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Journalism and the Coronavirus Pandemic

Media Management During COVID-19: Behavior of Swedish Media Leaders in Times of Crisis



  • Andersson, U., and J. Wiik. 2013. “Journalism Meets Management: Changing Leadership in Swedish News Organizations.” Journalism Practice 7 (6): 705–719.
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  • Bartsch, S., E. Weber, M. Büttgen, and A. Huber. 2020. “Leadership Matters in Crisis-Induced Digital Transformation: How to Lead Service Employees Effectively During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Journal of Service Management 32 (1): 71–85. doi:https://doi.org/10.1108/JOSM-05-2020-0160.
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  • Bunce, M. 2019. “Management and Resistance in the Digital Newsroom.” Journalism 20 (7): 890–905.
  • Creech, B., and A. M. Nadler. 2018. “Post-industrial fog: Reconsidering Innovation in Visions of Journalism’s Future.” Journalism 19 (2): 182–199.
  • Daraba, D., H. Wirawan, R. Salam, and M. Faisal. 2021. “Working from Home During the Corona Pandemic: Investigating the Role of Authentic Leadership, Psychological Capital, and Gender on Employee Performance.” Cogent Business & Management 8 (1): 1885573.
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  • Dirani, K. M., M. Abadi, A. Alizadeh, B. Barhate, R. C. Garza, N. Gunasekara, Ibrahim Ghassan, Z. Majzun. 2020. “Leadership Competencies and the Essential Role of Human Resource Development in Times of Crisis: A Response to Covid-19 Pandemic.” Human Resource Development International 23 (4): 380–394.
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  • Stoker, J. I., H. Garretsen, and D. Soudis. 2019. “Tightening the Leash After a Threat: A Multi-Level Event Study on Leadership Behavior Following the Financial Crisis.” The Leadership Quarterly 30 (2): 199–214.
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  • Waldenström, A., J. Wiik, and U. Andersson. 2019. “Conditional Autonomy: Journalistic Practice in the Tension Field Between Professionalism and Managerialism.” Journalism Practice 13 (4): 493–508.
  • Wendt, H., M. C. Euwema, and I. H. Van Emmerik. 2009. “Leadership and Team Cohesiveness Across Cultures.” The Leadership Quarterly 20 (3): 358–370.
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