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Balkan issues

Croatia's war of independence: The parameters of war termination

Pages 34-70 | Published online: 18 Dec 2007


  • Pillar , Paul R. 1983 . Negotiating Peace; War Termination as a Bargaining Process , 196 Princeton UP .
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  • Gajic‐Glisic . Srpska Vojska 262 (note 4)
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  • Jovic . Poslednji dani SFRJ 254 (note 8)
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  • Jovic . Poslednji dani SFRJ 281 (note 8)
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  • Jovic . Poslednji dani SFRJ 349 (note 8)
  • Jovic . Poslednji dani SFRJ 118 (note 8)
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  • 1995 . Globus, , 14 July : 50 – 2 . 55
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  • Kadijevic . Moje vidjenje raspada 134 (note 23)
  • Jovic . Poslednji dani SFRJ 386
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  • Kadijevic . Moje vidjenje raspada 135 (note 23)
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  • Jovic . Poslednji dani SFRJ 385 (note 8)
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  • Jovic . Poslednji dani SFRJ 386 (note 8)
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  • Mesic . Kako smo srusili Jugoslaviju 230 (note 43)
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  • Gajic‐Glisic . Srpska vojska 63 (note 4)
  • Jovic . Poslednji dani SFRJ 349 (note 8)
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  • Jovic . Poslednji dani SFRJ 402 – 3 . (note 8)
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  • 1991 . ‘Rat ce ubrzo zavrsiti’ [The War Will End Soon] . Vjesnik, , 23 Dec. : 7
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  • Jovic . Poslednji dani SFRJ 404 (note 8)
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  • Djurdjevic , Biljana . 1992 . ‘Drug na drumu; drug na frontu’ [One Comrade on the Road; Another Comrade at the Front] . Narodna armija, , 16 Jan. : 16
  • Popov . “ ‘Ispovest Pukovnika Berislava Popova; Varazdinska katastrofa’ ” . 56 (note 11)
  • Stefanovic , Nenad . 1995 . ‘Odmazda iz treceg pokusaja’ [Revenge on the Third Attempt] . Vreme, , 2 Jan. : 22
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  • Stefanovic , Nenad . 1995 . ‘Prezivelima zatvor, streljanima odlikovanje’ [Those Who Survived Go to Jail, Those Who Were Shot Get a Medal] . Vreme, , 27 Feb. : 18
  • Jovic . Poslednji dani SFRJ 407 (note 8)
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  • Jovic . Poslednji dani SFRJ 388 (note 8)
  • Rampy . “ ‘The Endgame’ ” . 50 (note 69)
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