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Southeast Asian Chinese engage a rising China: business associations, institutionalised transnationalism, and the networked state

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  • ACCCIM. 2018. “ACCCIM Brainstorming Workshop.” ACCCIM Bulletin 115 (5): 1–5.
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  • Liow, Joseph, Hong Liu, and Xue Gong. 2021. Research Handbook on the Belt and Road Initiative. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
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  • Liu, Hong, Kong Yam Tan, and Guanie Lim. 2022. The Political Economy of Regionalism, Trade, and Infrastructure: Southeast Asia and the Belt and Road Initiative in a New Era. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.
  • Long, Dengao, and Li Yiwei. 2018. “Forty Years of Overseas Chinese Investment in China: Development, Implications, and Trends.” Huaqiao Huaren Lishi Yanjiu [Overseas Chinese History Studies] 4: 1–13.
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