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Equestrian tourism: animal agency observed

Pages 948-966 | Received 11 Mar 2017, Accepted 27 Jun 2017, Published online: 10 Jul 2017


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  • Selected websites
  • Ground operators:
  • Eifler Pferdetrekking (Germany) www.wanderreiten-in-der-nordeifel.de
  • Grenzenlos Wanderreiten (Germany) www.grenzenlos-wanderreiten.de
  • Mas du Sapin (Switzerland) www.camargue.ch
  • Makoa Farm (Tanzania) www.makoa-farm.com
  • Namibia Horse Safari Company (Namibia) www.namibiahorsesafari.com
  • Banff Trail Riders (Canada) www.horseback.com
  • Retail agencies:
  • Hidden Trails (Canada) www.hiddentrails.com
  • Equitours Horseback Vacations Worldwide (USA) www.equitours.com
  • Pferd & Reiter (Germany) www.pferdreiter.de
  • Das Urlaubspferd (Germany) www.urlaubspferd.de
  • Pegasus Reiterreisen (Switzerland) www.reiterreisen.com
  • In the Saddle (UK) www.inthesaddle.com
  • Unicorn Trails (UK) www.unicorntrails.com

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