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Research Articles

Bitcoin as a digital commodity



  • Abbatemarco, N., De Rossi, L., and Salviotti, G., 2018. An econometric model to estimate the value of a cryptocurrency network. The Bitcoin case. Association for Information Systems Electronic Library, Research Paper 164. Available from: https://aisel.aisnet.org/ecis2018_rp/164.
  • Abramova, M., Dubova, S., and Krivoruchko, S., 2020. Marxism and digital money as a new reality of social and economic system. In: M. L. Alpidovskaya, and E. G. Popkova, eds. Marx and modernitiy: a political and economic analysis of social systems management. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc., 411–21.
  • Aglietta, M., 2018. Money: 5000 years of debt and power. Brooklyn, NY: Verso.
  • Baldan, C., and Zen, F., 2020. The bitcoin as a virtual commodity: empirical evidence and implications. Frontiers in artificial intelligence, 3, 1–13. Article 21.
  • Barber, A., 2015. Bitcoin and the philosophy of money: evaluating the commodity status of digital currencies. Spectra, 4 (2). Available from: https://spectrajournal.org/articles/66/#.
  • Baur, D.G., Hong, K., and Lee, A.D., 2018. Bitcoin: medium of exchange or speculative assets? Journal of international financial markets, institutions and money, 54, 177–89.
  • Bjerg, O., 2016. How is bitcoin money? Theory, culture & society, 33 (1), 53–72.
  • Bonilla, C.M., 2020. ¿Otro Dinero es Posible? Conexiones entre la Mercancía Dineraria dentro de la Teoría del Valor-Trabajo de Das Kapital, el Bitcoin y la Descentralización de la Economía. Teknokultura, revista de cultura digital y movimientos sociales, 17 (2), 141–8.
  • Cogliano, J.F., et al., 2018. Value, competition and exploitation: Marx’s legacy revisited. Northampton: Edward Elgar.
  • Davidson, P., 1999. The nature of money. In: L. Davidson, ed. Uncertainty, international money, employment and theory: the collected writings of Paul Davidson. London: Macmillan, 169–78.
  • Dodd, N., 2018. The social life of bitcoin. Theory, culture & society, 35 (3), 35–56.
  • Duménil, G., 1980. De la valeur aux prix de production. Paris: Economica.
  • Duménil, G., and Lévy, D., 2000. The conservation of value: a rejoinder to Alan Freeman. Review of radical political economics, 32 (1), 119–46.
  • Eichengreen, B. 2019. From commodity to Fiat and now to Crypto: what does history tell us? NBER Working Paper w25426. National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Foley, D., 1982. The value of money, the value of labor power, and the Marxian transformation problem. Review of radical political economics, 14 (2), 37–47.
  • Foley, D., 2000. Recent developments in the labor theory of value. Review of radical political economics, 32 (1), 1–39.
  • Foley, D., 2018. The new interpretation after 35 years. Review of radical political economics, 50 (3), 559–68.
  • Foley, D., and Duménil, G., 2008. Marxian transformation problem. In: P. Macmillan, ed. The new Palgrave dictionary of economics. London: Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-349-95121-5_2082-1.
  • Golumbia, D., 2016. The politics of bitcoin: software as right-wing extremism. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Graeber, D., 2012. Debt: the first 5000 years. New York: Penguin.
  • Graf, K., 2014. Commodity, scarcity, and monetary value theory in light of bitcoin. Prices & markets, 3 (3), 1–24.
  • Gronwald, M., 2019. Is bitcoin a commodity? On price jumps, demand shocks, and certainty of supply. Journal of international money and finance, 97, 86–92.
  • Hayek, F.A., 1976. Choice in currency: a way to stop inflation. London: Institute of Economic Affairs.
  • Hayes, A., 2017. Cryptocurrency value formation: an empirical study leading to a cost of production model for valuing bitcoin. Telematics and informatics, 34 (7), 1308–21.
  • Hayes, A., 2018. Bitcoin price and its marginal cost of production: support for a fundamental value. Applied economics letters, 26 (7), 554–60.
  • Hayes, A., 2019. The socio-technological lives of bitcoin. Theory, culture & society, 36 (4), 49–72.
  • Hayes, A., 2021. World monies or money-worlds: a new perspective on cryptocurrencies and their moneyness. Finance and society, 7 (2), 130–9.
  • Ingham, G., 2004. The nature of money. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Karlstrøm, H., 2014. Do libertarians dream of electric coins? The material embeddedness of bitcoin. Distinktion: Scandinavian journal of social theory, 15 (1), 23–36.
  • Keynes, J.M., [1930] 2011. A treatise on money. Eastford: Martino.
  • Kostakis, V., and Giotitsas, C., 2014. The (a)political economy of bitcoin. TripleC: communication, capitalism & critique, 12 (2), 431–40.
  • Laibman, D., 2012. Political economy after economics. London: Routledge.
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  • Maurer, B., Nelms, T.C., and Swartz, L., 2013. When perhaps the real problem is money itself! The practical materiality of bitcoin. Social Semiotics, 23 (2), 261–77.
  • Mohun, S., 1993. A note on Steedman’s joint production and the new solution to the transformation problem. Indian economic review, 28 (2), 241–6.
  • Mohun, S., and Veneziani, R., 2018. Value, price, and exploitation: the logic of the transformation problem. In: Roberto Veneziani, and Luca Zamparelli, eds. Analytical political economy. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, 269–306.
  • Nakatani, P., and Mello, G.M.C., 2019. Crypto-currencies: from the fetishism of Gold to Hayek Gold. In: G. Mello, and M. Sabadini, eds. Financial speculation and fictitious profits: a Marxist analysis. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 63–85.
  • Nelms, T.C., et al., 2018. Social payments: innovation, trust, bitcoin, and the sharing economy. Theory, culture & society, 35 (3), 13–33.
  • Paraná, E., 2020. Bitcoin: a Utopia tecnocrática do dinheiro apolítico [Bitcoin: the technochractic Utopia of apolitical money]. São Paulo: Autonomia Literária. Forthcoming English translation: Money and Social Power: A Study on Bitcoin. Leiden, Boston: Brill.
  • Paraná, E. 2021. The political economy of bitcoin. Current affairs lecture, University of Groningen. Working paper. Available from: https://edemilsonparanainfo.files.wordpress.com/2021/03/the-political-economy-of-bitcoin-lecture.pdf.
  • Rotta, T.N., 2018. Unproductive accumulation in the United States: a new analytical framework. Cambridge journal of economics, 42 (5), 1367–92.
  • Rotta, T.N., and Teixeira, R.A., 2016. The autonomisation of abstract wealth: new insights on the labour theory of value. Cambridge journal of economics, 40 (4), 1185–201.
  • Rotta, T.N., and Teixeira, R.A., 2019. The commodification of knowledge and information. In: M. Vidal, etal, ed. The Oxford handbook of Karl Marx. New York: Oxford University Press, 79–399.
  • Swartz, L., 2018. What was bitcoin, what will it be? The techno-economic imaginaries of a new money technology. Cultural studies, 32 (4), 623–50.
  • Tamer, M., 2019. As criptomoedas como mercadoria-equivalente específica. Revista da procuradoria-geral do banco central, 12 (2), 110–21. Available from: https://revistapgbc.bcb.gov.br/index.php/revista/article/view/961.
  • Teixeira, R.A., and Rotta, T.N., 2012. Valueless knowledge-commodities and financialization: productive and financial dimensions of capital autonomization. Review of radical political economics, 44 (4), 448–67.
  • Tymoigne, E. 2013. The fair price of a bitcoin is zero. New economic perspectives. Available from: http://neweconomicperspectives.org/2013/12/fair-price-Bitcoin-zero.html [Accessed 9 Aug 2021].
  • Varoufakis, Y. 2013. Bitcoin and the dangerous fantasy of ‘apolitical’ money. Available from: https://www.yanisvaroufakis.eu/2013/04/22/bitcoin-and-the-dangerous-fantasy-of-apolitical-money [Accessed 9 Aug 2021].
  • Von Mises, L., [1912] 1981. The theory of money and credit. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund.
  • Wang, G., 2019. Marx’s monetary theory and its practical value. China political economy, 2 (2), 182–200.
  • White, R.S., et al., 2020. Is bitcoin a currency, a technology-based product, or something else? Technological forecasting and social change, 151, 1–13, 119877. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2019.119877.
  • Wray, L.R., 1998. Understanding modern money. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Yermack, D., 2015. Is bitcoin a real currency? An economic appraisal. In: D. L. K. Chuen, ed. Handbook of digital currency. San Diego: Academic Press, 31–43.