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“Equal rites before the law”: religious celebrations of same-sex relationships in the Netherlands, 1960s–1990s



  • Bos, David J. De aard, de daad en het Woord: Een halve eeuw opinie- en besluitvorming over homoseksualiteit in protestants Nederland, 1959–2009. Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, 2010.
  • Bos, David J. “‘Vooral protestants opgevoede mensen zullen dit moeilijk kunnen verwerken’: Het proces-Van het Reve als vertoning van katholieke en homo-emancipatie.” In Seks in de nationale verbeelding: Culturele dimensies van seksuele emancipatie, edited by Agnes Andeweg, 47–76. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2015.
  • Bos, David J. “‘Woe the Pastor Who Becomes a Psychologist!’ The Introduction of Psychology in Hervormde Theology and Ministry.” In The Dutch and their Gods: Secularization and Transformation of Religion in the Netherlands Since 1950, edited by Erik Sengers, 101–124. Hilversum: Verloren, 2005.
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  • Keuzenkamp, Saskia, and David Bos. Out in the Netherlands: Acceptance of Homosexuality in Dutch Society. Den Haag: Netherlands Institute for Social Research, 2007.
  • Korte, Anne-Marie, Frans Vosman, and Theo de Wit, eds. De ordening van het verlangen: Vriendschap, verlangen en (homo)seksualiteit in joodse en christelijke tradities. Zoetermeer: Meinema, 1999.
  • Kuyper, Lisette, Jurjen Iedema, and Saskia Keuzenkamp. Towards Tolerance: Exploring Changes and Explaining Differences in Attitudes Towards Homosexuality in Europe. Den Haag: Netherlands Institute for Social Research, 2013.
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  • White, Heather R. “Gay Rights and Religious Rites: New York’s First Same-Sex Marriage Controversy.” In Queer Christianities: Lived Religion in Transgressive Forms, edited by Kathleen T. Talvacchia, Michael F. Pettinger, and Mark Larrimore, 79–90. New York: New York University Press, 2015.
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