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Original Articles

Economic analysis of on-growing of salmon post-smolts



  • Abolofia, J., Asche, F., & Wilen, J. E. (2017). The cost of lice: Quantifying the impacts of parasitic sea lice on farmed salmon. Marine Resource Economics, 32(3), 329–349. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1086/691981.
  • Anderson, J. L., Asche, F., & Garlock, T. (2019). Economics of aquaculture policy and regulation. Annual Review of Resource Economics, 11(1), 101–123. doi:10.1146/annurev-resource-100518-093750
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  • Asche, F., Oglend, A., & Kleppe, T. (2017). Price dynamics in biological production processes exposed to environmental shocks. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 99(5), 1246–1264. doi:10.1093/ajae/aax048
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  • Asche, F., Misund, B., & Oglend, A. (2019). The case and cause of salmon price volatility. Marine Resource Economics, 34(1), 23–38. doi:10.1086/701195
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  • Bjørndal, T., & Tusvik, A. (2019). Economic analysis of land-based farming of salmon. Aquaculture Economics & Management, 23(4), 449–475. doi:10.1080/13657305.2019.1654558
  • Bjørndal, T., Guillen, J., Imsland, A., & Øiestad, V. (2015). Sole: Production and markets. Globefish Research Programme, Vol. 118, 72 p. Rome: FAO.
  • Braekkan, E. H., Thyholdt, S. B., Asche, F., & Myrland, Ø. (2018). The demands they are a-changin. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 45(4), 531–552.
  • Campo, S. R., & Zuniga-Jara, S. E. (2018). Reviewing capital cost estimations in aquaculture. Aquaculture Economics & Management, 22(1), 72–93. doi:10.1080/13657305.2017.1300839
  • Dahl, R., & Idsø, J. (2017). Biomassereguleringane i norsk lakseoppdrett. Verkemåte, tilpassingar, verknader og konsekvensar (in Norwegian: The biomass regulation in Norwegian salmon farming). Høgskulen på Vestlandet, Naerregion Sogn og Fjordane N-NR 6/2017.
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  • Dresdner, J., Chávez, C., Quiroga, M., Jiménez, D., Artacho, P., & Tello, A. (2019). Impact of Caligus treatments on unit costs of heterogeneous salmon farms in Chile. Aquaculture Economics & Management, 23(1), 1–27. doi:10.1080/13657305.2018.1449271
  • Garlock, T., Asche, F., Anderson, J., Bjørndal, T., Kumar, G., Lorenzen, K., … Tveterås, R. (2020). A global blue revolution: Aquaculture growth across regions, species, and countries. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 28(1), 107–116. doi:10.1080/23308249.2019.1678111
  • Guillen, J., Asche, F., Carvalho, N., Fernández Polanco, J. M., Llorente, I., Nielsen, R. … (2019). Aquaculture subsidies in the European Union: Evolution, impact and future potential for growth. Marine Policy, 104, 19–28. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2019.02.045
  • Hagspiel, V., Hannevik, J., Lavrutich, M., Naustdal, M., & Struksnaes, H. (2018). Real options under technological uncertainty: A case study of investment in a post-smolt facility in Norway. Marine Policy, 88, 158–166. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2017.11.020
  • Hersoug, B., Mikkelsen, E., & Karlsen, K. M. (2019). Great expectations-allocating licenses with special requirements in Norwegian salmon farming. Marine Policy, 100, 152–162. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2018.11.019
  • Hilmarsen, Ø., Holte, E. A., Brendeløkken, H., Høyli, R., & Hognes, E. S. (2018). Konsekvensanalyse av landbasert oppdrett av laks – matfisk og post-smolt (in Norwegian: Consequenses of land-bases salmon farming) (Sintef report OC2018 A-033). Trondheim: Sintef.
  • Holan, A. B., Roth, B., Breiland, M. S. W., Kolarevic, J., Hansen, Ø. J., & Iversen, A. (2017). Beste praksis for medikamentfrie metoder for lakseluskontroll (in Norwegian: Best practices for lice control without chemical treatment) (Nofima report 10/2017). Tromsø: Nofima.
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  • IMR. (2015). Foreslår å dele kysten i 11-13 produksjonsområder (in Norwegian: Proposing a division of the coast into 11-13 production areas). Norwegian Institute of Marine Research. News archive, published by Sunnset, A., 23.03.2015. Retrieved from http://www.imr.no/nyhetsarkiv/2015/mars/foreslar_a_dele_kysten_i_11-13_produksjonsomrader/nb-no
  • Iversen, A., Asche, F., Hermannsen, Ø., & Nystøl, R., (2020). Production cost and competitiveness in major salmon farming countries 2003–2018. Aqaculture, 522, 735089.
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  • Osmundsen, T. C., Almklov, P., & Tveterås, R. (2017). Fish farmers and regulators coping with the wickedness of aquaculture. Aquaculture Economics & Management, 21(1), 163–183. doi:10.1080/13657305.2017.1262476
  • Osmundsen, T. C., Olsen, M. S., & Thorvaldsen, T. (2020). The making of a louse – Constructing governmental technology for sustainable aquaculture. Environmental Science & Policy, 104, 121–128. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2019.12.002
  • Rocha-Aponte, F., & Tveterås, S. (2019). On the drivers of cost changes in the Norwegian salmon aquaculture sector: A decomposition of a flexible cost function from 2001 to 2014. Aquaculture Economics & Management, 23(3), 276–291. doi:10.1080/13657305.2018.1551438
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