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International Management and Agreements

Progress towards the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive (2000–2012)


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  • Birk, S., Bonne, W., Borja, A., Brucet, S., Courrat, A., Poikane, S., Solimini, A., van de Bund, W., Zampoukas, N. and Hering, D., 2012. Three hundred ways to assess Europe's surface waters: An almost complete overview of biological methods to implement the Water Framework Directive. Ecol. Indicators 18, 31–41.
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  • George, T. K. and Boyd, D., 2007. Limitations on the Development of Quantitative Monitoring Plans to Track the Progress of Beneficial Use Impairment Restoration at Great Lakes Areas of Concern. J. Great Lakes Res. 33, 686–692.
  • Hellsten, S., Willby, N., Mjelde, M., Ecke, F., Free, G. and Phillips, G., 2012. Final results of intercalibration of NGIG macrophyte methods for assessing ecological status of Northern European lakes. Intercalibration report, milestone 6. https://circabc.europa.eu/w/browse/c48010c0-863b-49e6-8f1a-22da029cd93b (accessed 15 December 2012).
  • Hering, D., Borja, A., Carstensen, J., Carvalho, L., Elliott, M., Feld, C. K., Heiskanen, A.-S., Johnson, R. K., Moe, J., Pont, D., Lyche-Solheim, A. and de Bund, W.v., 2010. The European Water Framework Directive at the age of 10: A critical review of the achievements with recommendations for the future. Sci. Total Environ. 408, 4007–4019.
  • Hering, D., Borja, A., Carvalho, L. and Feld, C., 2013. Assessment and recovery of European water bodies: key messages from the WISER project. Hydrobiologia 704, 1–9.
  • Hobæk, A., Løvik, J. E., Rohrlack, T., Moe, S. J., Grung, M., Bennion, H., Clarke, G. and Piliposyan, G. T., 2012. Eutrophication, recovery and temperature in Lake Mjøsa: detecting trends with monitoring data and sediment records. Freshwat. Biol. 57, 1998–2014.
  • Hoornbeek, J. A., 2004. Policy-making institutions and water policy outputs in the European Union and the United States: a comparative analysis. Journal of European Public Policy 11, 461–496.
  • Jeppesen, E., Søndergaard, M., Jensen, J. P., Havens, K. E., Anneville, O., Carvalho, L., Coveney, M. F., Deneke, R., Dokulil, M. T., Foy, B. O.B., Gerdeaux, D., Hampton, S. E., Hilt, S., Kangur, K., Köhler, J. A.N., Lammens, E. H.H. R., Lauridsen, T. L., Manca, M., Miracle, M. R., Moss, B., Nöges, P., Persson, G., Phillips, G., Portielje, R. O.B., Romo, S., Schelske, C. L., Straile, D., Tatrai, I., Willén, E. V.A. and Winder, M., 2005. Lake responses to reduced nutrient loading – an analysis of contemporary long-term data from 35 case studies. Freshwat. Biol. 50, 1747–1771.
  • Jeppesen, E., Kronvang, B., Meerhoff, M., Søndergaard, M., Hansen, K. M., Andersen, H. E., Lauridsen, T. L., Liboriussen, L., Beklioglu, M., Özen, A. and Olesen, J. E., 2009. Climate Change Effects on Runoff, Catchment Phosphorus Loading and Lake Ecological State, and Potential Adaptations All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. J. Environ. Qual. 38, 1930–1941.
  • Jeppesen, E., Meerhoff, M., Holmgren, K., González-Bergonzoni, I., Teixeira-de Mello, F., Declerck, S., De Meester, L., Søndergaard, M., Lauridsen, T., Bjerring, R., Conde-Porcuna, J., Mazzeo, N., Iglesias, C., Reizenstein, M., Malmquist, H., Liu, Z., Balayla, D. and Lazzaro, X., 2010. Impacts of climate warming on lake fish community structure and potential effects on ecosystem function. Hydrobiologia 646, 73–90.
  • Kelly, M., 2012. The semiotics of slime: visual representation of phytobenthos as an aid to understanding ecological status. Freshwater Reviews 5, 105–119.
  • Kelly, M., Juggins, S., Guthrie, R., Pritchard, S., Jamieson, J., Rippey, B., Hirst, H. and Yallop, M., 2008. Assessment of ecological status in U.K. rivers using diatoms. Freshwat. Biol. 53, 403–422.
  • Kelly, M., King, L. and Ní Chatháin, B., 2009. The conceptual basis of ecological-status assessments using diatoms. Biology & Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 109, 175–189.
  • Kelly, M. G., Gómez-Rodríguez, C., Kahlert, M., Almeida, S. F.P., Bennett, C., Bottin, M., Delmas, F., Descy, J.-P., Dörflinger, G., Kennedy, B., Marvan, P., Opatrilova, L., Pardo, I., Pfister, P., Rosebery, J., Schneider, S. and Vilbaste, S., 2012. Establishing expectations for pan-European diatom based ecological status assessments. Ecol. Indicators 20, 177–186.
  • Lyche-Solheim, A., Rekolainen, S., Moe, S. J., Carvalho, L., Phillips, G., Ptacnik, R., Penning, W. E., Toth, L., O’Toole, C., Schartau, A.-K. and Hesthagen, T., 2008. Ecological threshold responses in European lakes and their applicability for the Water Framework Directive (WFD) implementation: synthesis of lakes results from the REBECCA project. Aquat. Ecol. 42, 317–334.
  • Lyche-Solheim, A., Feld, C., Birk, S., Phillips, G., Carvalho, L., Morabito, G., Mischke, U., Søndergaard, M., Hellsten, S., Kolada, A., Bőhmer, J., Miler, O., Pusch, M., Argillier, C., Jeppesen, E., Lauridsen, T., Poikane, S. and Mjelde, M., 2013. Ecological status assessment of European lakes: a comparison of metrics for phytoplankton, macrophytes, benthic invertebrates and fish. Hydrobiologia 704, 57–74
  • Middelboe, A. L. and Markager, S., 1997. Depth limits and minimum light requirements of freshwater macrophytes. Freshwat. Biol. 37, 553–568.
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  • Nõges, P., van de Bund, W., Cardoso, A., Solimini, A. and Heiskanen, A.-S., 2009. Assessment of the ecological status of European surface waters: a work in progress. Hydrobiologia 633, 197–211.
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  • Pardo, I., Gómez-Rodríguez, C., Wasson, J.-G., Owen, R., van de Bund, W., Kelly, M., Bennett, C., Birk, S., Buffagni, A., Erba, S., Mengin, N., Murray-Bligh, J. and Ofenböeck, G., 2012. The European reference condition concept: A scientific and technical approach to identify minimally-impacted river ecosystems. Sci. Total Environ. 420, 33–42.
  • Penning, W., Dudley, B., Mjelde, M., Hellsten, S., Hanganu, J., Kolada, A., van den Berg, M., Poikane, S., Phillips, G., Willby, N. and Ecke, F., 2008. Using aquatic macrophyte community indices to define the ecological status of European lakes. Aquat. Ecol. 42, 253–264.
  • Phillips, G. L., Eminson, D. and Moss, B., 1978. A mechanism to account for macrophyte decline in progressively eutrophicated freshwaters. Aquat. Bot. 4, 103–126.
  • Phillips, G., Carvalho, L., Maberly, S. C., Reynolds, C. S. and Willby, N., 2003. The assessment of ecological quality of lakes in the Great Britain ecoregion: an update on current thinking and a possible approach for phytoplankton. TeemaNord 547, 35–39.
  • Phillips, G., Kelly, A., Pitt, J.-A., Sanderson, R. and Taylor, E., 2005. The recovery of a very shallow eutrophic lake, 20 years after the control of effluent derived phosphorus. Freshwat. Biol. 50, 1628–1638.
  • Phillips, G., Mischke, U., Van Wichelen, J., Søndergaard, M., Karottki, I., Ott, I., Maileht, K., Laplace-Treyture, C., Free, G., Portielje, R. O. B., and Pasztaleniec, A., 2012. WFD Intercalibration phase 2, milestone 6 report on Cenral Baltic GIG lakes phytoplankton. https://circabc.europa.eu/sd/d/c7332ca8-ca89-4c0d-90f9-59198f1d2bd1/PHYTO_CB%20_Lake_TechnicalReport_6marchb_CIRCA.doc (accessed 15 December 2012).
  • Phillips, G., Lyche-Solheim, A., Birger, S., Ute, M., Stina, D., Free, G., Jävinen, M., Caridad, D.H., Giuseppe, M., Sandra, P. and Laurence, C., 2013. A phytoplankton trophic index to assess the status of lakes for the European Water Framework Directive. Hydrobiologia 704, 75–95.
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  • Poikane, S., Berg, M.V.D., Ortiz-Casas, J., Phillips, G., Lyche-Solheim, A., Tierney, D. and Wolfram, G., 2009. Lake assessment strategy in European Union (EU): Case study of European large lakes. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 30, 1007–1012.
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  • Poikane, S., van den Berg, M., Hellsten, S., de Hoyos, C., Ortiz-Casas, J., Pall, K., Portielje, R., Phillips, G., Lyche-Solheim, A., Tierney, D., Wolfram, G. and van de Bund, W., 2011. Lake ecological assessment systems and intercalibration for the European Water Framework Directive: Aims, achievements and further challenges. Procedia Environmental Sciences 9, 153–168.
  • Portielje, R., Phillips, G., Schaumburg, J. and Denys, L., 2012. Final results of intercalibration of CBGIG macrophyte methods for assessing the ecological status of Central Baltic European lakes. Intercalibration report, milestone 6. European Commission: https://circabc.europa.eu/w/browse/c48010c0-863b-49e6-8f1a-22da029cd93b,dateaccessed,15December2012
  • Ptacnik, R., Lepistö, L., Willén, E., Brettum, P., Andersen, T., Rekolainen, S., Lyche-Solheim, A. and Carvalho, L., 2008. Quantitative responses of lake phytoplankton to eutrophication in Northern Europe. Aquat. Ecol. 42, 227–236.
  • Ptacnik, R., Solimini, A. and Brettum, P., 2009. Performance of a new phytoplankton composition metric along a eutrophication gradient in Nordic lakes. Hydrobiologia 633, 75–82.
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