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Mathematizing in preschool: children’s participation in geometrical discourse

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  • Aarsand, P., and H. Melander. 2016. “Appropriation through Guided Participation: Media Literacy in Children’s Everyday Lives.” Discourse, Context and Media 12: 20–31. doi: 10.1016/j.dcm.2016.03.002
  • Albinsson, A. 2016. “De va svinhögt typ 250 kilo”: Förskolebarns mätande av längd, volym och tid i legoleken. [“It was super high like 250 kg”: Preschool children’s measuring of length, volume and time in Lego play]. Diss lic., University of Linköping.
  • Bäckman, K. 2015. “Matematiskt gestaltande i förskolan.” [Mathematical Formation in Preschool]. PhD diss., University of Åbo Akademi.
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  • Casey, B. M., N. Andrews, H. Schindler, J. E. Kersh, A. Samper, and J. Copley. 2008. “The Development of Spatial Skills through Interventions Involving Block Building Activities.” Cognition and Instruction 26 (3): 269–309. doi:10.1080/07370000802177177.
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  • Ramani, G. B., E. Zippert, S. Schweitzer, and S. Pan. 2014. “Preschool Children’s Joint Block Building During a Guided Play Activity.” Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 35 (4): 326–336. doi:10.1016/j.appdev.2014.05.005.
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  • Skoumpourdi, C. 2016. “Different Modes of Communicating Geometric Shapes, through a Game, in Kindergarten.” International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning 17 (2): 1–23.
  • Trawick-Smith, J., S. Swaminathan, B. Baton, C. Danieluk, S. March, and M. Szarwacki. 2016. “Block Play and Mathematics Learning in Preschool: The Effects of Building Complexity, Peer and Teacher Interactions in the Block Area, and Replica Play Materials.” Journal of Early Childhood Research 1 (16): 1–16. doi:10.1177/1476718X16664557.
  • van Oers, B. 2014. “The Roots of Mathematizing in Young Children’s Play.” In Early Mathematics Learning. Selected Papers of the POEM 2012 Conference, edited by C. Benz, B. Brandt, U. Kortenkamp, G. Krummheur, S. Ladel, and R. Vogel, 111–123. New York: Springer.