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Situating the silence of recreation in transit-oriented development



  • Adelfio, M., U. Navarro Aguiar, C. Fertner, and E. D. C. Brandão. 2021. “Translating ‘New Compactism’, Circulation of Knowledge and Local Mutations: Copenhagen’s Sydhavn as a Case Study.” International Planning Studies 27 (2): 1–23.
  • Ahmad, A. M., A. M. Ahmad, and A. A. Aliyu. 2021. “Strategy for Shading Walkable Spaces in the GCC Region.” Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal 14: 312–328.
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  • Iamtrakul, P., and J. Zhang. 2014. “Measuring Pedestrians’ Satisfaction of Urban Environment Under Transit Oriented Development (TOD): A Case Study of Bangkok Metropolitan, Thailand.” Lowland Technology International 16: 125–134.
  • Knowles, R. D. 2012. “Transit Oriented Development in Copenhagen, Denmark: From the Finger Plan to Ørestad.” Journal of Transport Geography 22: 251–261.
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  • Lang, W., E. C. M. Hui, T. Chen, and X. Li. 2020. “Understanding Livable Dense Urban Form for Social Activities in Transit-Oriented Development Through Human-Scale Measurements.” Habitat International 104: 102238.
  • Langlois, M., D. van Lierop, R. A. Wasfi, and A. M. Ei-Geneidy. 2015. “Chasing Sustainability Do New Transit-Oriented Development Residents Adopt More Sustainable Modes of Transportation?” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2531 (1): 83–92.
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  • Lyu, G., L. Bertolini, and K. Pfeffer. 2020. “Is Labour Productivity Higher in Transit Oriented Development Areas? A Study of Beijing.” Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 111 (4): 652–670.
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  • Papa, E., and L. Bertolini. 2015. “Accessibility and Transit-Oriented Development in European Metropolitan Areas.” Journal of Transport Geography 47: 70–83.
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  • Qviström, M. 2015. “Putting Accessibility in Place: A Relational Reading of Accessibility in Policies for Transit-Oriented Development.” Geoforum; Journal of Physical, Human, and Regional Geosciences 58: 166–173.
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