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Special Issue: Natural resource exploitation in Western Sahara: new research directions; Guest editors: Joanna Allan and Raquel Ojeda-García

The role of non-state actors in the exploitation of Western Sahara’s natural resources


  • Allan, Joanna. 2016. “Natural Resources and Intifada: Oil, Phosphates and Resistance to Colonialism in Western Sahara.” Journal of North African Studies 21 (4): 645-666.
  • Allan, Jen Iris, and Jennifer Hadden. 2017. “Exploring the Framing Power of NGOs in Global Climate Politics.” Environmental Politics. doi:10.1080/09644016.2017.1319017.
  • Betsill, Michele, and Elisabeth Corell. 2008. “NGO Diplomacy: The Influence of Nongovernmental Organizations in International Environmental Negotiations.” Global Environmental Politics 8 (4): 146–148.
  • Byron, Jessica. 2017. “The Greenwashing of Africa’s Last Colony: The Case of Western Sahara.” European Masters Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation, University of Helsinki.
  • Campos, Alicia. 2008. “Oil, Sovereignty and Self-Determination: Equatorial Guinea & Western Sahara.” Review of African Political Economy 35: 435–447.
  • Chapaux, Vincent. 2007. “The Question of the European Community-Morocco Fisheries Agreement.” In International Law and the Question of Western Sahara, edited by Karin Arts, and Pedro Pinto Leite, 217–238. Leiden: International Platform of Jurists for East Timor.
  • Corell, Elisabeth, and Michele M. Betsill. 2001. “A Comparative Look at NGO Influence in International Environmental Negotiations: Desertification and Climate Change.” Global Environmental Politics 1 (4): 86–107.
  • Dawidowicz, Martin. 2013. “Trading Fish or Human Rights in Western Sahara? Self-Determination, Non-Recognition and the EC-Morocco Fisheries Agreement.” In Statehood and Self-Determination: Reconciling Tradition and Modernity in International Law, edited by Duncan French, 250–276. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hagen, Erik, and Mario Pfeifer. 2018. Profit Over Peace in Western Sahara: How Commercial Interests Undermine Self-Determination in the Last Colony in Africa. Berlin: Sternberg Press.
  • Hummelbrunner, Sandra, and Anne-Carlijn Prickartz. 2016. “It’s Not the Fish that Stinks! EU Trade Relations with Morocco Under the Scrutiny of the General Court of the European Union.” Utrecht Journal of International and European Law 83 (32): 19–140.
  • Joachim, Jutta, and Matthias Dembinski. 2011. “A Contradiction in Terms? NGOs, Democracy, and European Foreign and Security Policy.” Journal of European Public Policy 18 (8): 1151–1168.
  • Kassoti, Eva. 2019. “The Empire Strikes Back: The Council Decision Amending Protocols 1 and 4 to the EU-Morocco Associacion Agreement.” European Papers 1 (14): 307–317.
  • Menashy, Francine. 2016. “Understanding the Roles of non-State Actors in Global Governance: Evidence from the Global Partnership for Education.” Journal of Education Policy 31 (1): 98–118.
  • Naïli, Meriem. 2019. “Natural Resources in Western Sahara: A Fishy Battle at the Doors of Europe.” Cahiers L'Ouest saharien 9: 131–149.
  • Observatory of Human Rights and Business (ODHE). 2019. Los tentáculos de la ocupación: informe sobre la explotación de los recursos pesqueros del Sáhara Occidental en el marco de la ocupación del Estado marroquí. Barcelona: ODHE.
  • Saul, Ben. 2015. “The Status of Western Sahara as Occupied Territory Under International Humanitarian Law and the Exploitation of Natural Resources.” Global Change, Peace and Security 27 (3): 301–322.
  • Soroeta Liceras, Juan. 2016. “Judgment of 10 December 2015 of the General Court of the EU (T-512/12): A First Judicial Recognition in the EU of the Status of Western Sahara and of Frente Polisario as a Subject of International Law.” Revista general de derecho europeo 38 (January): 202–238.
  • Soroeta Liceras, Juan. 2017. “La cuestión de la legalidad de la explotación de los recursos naturales del Sahara Occidental ante el Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea.” In Retos para la acctión exterior de la Unión Europea, Directed by Carmen Martínez Capdevila, and Enrique J. Martínez Pérez, 73–96. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.
  • Turhan, Yunus, and Şerif Onur Bahçecik. 2020. “The Agency of Faith-Based NGOs in Turkish Humanitarian aid Policy and Practice.” Turkish Studies 2020: 1–19. doi:10.1080/14683849.2020.1756786.
  • Voltolini, Benedetta. 2015. “Non-state Actors and Framing Processes in EU Foreign Policy: The Case of EU–Israel Relations.” Journal of European Public Policy 23 (10): 1502–1519.
  • Voltolini, Benedetta. 2016. Lobbying in EU Foreign Policy-Making: The Case of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. London: Routledge.
  • Western Sahara Resource Watch. 2019. P for Plunder: Morocco’s Exports of Phosphates from Occupied Western Sahara. Brussels: Western Sahara Resource Watch.
  • Wrange, Pal. 2019. “Self-Determination, Occupation and the Authority to Exploit Natural Resources: Trajectories from Four European Judgments on Western Sahara.” Israel Law Review 52 (1): 3–29.