CrossRef citations to date
2020 Ruth Zemke Lecture in Occupational Science

To act in front of the stories: Narrative interpretation as a resource to move from what to how



  • Adichie, C. N. (2009). The danger of a single story. TED Conferences
  • Alsaker, S., Bongaardt, R., & Josephsson, S. (2009). Studying narrative-in-action in women with chronic rheumatic conditions. Qualitative Health Research, 19(8), 1154–1161.
  • Bruner, J. S. (1986). Actual minds, possible worlds. Harvard University Press.
  • Butler, J. (2016). Rethinking vulnerability and resistance. In J. Butler, Z. Gambetti, & L. Sabsay (Eds.), Vulnerability in resistance (pp. 12–27). Duke University Press. https://doi.org/10.1215/9780822373490-002
  • Dickie, V., Cutchin, M. P., & Humphry, R. (2006). Occupation as transactional experience: A critique of individualism in occupational science. Journal of Occupational Science, 13(1), 83–93. https://doi.org/10.1080/14427591.2006.9686573
  • Herulf Scholander, L., Boström, A.-M., Josephsson, S., & Vikström, S. (2022) Engaging in narrative relations in everyday work on a geriatric ward: A qualitative study with healthcare professionals. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 32(13-14), 3954–3966. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.16480
  • Josephsson, S., Asaba, E., Jonsson, H., & Alsaker, S. (2006). Creativity and order in communication: Implications from philosophy to narrative research concerning human occupation. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 13(2), 86–93. https://doi.org/10.1080/11038120600691116
  • Josephsson, S., Öhlén, J., Mondaca, M., Guerrero, M., Luborsky, M., & Lindström, M. (2022). Using Ricoeur’s notions on narrative interpretation as a resource in supporting person-centredness in health and social care. Nursing Philosophy, 23(3), e12398. https://doi.org/10.1111/nup.12398
  • Kristensson Uggla, B. (1994). Kommunikation på bristningsgränsen: en studie i Paul Ricoeurs projekt [Communication at the breaking point: A study in Paul Ricoeur’s project]. Brutus Östling.
  • Kristensson Uggla, B. (2022). What makes us human? Exploring the significance of Ricoeur’s ethical configuration of personhood between naturalism and phenomenology in health care. Nursing Philosophy, 23(3), e12385. https://doi.org/10.1111/nup.12385
  • Mattingly, C. (1998). Healing dramas and clinical plots: The narrative structure of experience (Vol. 7). Cambridge University Press.
  • Nyman, A., Josephsson, S., & Isaksson, G. (2014). Being part of an unfolding story: Togetherness in everyday occupations when ageing. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 21(5), 368–376. https://doi.org/10.3109/11038128.2014.911956
  • Reid, H. A. J., Hocking, C., & Smythe, L. (2019). The unsustainability of occupational based model diagrams. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 27(7), 474–480. https://doi.org/10.1080/11038128.2018.1544663
  • Reilly, M. (1962). Elanor Clarke Slagle Lecture: Occupational therapy can be one of the great ideas of the twentieth century. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 16(1), 5–14. https://doi.org/10.1177/00084174630300010
  • Ricoeur, P. (1992). Oneself as another (Trans. K. Blamey). University of Chicago Press.
  • Ricoeur, P. (2014). Time and narrative (Vol. 3; Trans K. Blamey & D. Pellauer). University of Chicago Press. (Original work published 1990)
  • Schön, D. A. (2017). The reflective practitioner: How professionals think in action. Routledge.
  • Szymborska, W. (1996). Could have [poem]. In View with a grain of sand (Trans. S. Baranczak & C. Cavanagh). Harcourt Brace.
  • Tranströmer, T. (2011). Romanesque arches [poem]. In New collected poems (Trans. R. Fulton). Bloodaxe Books.