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Research Article

Effectiveness of developing cross-cultural competence of pre-service teachers: a mixed-meta method research

Received 23 Jun 2023, Accepted 20 May 2024, Published online: 30 May 2024


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Studies included in the analyses

  • Adıyaman, H. K. (2016). Uluslararasi öğrencilerin kültürlerarasi iletişim yeterliği üzerine bir inceleme: türkiye burslululari örneği [An investigation on intercultural communication qualification of international students: The case of Turkish scholarships] [Master’s thesis]. Anadolu University.
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  • Başol, H. Ç. (2017). Developing and implementing an intercultural communicative competence framework through blended learning in foreign language education context [Doctoral dissertation]. Çukurova University.
  • Çandirli, B. (2018). A study on intercultural competence of pre-service EFL teachers through short stories [Master’s thesis]. Muğla Sitki Koçman University.
  • Çiloğlan, F. (2018). The relationship between intercultural sensitivity and English language achievement [Master’s thesis]. Gaziantep University.
  • Çingöl, N., Karakaş, M. F., Çelebi, E., & Zengin, S. (2021). Determining the effect of an intercultural nursing course on empathic skill and intercultural sensitivity levels: An intervention study. Nurse Education Today, 99, 104782. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2021.104782
  • Civelekoğlu, N. (2015). The use of poestry to raise intercultural awareness of EFL students [Master’s thesis]. Akdeniz University.
  • Göçen, S. (2019). Okul yöneticilerinin kültürlerarasieğitime ilişkin görüşleri [Master’s thesis]. Dicle University.
  • Güneş, G. (2018). Implementation of intercultural communicative competence (ICC): Perceptions of learners and their teacher in an EFL classroom [Master’s thesis]. Bahçeşehir University.
  • Hernández, A., & Alonso-Marks, E. (2018). Cross-Cultural sensitivity and intensity of interaction in study abroad: A developmental approach. Porta Linguarum. https://doi.org/10.30817/digibug.54045
  • Kafa, S. (2016). The effect of using ELF materials on the development of intercultural awareness and the attitudes of language learners [Master’s thesis]. Erciyes University.
  • Kazykhankyzy, L. (2019). The predictors of intercultural communicative competence in Turkish and Kazakh settings: Academic self-concept and L2 motivational self-system [Doctoral dissertation], Hacetepe University, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Kiliç, S. (2013). English language lecturers’ beliefs and practices regarding intercultural competence [Doctoral dissertation]. Istanbul University.
  • Ko, B., Boswell, B., & Yoon, S. S. (2015). Developing intercultural competence through global link experiences in physical education. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 20(4), 366–380. https://doi.org/10.1080/17408989.2013.837441
  • Mahmud, M. M., & Wong, S. F. (2016). Understanding the repercussions of intercultural communicative competence: A study on the degree of students’ cultural awareness, social and communication skills. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(3), 5561–5573. https://doi.org/10.14687/jhs.v13i3.4093
  • Mashudi, M., Nurmansyah, A., Saenko, N. R., Nurjamin, A., & Sharifullina, S. R. (2022). The impact of English cultural awareness on Indonesian advanced EFL learners’ grammar knowledge. International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 10(1), 99–108. https://doi.org/10.22034/ijscl.2021.246709
  • Mulcar, V. (2019). The role of Erasmus plus KA2 mobilities in learners’ intercultural sensitivity and attitudes towards English language [Master’s thesis]. Muğla Sitki Koçman University.
  • Ongun, O. (2016). Communicating across cultures: Intercultural competence development in food and beverages sector in Beyoglu Istanbul [Master’s thesis]. Galatasaray University.
  • Pasand, P. G., Amerian, M., Dowlatabadi, H., & Mohammadi, A. (2021). Developing EFL learners’ intercultural sensitivity through computer-mediated peer interaction. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 50(6), 571–587. https://doi.org/10.1080/17475759.2021.1943496
  • Saygili, D. (2017). Yabanci dil olarak türkçe öğreten öğretmenlerin kültürlerarasi duyarliliği [Intercultural sensitivity of teachers teaching turkish as a foreign language] [Master’s thesis], Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Şen, M. (2020). Pre-service English teachers’ perceived levels of and perceptions on intercultural communicative competence [Master’s thesis]. Hacetepe University.
  • Tekin, M. Effect of a culturalist versus an interculturalist approach in elt on Turkish EFL teacher candidates’ proteophilic competence [Master’s thesis]. East Technical University.
  • Toscu, S. (2018). The impact of telecollaboration on learners’ intercultural communicative competence and ideal L2 self [Doctoral dissertation]. Hacetepe University.
  • Tütüncü, N. (2014). An explatory case study of English language teachers with study abroad experiences: Intercultural communicative competence related perceptions and implications [Master’s thesis]. Middle East Technical University.
  • Tuzcueken, D. (2018). Designing a training for Erasmus candidates to improve their intercultural communicative competence [Doctoral dissertation]. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University.
  • Wang, H. (2021). Raising cross-cultural awareness among the undergraduates through intentional design in a culture course in the US – an exploratory mixed-method experimental design [Doctoral dissertation]. Western Kentucky University.
  • Yaprak, Z. (2018). Developing critical intercultural competence in second language teacher education [Doctoral dissertation]. Gazi University.
  • Yilmaz, B. (2016). Exploring university teachers’ and students’ perception of intercultural awareness [Master’s thesis]. Çukurova University.
  • Zorba, M.G., (2019). Raising intercultural awareness of the 7th grade students through practical English activities [Doctoral dissertation]. Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.

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