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Not Just “A Roof over Your Head”: The Meaning of Healthy Housing for People Living with HIVFootnote

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  • Aidala, Angela. 2005. Homelessness, Housing Instability and Housing Problems among Persons Living with HIV/AIDS. Atlanta, GA: First National Housing and HIV/AIDS Research Summit, Emory University.
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  • Greene, Saara, Ruthann Tucker, Sean B. Rourke, LaVerne Monette, Jay J. Koornstra, Michael Sobota, Steve Byers, et al. 2010. “‘Under My Umbrella’: The Housing Experiences of HIV Positive Parents Who Live with and Care for Their Children in Ontario.” Archives of Women’s Mental Health 13 (3): 223–232.10.1007/s00737-009-0090-5
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  • Monette, LaVerne, Sean B. Rourke, Ruthann Tucker, Saara Greene, Michael Sobota, Steve Byers, Amrita Ahluwalia, et al. 2009. “Housing Status and Health Outcomes in Aboriginal People Living with HIV/AIDS in Ontario: The Positive Spaces, Healthy Places Study.” Canadian Journal of Aboriginal Community-based HIV/AIDS Research 2: 41–60.
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  • Rourke, Sean B., Michael Sobota, Ruthann Tucker, Tyegaye Bekele, Katherine Gibson, Saara Greene, Colleen Price, Jay J. Koornstra, LaVerne Monette, and Steve Byers. 2011. “Social Determinants of Health Associated with Hepatitis C Co-infection among People Living with HIV: Results from the Positive Spaces, Healthy Places Study.” Open Medicine 5 (3): e120–31.
  • Rourke, Sean B., Tyegaye Bekele, Ruthann Tucker, Saara Greene, Michael Sobota, Jay J. Koornstra, LaVerne Monette, et al. 2012. “Housing Characteristics and Their Influence on Health-related Quality of Life in Persons Living with HIV in Ontario, Canada: Results from the Positive Spaces, Healthy Places Study.” AIDS and Behavior 16 (8): 2361–2373.10.1007/s10461-012-0284-0
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