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Wildlife Conservation and Protected Areas in China: A Law and Policy Bibliography


  • Beyer, Stefanie. (2006). Environmental Law and Policy in the People's Republic of China. Chinese Journal of International Law 5(1): 185–211.
  • Carter, Neil, T., & Mol, Arthur, P.J., eds. (2007). Environmental Governance in China. London and New York: Routledge. Reprint of a special issue of Environmental Politics 15(2): 2006.
  • China Environment Forum (2008/09). Special issue on Environment and Health. China Environment Series, No. 10. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars. Available: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/topics/pubs/ces10.pdf
  • Economy, Elizabeth. (2010). The River Runs Black: The Environmental Challenge to China's Future, 2nd ed. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
  • Edmonds, Richard L., ed. (2000) Managing the Chinese Environment. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Elvin, Mark. (2004). The Retreat of the Elephants: An Environmental History of China. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Friedmann, John. (2005). China's Urban Transition. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Gallagher, KellySims, & Lewis, JoannaI. (2012). China's Quest for a Green Economy. In Environmental Policy: New Directions for the 21st Century,8thed., eds. Norman, J.Vig & Michael, E.Kraft. Washington, DC: CQ Press.
  • Green Futures. (2006). Special issue, “Greening the Dragon: China's Search for a Sustainable Future.” September. Available: http://www.forumforthefuture.org/sites/default/files/images/GreenFutures/Greening_the_dragon/Greening_the_dragon_lowres.pdf
  • Hanson, ArthurJ., Martin, C.,(2006). One Lifeboat: China and the World's Environment and Development. Winnipeg, Manitoba: International Institute for Sustainable Development. Available: http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2006/china_one_lifeboat.pdf
  • Ho, Peter, & Vermeer, EdwardB. (2006). China's Limits to Growth: Greening State and Society. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. Reprint of a special issue of Development and Change 37(1).
  • Holdaway, J. (2010). Environment and Health in China: An Introduction to an Emerging Research Field. Journal of Contemporary China 19(63): 1–22.
  • Ka, Zeng, & Eastin, Joshua. (2007). International Economic Integration and Environmental Protection: The Case of China. International Studies Quarterly 51(4): 971–995.
  • Ka, Zeng, & Eastin, Joshua. (2011). Greening China: The Benefits of Trade and Foreign Direct Investment. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
  • Keeley, James, & Zheng, Yisheng, eds. (2011). Green China: Chinese Insights on Environment and Development. London: IIED. Available: http://pubs.iied.org/pdfs/17509IIED.pdf
  • Lewis, JoannaI. (2010). “Environmental Challenges: From the Local to the Global.” In China Today, China Tomorrow: Domestic Politics, Economy, and Society, ed., Joseph Fewsmith. Lanham, MD: Roman and Littlefield.
  • Lieberthal, Kenneth, & Oksenberg, Michel. (1988). Policy Making in China: Leaders, Structure, and Process. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Liu, Jianguo, & Diamond, Jared. (2005). China's Environment in a Globalizing World: How China and the Rest of the World Affect Each Other. Nature 435(7046): 1179–1186. Supplemental material available: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v435/n7046/suppinfo/4351179a.html
  • Maohong, Bao. (2004). Environmental History in China. Environment and History, 10(4): 475–499.
  • Marks, Robert. (2012). China: Its Environment and History. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Ministry of Environmental Protection, People's Republic of China. (2009). “2008: Report on the State of the Environment in China.” Beijing, June 4. Available: http://english.mep.gov.cn/down_load/Documents/201002/P020100225377359212834.pdf
  • Ministry of Environmental Protection. (2010). “2009: Report on the State of the Environment in China.” People's Republic of China, Beijing. May 31. Available: http://english.mep.gov.cn/down_load/Documents/201104/P020110411532104009882.pdf
  • OECD. (2006). Environmental Compliance and Enforcement in China: An Assessment of Current Practices and Ways Forward. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Available: http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/33/5/37867511.pdf
  • Schell, Orville. (2011, December). “How Wal-Mart Is Changing China,” The Atlantic. Available: http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2011/12/how-walmart-is-cha-ngingchina/308709.
  • Scott, JamesC. (2009). The Art of Not Being Governed. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Serger, SylviaSchwaag, & Breidne, Magnus. (2007). China's Fifteen-Year Plan for Science and Technology: An Assessment. Asia Policy 4 (July): 135–164.
  • Shapiro, Judith. (2001). Mao's War against Nature: Politics and the Environment in Revolutionary China. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Shapiro, Judith. (2012). China's Environmental Challenges. Cambridge, U.K.: Polity Press.
  • Simons, Craig. (2013). The Devouring Dragon: How China's Rise Threatens Our Natural World. New York: St. Martin's Press.
  • Sonnenfeld, DavidA. (2012). Rule of Law (pp. 320-323), in The Encyclopedia of Sustainability, Vol. 7: China, India, and East and Southeast Asia: Assessing Sustainability, eds. Sam Geall, Jingjing Liu, & Sony Pellissery. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing.
  • Stalley, Phillip. (2009). Can Trade Green China? Participation in the Global Economy and the Environmental Performance of Chinese Firms. Journal of Contemporary China 18(61): 567–590.
  • Stalley, Phillip. (2010). Foreign firms, investment, and environmental regulation in the People's Republic of China. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Tilt, Bryan (2010). The Struggle for Sustainability in Rural China: Environmental Values and Civil Society. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Wang, Alex L. (2013). The Search for Sustainable Legitimacy: Environmental Law and Bureaucracy in China. Harvard Environmental Law Review 37: 365–440.
  • Watts, Jonathan. (2010). When a Billion Chinese Jump: How China Will Save Mankind or Destroy It. New York: Scribner.
  • Wen, Jiabao. (2011). “Report on the Work of the Government.” Delivered at the Fourth Session of the Eleventh National People's Congress, March 5. Available: http://www.uncsd2012.org/rio20/content/documents/Report%20on%20the%20Work%20of%20th e%20Government.pdf
  • Wu, Weiping, & Piper Gaubatz. (2013). Environmental Quality and Sustainability (pp. 221–240), in The Chinese City. London: Routledge.
  • Yang, Dongping, (2007-2011). The China Environment Yearbook, vols. Leiden, NL: Brill. Note: The five volumes cover the years 2005–2009.
  • Zhang, Kun-min. (2001). Policies and Actions on Sustainable Development in China. Beijing: China Environmental Science Press.
  • Zhang, Qingfeng, & Robert Crooks. (2012). Toward an Environmentally Sustainable Future: Country Environmental Analysis of the People's Republic of China. Manila: Asian Development Bank.


  • Harris, PaulG. (2012). Environmental Policy and Sustainable Development in China. Bristol: Policy Press.
  • He, G.Z., Lu, Y.L., Mol, A.P. J., & Beckers, T. (2012). Changes and challenges of China's environmental management. Environmental Development, 3: 25–38.
  • He, G.Z., Zhang, L., Lu, Y.L., & Mol, A.P. J. (2011). Managing major chemical accidents in China: Towards effective risk information. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 187: 171–181.
  • Jahiel, AbigailR. (1998). The Organization of Environmental Protection in China. China Quarterly 156: 757–787.
  • Liu Jingjing, & Moser, Adam. (2011). Environmental Law – China (pp. 220–223), in The Law and Politics of Sustainability, vol. 3 of the Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing Group.
  • Lo, C., Fryxell, G., & Wong, W. (2006). Effective Regulations with Little Effect? The Antecedents of the Perceptions of Environmental Officials on Enforcement Effectiveness in China. Environmental Management 38(3): 388–410.
  • Lo, C.W. H., & Tang, S.Y. (2006). Institutional Reform, Economic Changes, and Environmental Management in China: The Case of Guangdong Province. Environmental Politics, 15(2): 190–210.
  • Orts, E.W. (2003). Environmental Law with Chinese Characteristics. William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal, 11: 545–567.
  • Shen, Bo, Price, Lynn.(2012), June. China's Approaches to Financing Sustainable Development. (LBNL-5579E). Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California.
  • Stern, Rachel. (2010). On the Frontlines: Making Decisions in Chinese Civil Environmental Lawsuits. Law & Policy, 32(1): 79–103.
  • Van Rooij, Benjamin. (2006). Implementation of Chinese Environmental Law: Regular Enforcement and Political Campaigns. Development and Change, 37(1): 57–74.
  • Van Rooij, Benjamin. (2006). Regulating Land and Pollution in China: Lawmaking, Compliance, and Enforcement. Theory and Cases. Ph.D. Thesis, Leiden University, the Netherlands. Available: https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/bitstream/handle/1887/5433/Thesis.pdf
  • Van Rooij, B., & Lo Wing-Hung C. (2010). Fragile Convergence: Understanding Variation in the Enforcement of China's Industrial Pollution Law. Law & Policy, 32(1): 14–37.
  • VJEL. (2007). Special issue on China in Transition: Environmental Challenges in the Far East. Vermont Journal of Environmental Law 8(2). Available: http://www.vjel.org/journal/VJEL10051.html
  • Wang, Alex. (2007). The Role of Law in Environmental Protection in China: Recent Developments. Vermont Journal of Environmental Law, 8(2):195–224.
  • Wang, Canfa. (2007). Chinese Environmental Law Enforcement: Current Deficiencies and Suggested Reforms. Vermont Journal of Environmental Law, 8(2): 159–194.
  • Wen, Zongguo. (2010). Environmental Policy in Contemporary China: Formation, Characters and Trends. Beijing: Chinese Environmental Science Press .温宗国 编著: ⟨⟨当代中国的 环境政策: 形成 特点与 趋 势⟩⟩,中国 环境科学出版社.
  • Yang, Chun-Xi, Head, JohnW., & Sheng-Rong, Liu. (1994). China's Treatment of Crimes Against the Environment: Using Criminal Sanctions to Fight Environmental Degradation in the PRC. Journal of Chinese Law 8(2): 145–184. Available: http://kuscholarworks.ku.edu/dspace/bitstream/1808/7482/1/Head_8JChineseL145(1994).pdf
  • Zhang, Kun-min, & Wen, Zong-guo. (2009). Review and Challenges of Policies of Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development in China. Journal of Environmental Management 88(4): 1249–1261.


  • Bina, O. (2010). Environmental Governance in China: Weakness and Potential from an Environmental Policy Integration Perspective. The China Review 10(1): 207–240.
  • Chinese Environmental Protection Federal Association. (2006). The State of Chinese Environmental NGOs.
  • Chun, Rosa. (2009). Ethical values and environmentalism in China: Comparing employees from state-owned and private firms. Journal of Business Ethics, 84(3): 341–348. Supplement 3: Global and Contextual Values for Business in a Changing World.
  • Cooper, C.M. (2006). ‘This is Our Way In’: The Civil Society of Environmental NGOs in South-West China. Government and Opposition, 41: 109–136. doi:10.1111/j.1477–7053.2006.00173.x
  • De Burgh, Hugo, & Rong, Zheng. (2012). China's Environment and China's Environment Journalists: A Study. Bristol, England: Intellect Ltd.
  • Gareau, BrianJ., & Borrego, John. (2012). Global Environmental Governance, Competition, and Sustainability in Global Agriculture (pp. 357–365), in The Routledge Handbook of World-Systems Analysis, eds. Salvatore Babones & Christopher Chase-Dunn. London: Routledge.
  • Ge Junjie, Bi, Jun, & Wang, Shi. (2009). Public participation in Chinese environmental protection. In Building Effective Governance for Water Environment Conservation in China. Chiba, Japan: Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization. Available: http://www.ide.go.jp/English/Publish/Download/Jrp/pdf/153_ch2.pdf
  • Harris, PaulG. (2004). ‘Getting rich is glorious’: Environmental values in the People's Republic of China. Environmental Values, 13(2): 145–165.
  • Harris, PaulG. (2008). Green or Brown? Environmental Attitudes and Governance in Greater China. Nature & Culture, 3(2): 151–182.
  • Harris, RichardB. & Shilai, Ma. (1997). Initiating a hunting ethic in Lisu Villages, western Yunnan, China. Mountain Research and Development, 17(2): 171–176.
  • Hathaway, MichaelJ. (2010). The emergence of indigeneity: Public intellectuals and indigenous space in southwest China. Cultural Anthropology 25(2), 301–333.
  • Hathaway, MichaelJ. (2010). Global environmental encounters in southwest China: Fleeting intersections and transnational work. Journal of Asian Studies, 69(2): 427–451.
  • Hathaway, MichaelJ. (2013). Environmental Winds: Making the global in southwest China. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • He, G.Z., Mol, A.P. J., & Lu, Y.L. (2012). Trust and Credibility in Governing China's Risk Society. Environmental Science and Technology 46(14): 7442–7443.
  • Ho, Peter, & Edmonds, RichardL., eds. (2008). China's Embedded Activism: Opportunities and Constraints of a Social Movement. London: Routledge.
  • Hong, Dayong. (2001). Conversion and Maintenance: The Transformation of Chinese Non- governmental Organizations for Environmental Protection. Management World, No. 6.
  • IPE & NRDC. (2011). Environmental Open Information: Between Advance and Retreat. The 2009- 2010 Pollution Information Transparency Index (PITI) Second Annual Assessment of Environmental Transparency in 113 Chinese Cities. Beijing: Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs, and Natural Resources Defense Council. Available: http://china.nrdc.org/files/china_nrdc_org/PITI%202010%20EN.pdf
  • Kang, Shih-Hao. (2010). Book review: Hong Dayong, ‘The Growing Nongovernmental Forces for Environmental Protection in China.’ East Asian Science, Technology and Society, 4: 457–460.
  • Liu, JohnChung-en, & Leiserowitz, Anthony. (2009). From Red to Green? Environmental Attitudes and Behavior in Urban China. Environment, 51(4): 32–45.
  • Lora-Wainwright, Anna. (2010). An Anthropology of Cancer Villages: Villagers’ Perspectives and the Politics of Responsibility. Journal of Contemporary China, 19(63): 79–99.
  • Lora-Wainwright, Anna. (2013). Fighting for Breath: Living morally and dying of cancer in a Chinese village. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
  • Maohong, B. (2012). Environmentalism and Environmental Movements in China since 1949. Ch.26, in A Companion to Global Environmental History (eds J.R. McNeill & E.S. Mauldin), Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, doi:10.1002/9781118279519.
  • Mertha, Andrew. (2010). China's Water Warriors: Citizen Action and Policy Change. 2nd ed. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
  • Mol, A.P. J. (2009). Urban Environmental Governance Innovations in China. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 1(1): 96–100.
  • Mol, A.P. J., He, G-Z., & Zhang, L. (2011). Information Disclosure as Environmental Risk Management: Developments in China. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 40(3): 163–192.
  • Moorman, JesseL., & Zhang, G. (2007). Promoting and Strengthening Public Participation in China's Environmental Impact Assessment Process: Comparing China's EIA Law and U.S. NEPA. Vermont Journal of Environmental Law, 8(2): 281–336.
  • Nepal, SanjayK. & Weber, KarlE. (1995). Prospects for coexistence: Wildlife and local people. Ambio, 24(4): 238–245.
  • Ru, Jiang, & Ortolano, Leonard. (2009). Development of citizen-organized environmental NGOs in China. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 20(2): 141–168.
  • Saich, Tony. (2011). Governance and Politics of China, 3rd ed. New York: Palgrave, MacMillan.
  • Shen, Xiaoli. (2012). Does science replace traditions? Correlates between traditional Tibetan culture and local bird diversity in Southwest China. Biological Conservation, 145(1): 160–170.
  • Stalley, Phillip, & Yang, Dongning. (2006). An emerging environmental movement in China? The China Quarterly, 186: 333–356.
  • Tilt, Bryan. (2010). The Struggle for Sustainability in Rural China: Environmental Values and Civil Society. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Van Rooij, Benjamin. (2010). The People vs. Pollution: Understanding Citizen Action against Pollution in China. Journal of Contemporary China, 19(63): 55–77.
  • Wang, Qing-jie. (2005). Transparency in the Grey Box of China's Environmental Governance: A Case Study of Print Media Coverage of an Environmental Controversy from the Pearl River Delta Region. Journal of Environment & Development, 14(2): 278–312.
  • Wells-Dang, Andrew. (2012). Civil Society Networks in China and Vietnam: Informal Pathbreakers in Health and the Environment. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Wu, F. (2009). Environmental Politics in China: An Issue Area in Review. Journal of Chinese Political Science, 14(4): 383–406. Xiao, Chenyang, Dunlap, Riley E., & Hong, Dayong. (2012). The Nature and Bases of Environmental Concern among Chinese Citizens. Social Science Quarterly, 94(3): 672–690. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6237.2012.00934.x
  • Xiao, Chenyang, & Hong, Dayong. (2010). Gender Differences in Environmental Behaviors in China. Population & Environment, 32: 88–104.
  • Xiao, Guangling, & Zhao, Xiumei. (2002). Research on Environmental NGOs in Beijing. Beijing: Beijing Press.
  • Xie, Lei. (2007). Environmental Activism in Urban China: The Role of Personal Networks. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Environmental Policy. Wageningen University, the Netherlands.
  • Xie, L. (2011). China's Environmental Activism in the Age of Globalization. Asian Politics & Policy, 3: 207–224. doi:10.1111/j.1943-0787.2011.01256.x
  • Xue, L., Simonis, U.E., (2006). Environmental Governance in China. Report of the Task Force on Environmental Governance, China Council of International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED). Beijing (ch. 1 and 2). . Available: http://skylla.wz- berlin.de/pdf/2007/p07-001.pdf
  • Yang, Guobin. (2005). Environmental NGOs and Institutional Dynamics in China. The China Quarterly, 181: 46–66.
  • Yang, Guobin. (2010). Civic Environmentalism (pp. 119–139), in Reclaiming Chinese Society: The New Social Activism, eds. You-tien Hsing and Ching Kwan Lee. London: Routledge.
  • Yang, Guobin, & Deng, Yanhua. (2013). Pollution and Protest: Environmental Mobilization in Context. The China Quarterly, 214: 321–326.
  • Yang, Ruby, & Lennon, Thomas. (2010). The Warriors of Quigang. Film. Yale Environment 360, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, New Haven, CT. Available: http://e360.yale.edu/feature/the_warriors_of_qiugang/2358/
  • Zhang, L., He, G.Z., Mol, A.P. J., & Lu, Y. (2013). Public Perceptions of Environmental Risk in China. Journal of Risk Research, 16(2): 195–209 doi:10.1080/13669877.2012.726240
  • Zhong, Lijin, & Mol, A.P. J. (2008). Participatory Environmental Governance in China: Public Hearings on Urban Water Tariff Setting, Journal of Environmental Management, 88(4): 899–913.


4.1  Assessments of Major Threats to Wildlife in China

  • Cao, Shixiong. (2010). Damage caused to the environment by reforestation policies in arid and semi-arid areas of China. Ambio, 39(4): 279–283.
  • Coggins, ChristopherR. (2000). Wildlife conservation and bamboo management in China's southeast uplands. Geographical Review, 90(1): 83–111.
  • Fox, JosephL. (2009). Tibetan antelope Pantholops hodgsonii conservation and new rangeland management policies in the western Chang Tang Nature Reserve, Tibet: is fencing creating an impasse? Oryx, 43(2): 183–190.
  • Gratwicke, Brian, (2008). The world can't have wild tigers and eat them, too. Conservation Biology, 22(1): 222–223.
  • Grumbine, R.Edward. (2011). Creating a ‘Conservation with Chinese Characteristics.’ Biological Conservation, 144(5): 1347–1355.
  • Kirkpatrick, R.C., & Emerton, L. (2010). Killing Tigers to Save Them: Fallacies of the Farming Argument. Conservation Biology, 24: 655–659. doi:10.1111/j.1523-1739.2010.01468.x
  • Lang, Graeme. (2002). Forests, floods, and the environmental state in China. Organization & Environment, 15(2): 109–130.
  • Lang, Graeme, & Chan, CathyHiu Wan. (2006). China's impact on forests in Southeast Asia. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 36(2): 167–194.
  • Larsen, Thorjorn, (2006). Acid Rain in China. Environmental Science & Technology, 39(2): 418–425.
  • Liu, J., Ouyang, Z., Taylor, W.W., Groop, R., Tan, Y. & Zhang, H. (1999). A Framework for Evaluating the Effects of Human Factors on Wildlife Habitat: the Case of Giant Pandas. Conservation Biology, 13:1360–1370. doi:10.1046/j.1523-1739.1999.98418.x
  • Liu, M., & Tian, H. (2010). China's land cover and land use change from 1700 to 2005: Estimations from high-resolution satellite data and historical archives. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 24, GB3003 doi:10.1029/2009GB003687
  • Loucks, ColbyJ., Lü, Z., Dinerstein, E., Wang, H., Olson, D.M., Zhu, C., & Wang, D. (2001). Giant Pandas in a Changing Landscape. Science, 294 (5546): 1465, doi:10.1126/science.1064710
  • Ma, Ming, & Cai, Dai. (2002). Threats to whooper swans in Xinjiang, China. Waterbirds: The International Journal of Waterbird Biology, 25: 331–333.
  • Mainka, SusanA., & Mills, JudyA. (1995). Wildlife and traditional Chinese medicine: Supply and demand for wildlife species. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 26(2): 193–200.
  • McGowan, P.J. K., Zhang, Y.-Y., & Zhang, Z.-W. (2009). Galliformes – barometers of the state of applied ecology and wildlife conservation in China. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46: 524–526. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2664.2009.01631.x
  • Mo, Xiao-Xue, (2011). Traditional forest management has limited impact on plant diversity and composition in a tropical seasonal rainforest in SW China. Biological Conservation, 144(6): 1832–1840.
  • Mol, ArthurP. J. (2011). China's Ascent and Africa's Environment. Global Environmental Change, 21(3): 785–794.
  • Pettigrew, M., Xie, Y., Kang, A., Rao, M., Goodrich, J., Liu, T., & Berger, J. (2012). Human–carnivore conflict in China: a review of current approaches with recommendations for improved management. Integrative Zoology, 7: 210–226. doi:10.1111/j.1749-4877.2012.00303.x
  • Scharf, K.M., Fernández-giménez, M.E., Batbuyan, B., & Enkhbold, S. (2009). Herders and Hunters in a Transitional Economy: The Challenge of Wildlife and Rangeland Management in Post-socialist Mongolia. Ch.12 in Wild Rangelands: Conserving Wildlife While Maintaining Livestock in Semi-Arid Ecosystems (eds. J.T. du Toit, R. Kock & J.C. Deutsch), Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, doi:10.1002/9781444317091
  • Senior, Kathryn. (2006). Chinese still have a taste for wildlife delicacies. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 4(5): 231.
  • Tang, Ya, (2005). Over-exploitation and lack of protection is leading to a decline of a protected calcicolous tree speces Excentrodendron hsienmu (Tillaceae) in China. Biological Conservation, 126(1): 14–23.
  • Verissimo, D., Challender, D.W. S., & Nijman, V. (2012). Wildlife trade in Asia: start with the consumer. Asian Journal of Conservation Biology. 1: 4950
  • Wood, Chris, (2010). Implications of rice agriculture for wild birds in China. Special issue, Ecology and Conservation of Birds in Rice Fields: A Global Review. Waterbirds: The International Journal of Waterbird Biology, 33(1): 30–43.
  • Xu, Haigen, (2009). China's progress towards the significant reduction of the rate of biodiversity loss. BioScience, 59(10): 843–852.
  • Yiqing, Ma. (1994). Conservation and utilization of the bear resources in China. Bears: Their Biology and Management, 9(1): 157–159. A selection of papers from the ninth international conference on bear research and management, Missoula, Montana February 23–28, 1992.
  • Zhou, Zhihua, & Jiang, Zhigang. (2004). International Trade Status and Crisis for Snake Species in China. Conservation Biology, 18(5): 1386–1394.

4.2  History, Evolution, and Effectiveness of Protected Areas and Wildlife Policy

  • Dayuan, Xue. (1998). The legislation, enforcement, and further needs for biodiversity conservation in china. Ambio, 27(6): 489491.
  • Ervin, Jamison. (2003). Rapid assessment of protected area management effectiveness in four countries. BioScience, 53(9): 833–841.
  • Harris, RichardB. (1991). Conservation prospects for musk deer and other wildlife in southern Qinghai, China. Mountain Research and Development, 11(4): 353–358.
  • Harris, RichardB. (2007). Wildlife Conservation in China: Preserving the Habitat of China's Wild West. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.
  • Hongfa, Xu, & Giles, RobertH. (1995). A view of wildlife management in China. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 23(1): 18–25.
  • Jim, C.Y., & Xu, S.S. W. (2004). Recent Protected-Area Designation in China: An evaluation of administrative and statutory procedures. The Geographical Journal, 170(1): 39–50.
  • Jing, Zhu. (1989). Nature conservation in China. Journal of Applied Ecology, 26: 825–833.
  • Kram, Megan, et al. (2012). Protecting China's Biodiversity: A Guide to Land Use, Land Tenure & Land Protection Tools. Arlington, VA: The Nature Conservancy.
  • Li, PeterJ. (2007). Enforcing Wildlife Protection in China: The Legislative and Political Solutions. China Information, 21(1): 71–107.
  • Li, Yanbo, (2013). Current status and recent trends in financing China's nature reserves. Biological Conservation, 158: 296–300.
  • Liang, Dan. (2012). Payment Schemes for Forest Ecosystem Services in China: Policy, Practices and Performance. Wageningen, NL: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
  • Liang, Dan, & Mol, A.P. J. (2013). Political modernization in China's forest protection: Payment schemes for forest ecological services in Liaoning. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 15(1): 65–88.
  • Liu, J., Ouyang, Z., Pimm, S.L., Raven, P.H., Wang, X., Miao, H., & Han, N. (2003). Protecting China's Biodiversity. Science, 300(5623): 1240–1241, doi:10.1126/science.1078868
  • McNeely, J.A., Kapoor-Vijay, P., Zhi, L., Olsvig-Whittaker, L., Sheikh, K.M., & Smith, A.T. (2009). Conservation Biology in Asia: The Major Policy Challenges. Conservation Biology, 23: 805–810. doi:10.1111/j.1523-1739.2009.01284.x
  • Miller, DanielJ. & Schaller, GeorgeB. (1997). Conservation threats to the Chang Tang Wildlife Reserve, Tibet. Ambio, 26(3): 185–186.
  • Sayer, J.A., & Sun, C. (2003). “Impacts of policy reforms on forest environments and biodiversity.” Ch. 9 in China's Forests: Global Lessons from Market Reforms, eds. WilliamF. Hyde, Brian Belcher, & Jintao Xu. Washington, DC: Resources for the Future.
  • Shuqing, An, et al. (2007). China's natural wetlands: Past problems, current status, and future challenges. Ambio, 36(4): 335–342.
  • Tang, Lina. (2010). Forest degradation deepens around and within protected areas in East Asia. Biological Conservation, 143(5): 1295–1298.
  • Vina, Andres, et  al. (2007). Temporal changes in giant panda habitat connectivity across boundaries of Wolong Nature Reserve, China. Ecological Applications, 17(4): 1019–1030.
  • Wang, Guangyu, (2012). National park development in China: Conservation or commercialization? Ambio, 41(3): 247–261.
  • Wang, Xinxia (1993). The Implementation of CITES in China. Review of European Community & International Environmental Law, 2: 370–374. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9388.1993.tb00139.x
  • Xu, Jiliang. (2012). A review and assessment of nature reserve policy in China: advances, challenges and opportunities. Oryx, 46(4): 554–562.
  • Xu, Jintao, (2006). China's Ecological Rehabilitation: Unprecedented Efforts, Dramatic Impacts, and Requisite Policies. Ecological Economics, 57(4): 595–607.
  • Xu, J. & Melick, D.R. (2007). Rethinking the Effectiveness of Public Protected Areas in Southwestern China. Conservation Biology, 21: 318–328. doi:10.1111/j.1523-1739.2006.00636.x
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