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Special Issue: Counter-Narratives of Europe: Edited by Richard McMahon and Wolfram Kaiser

Narrative Ju-jitsu: counter-narratives to European union



  • Armbruster, H., C. Rollo, and U. H. Meinhof. “Imagining Europe: Everyday Narratives in European Border Communities.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 29, 5 (2003): 885–899. 10.1080/1369183032000149622
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  • Kaiser, W. “Clash of Cultures: Two Milieus in the European Union’s ‘A New Narrative for Europe’ Project.” Journal of Contemporary European Studies 23, 3 (2015): 364–377. 10.1080/14782804.2015.1018876
  • Kaiser, W. “One Narrative or Several? Politics, Cultural Elites, and Citizens in Constructing a ‘New Narrative for Europe’.” National Identities 19, 2 (2017): 215–230. 10.1080/14608944.2016.1265491
  • Kaiser, W., and R. McMahon “Narrating European Integration: Transnational Actors and Stories.” National Identities 19, 2 (2017): 149–160.
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  • Zahariadis, N. “The Multiple Streams Framework: Structure, Limitations, Prospects.” Theories of the Policy Process (2007): 65–92.