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Original Articles

Network management as a contingent activity. A configurational analysis of managerial behaviors in different network settings



  • Agranoff, R., and M. McGuire. 2001. “American Federalism and the Search for Models of Management.” Public Administration Review 61 (6): 1775–1800. doi:10.1111/puar.2001.61.issue-6.
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  • Klijn, E. H., B. Steijn, and J. Edelenbos. 2010b. “Trust in Governance Networks: Its Impacts on Outcomes.” Administration and Society 42 (2): 193–221. doi:10.1177/0095399710362716.
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  • Steijn, B., E. H. Klijn, and J. Edelenbos. 2011. “Public-Private Partnerships: Added Value by Organizational Form or Management?” Public Administration 89 (4): 1235–1252. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9299.2010.01877.x.
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  • Verweij, S., E. H. Klijn, J. Edelenbos, and M. W. Van Buuren. 2013. “What Makes Governance Networks Work? A Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis of 14 Dutch Spatial Planning Projects.” Public Administration: An International Quarterly 91 (4): 1035–1055. doi:10.1111/padm.12007.
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  • Ysa, T., V. Sierra, and M. Esteve. 2014. “Determinants of Network Outcomes: The Impact of Management Strategies.” Public Administration 92 (3): 636–655.