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Picturing anti-Semitism in the Nazi-occupied Netherlands: anti-Jewish stereotyping in a racist Second World War comic strip


  • Anemone, Robert L. 2016. Race and Human Diversity: A Biocultural Approach. Abingdon: Routledge.
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  • Kousemaker, Evelien, and Kees Kousemaker. 1979. Wordt vervolgd. Stripleksikon der Lage Landen. [To be continued. Comics lexicon of the Low Countries]. Utrecht-Antwerpen: Spectrum.
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  • National Archives of the Netherlands, The Hague: Centraal Archief Bijzondere Rechtspleging file 56394 P. Beekman (Tribunal Utrecht 1623).
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  • Utrechts Nieuwsblad (The Utrecht Newspaper) 29 July 1947, 5 August 1947. http://publiek.collecties.hetutrechtsarchief.nl/zoeken.php.
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