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Politics, planning, and ruling: the art of taming public participation



  • Public notes, political documents, etc.
  • Agger, Annika, and Karl Löfgren. 2008. “Democratic Assessment of Collaborative Planning Processes.” Planning Theory 7 (2): 145–164.
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  • Grange, Kristina. 2016. “Planners – A Silenced Profession? The Politicization of Planning and the Need for Fearless Speech.” Planning Theory 16 (3): 275–295.
  • Healey, Patsy. 2008. “The Pragmatic Tradition in Planning Thought.” Journal of Planning Education and Research 28: 277–292.
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  • Laws, David, and John Forester. 2007. “Learning in Practice: Public Policy Mediation.” Critical Policy Studies 1 (4): 342–370.
  • Legacy, Crystal. 2016. “Is There a Crisis of Participatory Planning?” Planning Theory 16 (4): 425–442.
  • Legacy, Crystal, Jonathan Metzger, Wendy Steele, and Enrico Guilani. 2019. “Beyond the Post-Political: Exploring the Relational and Situated Dynamics of Consensus and Conflict in Planning.” Planning Theory 19 (3): 273–281.
  • Mäntysalo, Raine, Alessandro Balducci, and Jonna Kangasoja. 2011. “Planning as Agonistic Communication in a Trading Zone: Re-examining Lindblom’s Partisan Mutual Adjustment.” Planning Theory 10 (3): 257–272.
  • Mäntysalo, Raine, Inger-Lise Saglie, and Göran Cars. 2011. “Between Input Legitimacy and Output Efficiency: Defensive Routines and Agonistic Reflectivity in Nordic Land-Use Planning.” European Planning Studies 19 (12): 2109–2126.
  • Metzger, Jonathan, Philip Allmendinger, and Stijn Oosterlynck. 2015. Planning Against the Political. Democratic Deficits in European Territorial Governance. London: Routledge.
  • Metzger, Jonathan, Linda Soneryd, and Kristina Tamm Hallström. 2017. “‘Power’ Is That Which Remains to Be Explained: Dispelling the Ominous Dark Matter of Critical Planning Studies.” Planning Theory 16 (2): 203–222.
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  • Ringholm, Toril, Torill Nyseth, and Gro S Hanssens. 2018. “Participation According to the Law. The Research Based Knowledge on Citizen’s Participation in Norwegian Municipal Planning.” European Journal of Spatial Development (67): 1–20.
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  • Van Wymeersch, Elisabet, Stijn Oosterlynck, and Thomas Vanoutrive. 2018. “The Political Ambivalence of Participatory Planning Initiatives.” Planning Theory 18 (3): 359–381.