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On Brokers, Commodification of Information and Liberian Former Combatants


  • Adler, P.A. and Adler, P., 1991. Stability and flexibility: maintaining relations within organized and unorganized groups. In: W. Shaffir and R. Stebbins, eds. Experiencing fieldwork. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 173–183.
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  • Davies, C.A., 2002. Reflexive ethnography: A guide to researching selves and others. London/New York: Routledge.
  • Ellis, S., 2007. The mask of anarchy: the destruction of Liberia and the religious dimension of an African civil war. 2nd ed. London: Hurst.
  • Gerdes, F., 2013. Civil war and state formation - the political economy of war and peace in Liberia. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag.
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  • Hoffmann, K., 2014. Caught between apprehension and comprehension: dilemmas of immersion in a conflict setting. DIIS Working Paper 2014:09.
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  • Käihkö, I., 2015. ‘Taylor must go’—the strategy of the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy. Small Wars & Insurgencies, 26 (2), 248–270.
  • Käihkö, I., 2016. Bush generals and small boy battalions: military cohesion in Liberia and beyond. Dissertation (PhD). Uppsala University.
  • Käihkö, I., 2017. Liberia incorporated: military contracting. Cohesion and Inclusion in Charles Taylor’s Liberia. Conflict, Security & Development, 17 (1), 53–72. doi:10.1080/14678802.2017.1261446
  • Käihkö, I., 2018. Conflict chatnography: instant messaging apps, social media and conflict ethnography in Ukraine. Ethnography. doi:10.1177/1466138118781640
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