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Emerging Phenomena of the Branded App: A Systematic Literature Review, Strategies, and Future Research Directions



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Group B: 40 Mentioned Papers Based on Chosen Search Criteria

  • Ahmed, Rahnuma, Fred Beard, and Doyle Yoon (2016), “Examining and Extending Advertising’s Dual Mediation Hypothesis to a Branded Mobile Phone App,” Journal of Interactive Advertising, 16 (2), 133–144.
  • Alnawas, Ibrahim, and Faisal Aburub (2016), “The Effect of Benefits Generated from Interacting with Branded Mobile Apps on Consumer Satisfaction and Purchase Intentions,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 31, 313–322.
  • Baek, Tae Hyun, and Chan Yun Yoo (2018), “Branded App Usability: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Prediction of Consumer Loyalty,” Journal of Advertising, 47 (1), 70–82.
  • Baena, Verónica (2016), “Online and Mobile Marketing Strategies As Drivers of Brand Love in Sports Teams: Findings from Real Madrid,” International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 17 (3), 202–218.
  • Bellman, Steven, Robert F. Potter, Shiree Treleaven-Hassard, Jennifer A. Robinson, and Duane Varan (2011), “The Effectiveness of Branded Mobile Phone Apps,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 25 (4), 191–200.
  • Bhave, Ketaki, Varsha Jain, and Subhadip Roy (2013), “Understanding the Orientation of Gen Y toward Mobile Applications and In-App Advertising in India,” International Journal of Mobile Marketing, 8 (1), 62–74.
  • Budd, Lucy, and Tim Vorley (2013), “Airlines, Apps, and Business Travel: A Critical Examination,” Research in Transportation Business and Management, 9, 41–49.
  • Chen, Yi-Ru Regina (2017), “Perceived Values of Branded Mobile Media, Consumer Engagement, Business-Consumer Relationship Quality, and Purchase Intention: A Study of WeChat in China,” Public Relations Review, 43 (5), 945–954.
  • Choong, Peggy, Paul S. Richardson, Paul Sauer, and Alyssa Fazio (2016), “Leveraging the Power of Branded Apps: An Exploratory Study of Salient Performance,” Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 18 (7), 53–64.
  • Confos, Nicolla, and Teresa Davis (2016), “Young Consumer-Brand Relationship Building Potential Using Digital Marketing,” European Journal of Marketing, 50 (11), 1993–2017.
  • Fang, Yu-Hui (2017a), “Beyond the Usefulness of Branded Applications: Insights from Consumer–Brand Engagement and Self-construal Perspectives,” Psychology and Marketing, 34 (1), 40–58.
  • Fang, Yu-Hui (2017b), “Exploring Task-Service Fit and Usefulness on Branded Applications Continuance,” Journal of Services Marketing, 31 (6), 574–588.
  • Fang, Yu-Hui (2019), “An App a Day Keeps a Customer Connected: Explicating Loyalty to Brands and Branded Applications through the Lens of Affordance and Service-Dominant Logic,” Information and Management, 56 (3), 377–391.
  • Gill, Manpreet, Shrihari Sridhar, and Rajdeep Grewal (2017), “Return on Engagement Initiatives: A Study of a Business-to-Business Mobile App,” Journal of Marketing, 81 (4), 45–66.
  • Gosling, Victoria, Garry Crawford, Gaynor Bagnall, and Ben Light (2016), “Branded App Implementation at the London Symphony Orchestra,” Arts and the Market, 6 (1), 2–16.
  • Jin, Chang-Hyun (2016), “The Effects of Mental Simulations, Innovativeness on Intention to Adopt Brand Application,” Computers in Human Behavior, 54 (January), 682–690.
  • Key, Thomas Martin (2017), “Domains of Digital Marketing Channels in the Sharing Economy,” Journal of Marketing Channels, 24 (1–2), 27–38.
  • Kim, Eunice, Jhih-Syuan Lin, and Yongjun Sung (2013), “To App or Not to App: Engaging Consumers via Branded Mobile Apps,” Journal of Interactive Advertising, 13 (1), 53–65.
  • Kim, Sang Chon, Doyle Yoon, and Eun Kyoung Han (2016), “Antecedents of Mobile App Usage among Smartphone Users,” Journal of Marketing Communications, 22 (6), 653–670.
  • Kim, Seeun, and Tae H. Baek (2018), “Examining the Antecedents and Consequences of Mobile App Engagement,” Telematics and Informatics, 35 (1), 148–158.
  • Kim, Su Jung, Rebecca Jen-Hui Wang, and Edward C. Malthouse (2015), “The Effects of Adopting and Using a Brand’s Mobile Application on Customers’ Subsequent Purchase Behavior,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 31 (August), 28–41.
  • Lee, Seonjeong (Ally) (2018), “Enhancing Customers’ Continued Mobile App Use in the Service Industry,” Journal of Services Marketing, 32 (6), 680–691.
  • Li, Chia-Ying (2018), “Consumer Behavior in Switching between Membership Cards and Mobile Applications: The Case of Starbucks,” Computers in Human Behavior, 84, 171–184.
  • Linnhoff, Stefan, and Katherine Taken Smith (2017), “An Examination of Mobile App Usage and the User’s Life Satisfaction,” Journal of Strategic Marketing, 25 (7), 581–617.
  • Magrath, Victoria, and Helen McCormick (2013), “Branding Design Elements of Mobile Fashion Retail Apps,” Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 17 (1), 98–114.
  • McLean, Graeme (2018), “Examining the Determinants and Outcomes of Mobile App Engagement—A Longitudinal Perspective,” Computers in Human Behavior, 84, 392–403.
  • McRae, Eois, Joseph Carrabis, Susan Carrabis, and Stephane Hamel (2013), “WANT TO BE LOVED? GO MOBILE!,” International Journal of Mobile Marketing, 8 (2), 55–66.
  • Morosan, Cristian, and Agnes DeFranco (2016), “Modeling Guests’ Intentions to Use Mobile Apps in Hotels: The Roles of Personalization, Privacy, and Involvement,” International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28 (9), 1968–1991.
  • Muzellec, Laurent, Florence Feenstra, Brigitte de Faultrier, and Jacques Boulay (2016), “Children’s Experiences and Parents’ Perceptions of Retailers’ Mobile Applications,” International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 44 (11), 1118–1131.
  • Peng, K.F., Y. Chen, and K.W. Wen (2014), “Brand Relationship, Consumption Values, and Branded App Adoption,” Industrial Management and Data Systems, 114 (8), 1131–1143.
  • Sarkar, Abhigyan, Juhi Gahlot Sarkar, S. Sreejesh, and M.R. Anusree (2018), “A Qualitative Investigation of e-Tail Brand Affect,” Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 36 (3), 365–380.
  • Scholz, Joachim, and Katherine Duffy (2018), “We ARe at Home: How Augmented Reality Reshapes Mobile Marketing and Consumer-Brand Relationships,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 44 (September), 11–23.
  • Seitz, Victoria A., and Nada M. Aldebasi (2016), “The Effectiveness of Branded Mobile Apps on Users’ Brand Attitudes and Purchase Intentions,” Review of Economic and Business Studies, 9 (1), 141–154.
  • Shankar, Venkatesh, Mirella Kleijnen, Suresh Ramanathan, Ross Rizley, Steve Holland, and Shawn Morrissey (2016), “Mobile Shopper Marketing: Key Issues, Current Insights, and Future Research Avenues,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 34 (May), 37–48.
  • Stocchi, Lara, Carolina Guerini, and Nina Michaelidou (2017), “When Are Apps Worth Paying For? How Marketers Can Analyze,” Journal of Advertising Research, 57 (3), 260–271.
  • Tseng, Timmy H., and Crystal T. Lee (2018), “Facilitation of Consumer Loyalty toward Branded Applications: The Dual-Route Perspective,” Telematics and Informatics, 35 (5), 1297–1309.
  • Wang, Rebecca Jen-Hui, Edward C. Malthouse, and Lakshman Krishnamurthi (2015), “On the Go: How Mobile Shopping Affects Customer Purchase Behavior,” Journal of Retailing, 91 (2), 217–234.
  • Yang, Byunghwa (2016), “A Link between Consumer Empathy and Brand Attachment on Branded Mobile Apps: The Moderating Effect of Ideal Self-Congruence,” Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (25), 1–9.
  • Yang, Hongwei “Chris” (2013), “Bon Appétit for Apps: Young American Consumers’ Acceptance of Mobile Applications,” Journal of Computer Information Systems, 53 (3), 85–96.
  • Zhao, Zhenzhen, and Christine Balague (2015), “Designing Branded Mobile Apps: Fundamentals and Recommendations,” Business Horizons, 58 (3), 305–315.

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