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The centre no longer holds: the Lega, Matteo Salvini and the remaking of Italian immigration politics

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  • Albertazzi, Daniele, Arianna Giovannini, and Antonella Seddone. 2018. “‘No Regionalism Please, We Are Leghisti!’ The Transformation of the Italian Lega Nord under the Leadership of Matteo Salvini.” Regional & Federal Studies 28 (5): 645–671.
  • Albertazzi, Dr Daniele, and Duncan McDonnell. 2005. “The Lega Nord in the Second Berlusconi Government: In a League of Its Own.” West European Politics 28 (5): 952–972.
  • Albertazzi, Daniele, and Duncan McDonnell. 2010. “The Lega Nord Back in Government.” West European Politics 33 (6): 1318–1340.
  • Albertazzi, Daniele, Duncan McDonnell, and James L. Newell. 2011. “Di Lotta e Di Governo: The Lega Nord and Rifondazione Comunista in Office.” Party Politics 17 (4): 471–487.
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  • Busemeyer, Marius, Julian Garritzmann, and Erik Neimanns. 2020. A Loud but Noisy Signal?: Public Opinion and Education Reform in Western Europe. Cambridge Studies in the Comparative Politics of Education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/loud-but-noisy-signal/2BE73266F8A69275E7D14FA784B7FFC0.
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  • Caponio, Tiziana, and Teresa M. Cappiali. 2018. “Italian Migration Policies in Times of Crisis: The Policy Gap Reconsidered.” South European Society and Politics 23 (1): 115–132.
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  • D’Alimonte, Roberto. 2013. “The Italian Elections of February 2013: The End of the Second Republic?” Contemporary Italian Politics 5 (2): 113–129.
  • De Giorgi, Elisabetta, and Filippo Tronconi. 2018. “The Center-Right in a Search for Unity and the Re-emergence of the Neo-Fascist Right.” Contemporary Italian Politics 10 (4): 330–345.
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  • Dennison, James, and Andrew Geddes. 2019. “A Rising Tide? The Salience of Immigration and the Rise of Anti-Immigration Political Parties in Western Europe.” The Political Quarterly 90 (1): 107–116.
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  • Massetti, Emanuele. 2015. “Mainstream Parties and the Politics of Immigration in Italy: A Structural Advantage for the Right or a Missed Opportunity for the Left?” Acta Politica 50 (4): 486–505.
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  • Pettrachin, Andrea. 2020. “Opening the ‘Black Box’ of Asylum Governance: Decision-Making and the Politics of Asylum Policy-Making.” Italian Political Science Review / Rivista Italiana Di Scienza Politica 50 (2): 191–212.
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  • Polk, Jonathan, Jan Rovny, Ryan Bakker, Erica Edwards, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth Jolly, Jelle Koedam, et al. 2017. “Explaining the Salience of Anti-Elitism and Reducing Political Corruption for Political Parties in Europe with the 2014 Chapel Hill Expert Survey Data.” Research & Politics 4 (1): 2053168016686915.
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