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Consequences of Politicians’ Perceptions of the News Media

A hostile media phenomenon approach

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  • Aalberg, Toril, and Jesper Strömbäck. 2011. “Media-Driven Men and Media-Critical Women? An Empirical Study of Gender and MPs Relationships with the Media in Norway and Sweden.” International Political Science Review 32 (2): 167–187. doi:10.1177/0192512110378902.
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  • Strömbäck, Jesper. 2008. “Four Phases of Mediatization: An Analysis of the Mediatization of Politics.” The International Journal of Press/Politics 13(3): 228–246. doi:10.1177/1940161208319097.
  • Strömbäck, Jesper, and Peter van Aelst. 2013. “Why Political Parties Adapt to the Media: Exploring the Fourth Dimension of Mediatization.” International Communication Gazette, 75 (4): 341–358. doi:10.1177/1748048513482266.
  • Tsfati, Yariv. 2007. “Hostile Media Perceptions, Presumed Media Influence and Minority Alienation: The Case of Arabs in Israel.” Journal of Communication 57: 632–651. doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.2007.00361.x.
  • Tsfati, Yariv, and Jonathan Cohen. 2005a. “Democratic Consequences of Hostile Media Perceptions: The Case of Gaza Settlers.” Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics 10 (4): 28–51. doi:10.1177/1081180X05280776.
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  • Van Aelst, Peter, and Toril Aalberg. 2011. “Between Trust and Suspicion. A Comparative Study of the Relationship Between Politicians and Political Journalists in Belgium, Norway and Sweden.” Javnost – The Public 18 (4): 73–88. doi:10.1080/13183222.2011.11009068.
  • Van Aelst, Peter, Kees Brants, Philip van Praag, Claes de Vreese, Michiel Nuytemans, and Arjen van Dalen. 2008. “The Fourth Estate as Superpower? An Empirical Study of Perceptions of Media Power in Belgium and the Netherlands.” Journalism Studies 9 (4): 494–511. doi:10.1080/14616700802114134.