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Introduction: PalaeoArc: Processes and Palaeo-environmental Changes in the Arctic - from Past to Present

Introduction: Processes and Palaeo-Environmental Changes in the Arctic from Past to Present (PalaeoArc) special issue

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  • Alatarvas, R., K. Strand, O. Hyttinen, and A. Kotilainen. 2022. Sedimentary facies and clay mineralogy of the late Pleistocene Landsort Deep sediments, Baltic Sea – implications for the Baltic Ice Lake development. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 54:624–39. doi:10.1080/15230430.2022.2155352.
  • Alexanderson, H., M. Hättestrand, M. A. Lindqvist, and T. Sigfúsdóttir. 2022. MIS 3 age of the Veiki moraine in N Sweden – Dating the landform record of an intermediate-sized ice sheet in Scandinavia. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 54:239–61. doi:10.1080/15230430.2022.2091308.
  • Allen, M. R., O. P. Dube, W. Solecki, F. Aragón-Durand, W. Cramer, S. Humphreys, M. Kainuma, J. Kala, N. Mahowald, Y. Mulugetta, et al. 2018. Framing and context. In Global warming of 1.5°C: An IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty, ed. V. Masson-Delmotte, P. Zhai, H.-O. Pörtner, D. Roberts, J. Skea, P. R. Shukla, A. Pirani, W. Moufouma-Okia, C. Péan, R. Pidcock, et al., 49–92. Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781009157940.003.
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  • Dalton, A. S., S. A. Finkelstein, P. J. Barnett, and S. L. Forman. 2016. Constraining the Late Pleistocene history of the Laurentide Ice Sheet by dating the Missinaibi Formation, Hudson Bay Lowlands, Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews 146:288–99. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.06.015.
  • Dalton, A. S., S. A. Finkelstein, S. L. Forman, P. J. Barnett, T. Pico, and J. X. Mitrovica. 2019. Was the Laurentide Ice Sheet significantly reduced during Marine Isotope Stage 3? Geology 47 (2):111–14. doi:10.1130/G45335.1.
  • Dalton, A. S., M. Margold, C. R. Stokes, L. Tarasov, A. S. Dyke, R. S. Adams, S. Allard, H. E. Arends, N. Atkinson, J. W. Attig, et al. 2020. An updated radiocarbon-based ice margin chronology for the last deglaciation of the North American ice sheet complex. Quaternary Science Reviews 234:106223. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106223.
  • Dalton, A. S., C. R. Stokes, and C. L. Batchelor. 2022. Evolution of the Laurentide and Innuitian ice sheets prior to the Last Glacial Maximum (115 ka to 25 ka). Earth-Science Reviews 224:103875. doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103875.
  • Elverhøi, A., J. A. Dowdeswell, S. Funder, J. Mangerud, and R. Stein, (Eds.). 1998. Glacial and oceanic history of the Polar North Atlantic margins. Quaternary Science Reviews 17 (1–3):1–302. doi:10.1016/S0277-3791(97)00073-5.
  • Ely, J. C., C. D. Clark, R. C. A. Hindmarsh, A. L. C. Hughes, S. L. Greenwood, S. L. Bradley, E. Gasson, L. Gregoire, N. Gandy, C. R. Stokes, et al. 2021. Recent progress on combining geomorphological and geochronological data with ice sheet modelling, demonstrated using the last British-Irish Ice Sheet. Journal of Quaternary Science 36 (5):946–60. doi:10.1002/jqs.3098.
  • England, J. H., R. D. Coulthard, M. F. A. Furze, and C. F. Dow. 2022. Catastrophic ice shelf collapse along the NW Laurentide Ice Sheet highlights the vulnerability of marine-based margins. Quaternary Science Reviews 286:107524. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107524.
  • Fox-Kemper, B., H. T. Hewitt, C. Xiao, G. Aðalgeirsdóttir, S. S. Drijfhout, T. L. Edwards, N. R. Golledge, M. Hemer, R. E. Kopp, G. Krinner, et al. 2021. Ocean, cryosphere and sea level change. In Climate change 2021: The physical science basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, ed. V. Masson-Delmotte, P. Zhai, A. Pirani, S. L. Connors, C. Péan, S. Berger, N. Caud, Y. Chen, L. Goldfarb, M. I. Gomis, et al., 1211–362. Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
  • Francis, J., T. Scambos, and M. Tedesco. 2021. How are reduced Arctic sea ice and increased Greenland melting connected? Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 53 (1):225–26. doi:10.1080/15230430.2021.1946243.
  • Gamboa-Sojo, V. M., K. Husum, C. Morigi, D. Divine, and A. Miettinen. 2022. Environmental changes in Krossfjorden, Svalbard, since 1950: Benthic foraminiferal and stable isotope evidence. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 54:465–77. doi:10.1080/15230430.2022.2120246.
  • Gowan, E. J., X. Zhang, S. Khosravi, A. Rovere, P. Stocchi, A. L. C. Hughes, R. Gyllencreutz, J. Mangerud, J. I. Svendsen, and G. Lohmann. 2021. Global ice sheet reconstruction for the past 80000 years. Nature Communications 12 (1199). doi:10.1038/s41467-021-21469-w.
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  • Hughes, A. L. C., R. Gyllencreutz, Ø. S. Lohne, J. Mangerud, and J. I. Svendsen. 2016. The last Eurasian ice sheets – A chronological database and time-slice reconstruction, DATED-1. Boreas 45:1–45.
  • Jakobsson, M., O. Ingólfsson, K. H. Kjær, A. Long, and R. F. Spielhagen. 2010. New insights on Arctic Quaternary climate variability from palaeo-records and numerical modelling. Special issue: Arctic Palaeoclimate and its extremes. Quaternary Science Reviews 29 (25–26):3349–676. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.08.016.
  • Jakobsson, M., O. Ingólfsson, A. Long, and R. F. Spielhagen. 2014. The dynamic Arctic. Special issue: APEX II: Arctic Palaeoclimate and its extremes. Quaternary Science Reviews 92 (25–26):1–444. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.03.022.
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  • Jakobsson, M., R. F. Spielhagen, J. Thiede, C. Andreasen, B. Hall, O. Ingólfsson, K. H. Kjær, T. van Kolfschoten, G. Krinner, A. Long, et al. 2008. Foreword to the special issue: Arctic Palaeoclimate and its extremes (APEX). Polar Research 27 (2):97–104. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1751-8369.2008.00063.x
  • Jennings, A., B. Reilly, J. Andrews, K. Hogan, M. Walczak, M. Jakobsson, J. Stoner, A. Mix, K. Nicholls, M. O’Regan, et al. 2022. Modern and early Holocene ice shelf sediment facies from Petermann Fjord and northern Nares Strait, northwest Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews 283:107460. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107460.
  • Kelleher, R., A. Jennings, J. Andrews, N. K. S. Brooks, T. Marchitto, S. Feng, L. Woelders, A. Normandeau, K. Jenner, R. Bennett, et al. 2022. Late glacial retreat of the Lancaster Sound Ice Stream and early Holocene onset of Arctic/Atlantic throughflow in the Arctic Island channels. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 54:395–427. doi:10.1080/15230430.2022.2110689.
  • Kinnard, C., C. M. Zdanowicz, D. A. Fisher, E. Isaksson, A. de Vernal, and L. G. Thompson. 2011. Reconstructed changes in Arctic sea ice over the past 1,450 years. Nature 479 (7374):509–12. doi:10.1038/nature10581.
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  • Kleman, J., M. Hättestrand, Borgström, D., Fabel, and F. Preusser. 2021. Age and duration of a MIS 3 interstadial in the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet core area – Implications for ice sheet dynamics. Quaternary Science Reviews 364. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2021.107011.
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  • Larsen, E., S. Funder, and J. Thiede, (Eds.). 1999. Late Quaternary history of Northwestern Russia and adjacent shelves. Boreas 28 (1):1–242. doi:10.1111/j.1502-3885.1999.tb00203.x.
  • Larsen, N. K., A. S. Søndergaard, L. B. Levy, A. Strunk, D. S. Skov, A. Bjørk, S. A. Khan, and J. Olsen. 2022. Late glacial and Holocene glaciation history of North and Northeast Greenland. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 54:294–313. doi:10.1080/15230430.2022.2094607.
  • Lyså, A., Í. Ö. Benediktsson, E. Gregoire, A. Jennings, C. Morigi, J. Müller, M. O’Regan, P. Sarala, C. Stokes, W. Szczuciński, et al. 2019. First International Conference on 'Processes and Palaeo-environmental changes in the Arctic: From past to present’ (PalaeoArc). Geologos 25 (2):175–79. doi:10.2478/logos-2019-0016.
  • Meredith, M., M. Sommerkorn, S. Cassotta, C. Derksen, A. Ekaykin, A. Hollowed, G. Kofinas, A. Mackintosh, J. Melbourne-Thomas, M. M. C. Muelbert, et al. 2019. Polar regions. In IPCC special report on the ocean and cryosphere in a changing climate, ed. H.-O. Pörtner, D. C. Roberts, V. Masson-Delmotte, P. Zhai, M. Tignor, E. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, A. Alegría, M. Nicolai, A. Okem, et al., 203–320. Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
  • Miller, G. H., and J. T. Andrews. 2019. Hudson Bay was not deglaciated during MIS-3. Quaternary Science Reviews 225:105944. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.105944.
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  • Ó Cofaigh, C., J. P. Briner, N. Kirchner, R. G. Lucchi, H. Meyer, and D. S. Kaufman. 2016. PAST Gateways (Palaeo-Arctic Spatial and Temporal Gateways) Introduction and overview. Quaternary Science Reviews 147 (1 – 4):1–434. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.07.006.
  • Ó Cofaigh, C., N. Kirchner, G. Fedorov, R. Noormets, and A. de Vernal. (Eds.). 2018. Arctic environmental change beyond instrumental records: Introduction and overview. Arktos 4 (1):1–3. doi:10.1007/s41063-018-0061-z.
  • Ottesen, D., and J. A. Dowdeswell. 2022. Distinctive iceberg ploughmarks on the mid-Norwegian margin: Tidally influenced chains of pits with implications for iceberg drift. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 54:163–75. doi:10.1080/15230430.2022.2075120.
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  • Svendsen, J. I., H. Alexanderson, V. I. Astakov, I. Demidov, J. A. Dowdeswell, S. Funder, V. Gataullin, M. Henriksen, C. Hjort, M. Houmark-Nielsen, et al. 2004. Late Quaternary ice sheet history of northern Eurasia. Quaternary Science Reviews 23 (11–13):1229–71. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2003.12.008.
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