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Contextualising and theorising economic development, local business and ethnic cleansing in Myanmar



  • Aiyar, G. and P. Ravichandran, 2016. India’s Policy Towards Myanmar: Interests, Determinants and Risk Factors. Takshashila Institution, New Delhi.
  • Amnesty International, 2010. Myanmar: The Repression of Ethnic Minority Activists in Myanmar. Amnesty, London.
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  • Bachtold, S., R. Gasser, J. Palmiano, R. Alluri and S. Stein, 2014. Working in and on Myanmar: Reflections on a ‘Light Footprint’ Approach. Working Paper, no. 5. Swisspeace, Geneva.
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  • Bass, A. and I. Milosevic, 2018. ‘The Ethnographic Method in CSR Research: The Role and Importance of Methodological Fit’. Business & Society 57, 174–215. forthcoming and Online First.
  • Bunte, M., 2018. ‘Myanmar’s Protracted Transition’. Asian Survey, forthcoming.
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  • Crisis Group, 2019. ‘A New Dimension of Violence in Myanmar’s Rakhine State’. Asia Briefing, no. 154. Crisis Group, Washington, DC.
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  • Ganson, B., B. Miller, S. Cechvala and J. Miklian, 2018. Capacities and Limitations of Private Sector Peacebuilding. CDA Collaborative Learning, Cambridge, MA.
  • Gilad, S., S. Alon-Barkat and A. Braverman, 2016. ‘Large-Scale Social Protest: A Business Risk and a Bureaucratic Opportunity’. Governance 29(3), 371–392.
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  • Hofman, P., J. Moon and B. Wu, 2018. ‘Corporate Social Responsibility under Authoritarian Capitalism’. Business and Society, forthcoming.
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  • Kahler, M., 2013. The Rise of Emerging Asia: Regional Peace and Global Security. Peterson Institute for International Economics Working Paper, no. 13–4.
  • Katsos, J., J. Miklian, 2019. ‘Overcoming Tech Exceptionalism’. Global Policy, forthcoming.
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  • Kyed, H.M. and M. Gravers, 2015. ‘Integration and Power-Sharing: What are the Future Options for Armed Non-State Actors in the Myanmar Peace Process?’. Stability 4(1), 57–72.
  • Lee, R., 2018. ‘The Dark Side of Liberalization: How Myanmar’s Political and Media Freedoms are Being Used to Limit Muslim Rights’. Islam & Christian–Muslim Relations, forthcoming.
  • Li, C. and L.F. Lye, 2009. ‘China’s Policies Towards Myanmar: A Successful Model for Dealing with the Myanmar Issue?’. China: An International Journal 7(2), 255–273.
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  • Marens, R., 2018. ‘Laying the Foundation: Preparing the Field of Business and Society for Investigating the Relationship between Business and Inequality’. Business & Society 57, 1252–1285. forthcoming and Online First.
  • Miklian, J., 2017. ‘Mapping Business-Peace Interactions: Opportunities and Recommendations’. Business, Peace and Sustainable Development 10(2017), 3–27.
  • Miklian, J., 2019. ‘The Role of Business in Sustainable Development and Peacebuilding: Observing Interaction Effects’. Business and Politics, forthcoming.
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  • Miklian, J. and J.P.M. Bickel, 2018. ‘Business, Development Aid and Local Peacebuilding: A Study of the “Footprints of Peace” Coffee Project in Rural Colombia’. Business and Society, forthcoming.
  • Miklian, J. and I.R. Birkvad, 2016. ‘Religion, Poverty and Conflict in a Garbage Slum of Ahmedabad’. International Area Studies Review 19(1), 60–75.
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  • Oetzel, J. and J. Miklian, 2017. ‘Multinational Enterprises, Risk Management, and the Business and Economics of Peace’. Multinational Business Review 25(4), 270–286.
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  • Rampton, David and Suthaharan Nadarajah (2017) ‘A long view of liberal peace and its crisis’, European Journal of International Relations, 23:2), 441–465. https://doi.org/10.1177/1354066116649029
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  • Schembera, S., 2018. ‘Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility: Empirical Insights on the Impact of the UN Global Compact on Its Business Participants’. Business & Society 57, 783–825. forthcoming.
  • Schouten, P. and J. Miklian, 2018. ‘The Business-Peace Nexus: “Business for Peace” and the Reconfiguration of the Public/Private Divide in Global Governance’. Journal of International Relations and Development, forthcoming.
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