wave: Public Service Television in the Multi-platform Era.” Media, Culture & Society 31 (5): 807–827. doi:
  • Engblom, Lars-Åke, Sverker Jonsson, and Karl-Erik Gustafsson. 2002. Den Svenska Pressens Historia IV: Bland Andra Massmedier (Efter 1945). Västervik: Ekerlids förlag.
  • Enli, Gunn, Trine Syvertsen, and Ole J. Mjøs. 2018. “The Welfare State and the Media System: The Role of Media and Communications in the Evolution and Transformation of Scandinavian Welfare States.” Scandinavian Journal of History 43 (5): 601–623. doi:
  • Esping-Andersen, Gøsta. 1990. The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Flew, Terry. 2013. Global Creative Industries. London: Polity.
  • Flew, Terry, Petros Iosifidis, and Jeannette Steemers. 2016. Global Media and National Policies: The Return of the State. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Forsman, Michael. 2011. Lokalradio och Kommersiell Radio 1975–2010: En Mediehistorisk Studie av Produktion och Konkurrens [Local Radio and Commercial Radio 1975–2010: A Media Historical Study of Production and Competition]. Stockholm: Stockholm University.
  • Frenander, Anders. 2005. Kulturen som Kulturpolitikens Stora Problem: Diskussionen om Svensk Kulturpolitik under 1900-talet [Culture as the Big Issue in Culture Politics: The Discussion on Swedish Culture Politics in the 20th Century]. Hedemora: Gidlund.
  • Gill, Rosalind. 2008. “Culture and Subjectivity in Neoliberal and Postfeminist Times.” Subjectivity 25: 432–445. doi:
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  • Green-Pedersen, Christoffer. 2002. “New Public Management Reforms of the Danish and Swedish Welfare States: The Role of Different Social Democratic Responses.” Governance 15 (2): 271–294. doi:
  • Greve, Bent. 2007. “What Characterizes the Nordic Welfare State Model?” Journal of Social Sciences 3 (2): 43–51.
  • Hallin, Daniel C., and Paolo Mancini. 2004. Comparing Media Systems: Three Models of Media and Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Harvey, David. 2005. A Brief History of Neoliberalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Holtz-Bacha, Christina. 2021. “The Kiss of Death. Public Service Media Under Right-Wing Populist Attack.” European Journal of Communication 36 (3): 221–237. doi:
  • Kammer, Aske. 2016. “A Welfare Perspective on Nordic Media Subsidies.” Journal of Media Business Studies 13 (3): 140–152. doi:
  • Lantz, Gunnar. 2012. Presstöd under Press: Institutionell Förändring inom Svenska Tidningsmarknadens Stödsystem 1963-2011 [Press Subsidies Under Pressure: Institutional Change in Financial Support for Swedish Media]. Umeå: Umeå universitet.
  • Lindell, Johan, and Jan Fredrik Hovden. 2018. “Distinctions in The Media Welfare State: Audience Fragmentation in Post-Egalitarian Sweden.” Media, Culture & Society 40 (5): 639–655. doi:
  • Lunt, Peter. 2009. “Television, Public Participation and Public Service: From Value Consensus to the Politics of Identity.” The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 625: 128–138. doi:
  • Lund, Anker Brink, and Gregory Ferrell Lowe. 2013. “Current Challenges to Public Service Broadcasting in the Nordic Countries.” In Public Service Media from a Nordic Horizon: Politics, Markets, Programming and Users, edited by Ulla Carlsson, 51–74. Göteborg: Nordicom.
  • Mirowski, Philip, and Dieter Plehwe. 2009. The Road from Mont Pelerin: The Making of the Neoliberal Thought Collective. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Nielsen, Rasmus Kleis, and Geert Linnebank. 2011. Public Support for the Media: A Six-Country Overview of Direct and Indirect Subsidies. Oxford: Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism.
  • Norbäck, Maria. 2010. “Collaborative Financing and Production Making Public Service Content at SVT Sweden.” In The Public in Public Service Media, edited by Gregory Ferrell Lowe, 243–257. Gothenburg: Nordicom.
  • Nord, Lars. 2008. “Comparing Nordic Media Systems: North Between West and East?” Central European Journal of Communication 1 (1): 95–110.
  • Ohlsson, Jonas. 2015. The Nordic Media Market 2015: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden. Gothenburg: Nordicom.
  • Ohlsson, Jonas, Johan Lindell, and Sofia Arkhede. 2017. “A Matter of Cultural Distinction: News Consumption in the Online Media Landscape.” European Journal of Communication 32 (2): 116–130. doi:
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  • Picard, Robert J. 2015. “Book Review: The Media Welfare State.” The Journal of Media Innovation 2 (1): 141–142.
  • Piketty, Thomas. 2020. Capital and Ideology. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press.
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  • Raats, Tim, and Caroline Pauwels. 2013. “Best Frienemies Forever? Public and Private Broadcasting Partnerships in Flanders.” In Private Television in Western Europe, edited by Karen Donders, Caroline Pauwels, and Jan Loisen, 199–213. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Robinson, Jessica Y. 2016. The Media Welfare State: Statistical Appendix. Accessed August 13, 2021.
  • Siebert, Fred T., Theodore Peterson, and Wilbur Schramm. 1956. Four Theories of the Press. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
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  • SOU. 2016:80. En Gränsöverskridande Mediepolitik. För Upplysning, Engagemang och Ansvar [A Boundary Crossing Media Policy: For Enlightenment, Engagement and Responsibility].
  • The Swedish Media Council. 2019. Nyhetens Behag: Svenska Barns och Ungdomars Nyhetsanvändning [The Pleasure of News: News Use Among Swedish Children and Youth]. Stockholm: Statens medieråd.
  • Stiernstedt, Fredrik. 2013. “Från Radiofabrik till Mediehus: Medieförändring och Medieproduktion på MTG-Radio.” [From Radio Factory to Media House: Media Change and Media Production at MTG-Radio]. PhD diss., Örebro University.
  • Stiernstedt, Fredrik, and Peter Jakobsson. 2017. “Ghettos and Gated Communities in the Social Landscape of Television: Representations of Class in 1982 and 2015.” In Considering Class: Theory, Culture and the Media in the 21st Century, edited by Deidre O’Neill, and Mike Wayne, 255–272. Leiden: Brill.
  • Strömbäck, Jesper, Monika Djerf-Pierre, and Adam Shehata. 2013. “The Dynamics of Political Interest and News Media Consumption: A Longitudinal Perspective.” International Journal of Public Opinion Research 25 (4): 414–435. doi:
  • Strömbäck, Jesper, Mark Ørsten, and Toril Aalberg, eds. 2008. Communicating Politics: Political Communication in the Nordic Countries. Göteborg: Nordicom.
  • Strömblad, Gunnar. 2016. Framtidens Public Service – Från Analog Institution till Digital Funktion [Public Service for the Future: From Analogue Institution to Digital Function]. Accessed August 13, 2021.
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  • Syvertsen, Trine, Gunn Enli, Ole J. Mjøs, and Hallvard Moe. 2014. The Media Welfare State: Nordic Media in the Digital Era. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
  • Therborn, Göran. 2020. “Sweden's Turn to Economic Inequality, 1982–2019.” Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 52: 159–166. doi:
  • Vesterlund, Per. 2013. “Vägen till Filmavtalet–Harry Scheins Filmpolitiska Aktivitet innan 1963.” [The Road to the Film Policy Agreement: Harry Schein’s Film Policy Before 1963]. Nordisk Kulturpolitisk Tidsskrift 16 (1): 45–66.
  • Weibull, Lennart, and Anna-Maria Jönsson. 2007. “The Swedish Media Landscape.” In European Media Governance: National and Regional Dimensions, edited by Georgios Terzis, 169–180. Bristol: Intellect.
  • West Pedersen, Axel, and Stein Kuhnle. 2017. “The Nordic Welfare State Model: The Concept of a ‘Nordic Model’.” In The Nordic Models in Political Science: Challenged, but Still Viable? edited by Oddbjørn P. Knutsen, 249–272. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.