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Learning journey: a conceptual framework for analyzing children’s learning in educational transitions



  • Ackesjö, H. 2014. “Barns Övergångar till och från Förskoleklass: Gränser, Identiteter och (Dis-) kontinuiteter.” [Children’s Transitions to and from Preschool Class: Borders, Identities and (Dis-) continuities.] Doctoral thesis, Linnaeus University, Kalmar, Sweden.
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  • Wilder, J., and A. Lillvist. 2016. “Collaboration in Transitions From Preschool: Young Children with Intellectual Disabilities.” In Pedagogies of Educational Transitions, edited by N. Ballam, B. Perry, and A. Garpelin, 59–74. Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Wilder, J., and A. Lillvist. 2017. “Hope, Despair and Everything in Between–Parental Expectations of Educational Transition for Young Children with Intellectual Disability.” In Families and Transition to School, edited by S. Dockett, W. Griebel, and B. Perry, 51–66. Dordrecht: Springer.
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