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Original Articles

The exclusion of women from financial services and the prospects of a human rights solution under Australian law

Pages 53-82 | Published online: 30 Oct 2017


Australian cases

  • Astley v Austrust Ltd (1999) 197 CLR 1
  • Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd v Bollas [1999] VSCA 50; BC9902736
  • Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v Dataline. Net. Au Pty Ltd [2002] FCA 89; BC200200499
  • Australian Education Union v Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission [1997] 1288 FCA; BC9706239
  • Australian Iron & Steel Pty Ltd v Banovic (1989) 168 CLR 165
  • Best Practice Education Group Ltd Has Blue Gum School v Department of Education & Community Services [2002] ACTDT 1
  • Boon v Park Avenue Nominees Pty Ltd [2001] NSWFTT 1
  • Cahill and Secretary, Department of Family and Community Services [2005] AATA1147
  • Campbell v ATSIC [1995] HREOCA 5
  • Edgley v Federal Capital Press of Australia Pty Ltd [1999] ACTSC 95; BC9906382
  • Gardner Corporation Pty Ltd v Zed Bears Pty Ltd [2001] WASC 106; BC200101887
  • Geyer v Harris Scarfe Pty Ltd [1998] HREOCA 38
  • Hunter Business Finance v Australian Business and Equipment Finance [2003] NSWSC 122; BC200300991
  • I v Major Wholesaler [2003] PrivCmrA 7
  • In the Marriage of James Robert Doyle (husband) and Janette Carolyn Doyle (wife/deceased), Michael O'Byrne Richardson and John Cameron MacMinn/Legal Personal Representatives, unreported, No B4953 (1982), Family Court of Australia, per Lindenmayer J
  • IW v City of Perth (1997) 146 ALR 696
  • Jonsson v Arkway Pty Ltd [2003] NSWSC 815; BC200305377
  • Le Cras v Perpetual Trustee Co Ltd [1967] 2 NSWR 706
  • Linkenholt Pty Ltd v Quirk [2000] VSC 166; BC200002358
  • Luu, Thi Thu Hang [2003] MRTA 6341
  • Minchello v Ford Motor Co of Australia Ltd [1988] VR 251
  • Moore v Fast Access Finance [2002] NSWCTTT 591
  • Park Avenue Nominees Pty Ltd v Boon (on behalf of Weir) [2001] NSWSC 700; BC200104848
  • R v Araya [2005] NSWCCA 283
  • R v Kelly; Ex parte Victoria (1950) 81 CLR 64
  • Rafiqi v Wacol Investments Pty Ltd (1998) ASC 155–024
  • Re Judith Margaret Mullally ex parte National Westminster Finance Australia Ltd No B60 of 1991 FED No 326 Bankruptcy
  • Re Manufacturing Grocers Employees Federation of Australia; Ex parte Australian Chamber of Manufactures (1986) 160 CLR 341
  • Refugee Review Tribunal Reference N98/23844
  • Schofield v Department of Community Services and Health [1990] HREOCA 10
  • Secretary, Department of Social Security v Kozhaya Dagher No N96/1613 AAT No 12329 (1996)
  • Southwell v Victorian Superannuation Board [1997] HREOCA 45
  • Sumner v PSS Board and Commonwealth of Australia [1998] HREOCA 16
  • Tableau Pty Ltd v Custom Credit Corporation Ltd No WAG5 of 1992 FED No 333
  • Tomiin v Ford Credit Australia [2005] NSWSC 540; BC200504113
  • Vincenzo Tranchita v Wavemaster International Pty Ltd [1998] WAIRComm 216
  • Visa International Service Association v Reserve Bank of Australia [2003] FCA 977; BC200305436
  • Waters v Public Transport Commission (1991) 173 CLR 349
  • Wylie, Torvaldsen & Torvaldsen v WA Government Employees Superannuation Board [1996] HREOCA 41
  • Yeshiva v Marshall [2004] NSWSC 921; BC200406800
  • Yousef v GE Mortgage Solutions Ltd (Commercial) [2003] NSWCTTT 808

New Zealand cases

  • Coburn v Human Rights Commission [1994] 3 NZLR 323
  • Simms, Jones Ltd v Protochem Trading NZ Ltd [1993] 3 NZLR 369

United Kingdom cases

  • Tai Hing Cotton Mill Ltd v Liu Chong Hing Bank Ltd [1986] AC 80
  • Wilson v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry [2003] UKHL 40

Australian legislation

New Zealand legislation

United Kingdom legislation

United States legislation

International legal material

  • Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995) Report of the Fourth World Conference on Women, UN Doc A/CONF.177/20 & Add.1, Chapter I, Resolution 1, Annexes I and II
  • CEDAW Committee (1994) General Recommendation No 21 concerning equality in marriage and family relations, 13th Session
  • Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (1979) UN Doc A/34/46, 18 December 1979 (entry into force generally 3 September 1981); ATS No 9 (1983) (entry into force for Australia 27 August 1983)
  • European Community (EC) Commission (1997) Summary report of reactions & comments, EC Doc COM(97)465 Final
  • ECCommission (2002) Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the harmonization of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the member states concerning credit for consumers, EC Doc COM(2002)443 Final
  • ECCommission (2004) Amended proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the harmonization of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the member states concerning credit for consumers repealing Directive 87/102/EC and modifying Directive 93/13/EC, EC Doc COM(2004)747 Final
  • UNGeneral Assembly Resolution S-23/3 (2000) Further actions and initiatives to implement the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, 23rd Special Session on ‘Women 2000: Gender Equality, Development and Peace for the Twenty First Century’. This paper also qualitatively analyses an illustrative sample of all state party reports over a five-year period which refer to credit and have been considered by the Committee during sessions 22 (2000) to 34 (2005) inclusive. Note that the final numeral indicates the report number: initial (1), combined second through fourth (2–4), fifth (5), etcetera. These national reports are: Albania, UN Doc CEDAW/C/ALB/1-2 (2002); Angola, UN Doc CEDAW/C/AGO/1-3 (2002) & UN Doc CEDAW/C/AGO/4-5 (2004); Australia, UN Doc CEDAW/C/AUL/4-5 (2004); Belgium, UN Doc CEDAW/C/BEL/3-4 (1998); Benin, UN Doc CEDAW/C/BEN/1-3 (2002); Bhutan, UN Doc CEDAW/C/BTN/1-3 (2003); Brazil, UN Doc CEDAW/C/BRA/1-5 (2002); Burkina Faso, UN Doc CEDAW/C/BFA/2-3 (1998); Burundi, UN Doc CEDAW/C/BDI/1 (2000); Cambodia, UN Doc CEDAW/C/KHM/1-3 (2004); Cameroon, UN Doc CEDAW/C/CMR/1 (1999); Costa Rica, UN Doc CEDAW/C/CRI/1-3 (2001); Ecuador, UN Doc CEDAW/C/ECU/4-5 (2002); El Salvador, UN Doc CEDAW/C/SLV/6 (2002); Equatorial Guinea, UN Doc CEDAW/C/GNQ/4-5 (2004); Eritrea, UN Doc CEDAW/C/ERI/1-2 (2004); Gabon, UN Doc CEDAW/C/GAB/2-5 (2003); Gambia, UN Doc CEDAW/C/GMB/1-3 (2003); Guatemala, UN Doc CEDAW/C/GUA/34 (2001); Guinea, UN Doc CEDAW/C/GIN/1 (2001); Guyana, UN Doc CEDAW/C/GUY/2; India, UN Doc CEDAW/C/IND/1 (1999); Jordan, UN Doc CEDAW/C/JOR/1 (1997); Kuwait, UN Doc CEDAW/C/KWT/1-2 (2003); Lao People's Democratic Republic, UN Doc CEDAW/C/LAO/1-5 (2003); Latvia, UN Doc CEDAW/C/LVA/1-3 (2003); Lebanon, UN Doc CEDAW/C/LBN/1 (2004); Luxembourg, UN Doc CEDAW/C/LUX/3 (1998); Mali, UN Doc CEDAW/C/MLI/2-5 (2004); Malta, UN Doc CEDAW/C/MLT/1-3 (2002); Morocco, UN Doc CEDAW/C/MOR/2 (2000); Nepal, UN Doc CEDAW/C/NPL/2-3 (2003); Nicaragua, UN Doc CEDAW/C/NIC/4 (1998); Paraguay, UN Doc CEDAW/C/PAR/5 (2004); Peru, UN Doc CEDAW/C/PER/5 (2001); Samoa, UN Doc CEDAW/C/WSM/1-3 (2003); Togo, UN Doc CEDAW/C/TGO/1-5 (2004); Tunisia, UN Doc CEDAW/C/TUN/3-4 (2000); Uzbekistan, UN Doc CEDAW/C/UZB/1 (2000); Yemen, UN Doc CEDAW/C/YEM/5 (2002); Zambia, UN Doc CEDAW/C/ZAM/3-4 (1999)

Other references

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