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Special Section: Digital Gaming & Gamification

Advertising in Digital Games: A Bibliometric Review


  • An, Soontae, and Susannah Stern (2011), “Mitigating the Effects of Advergames on Children,” Journal of Advertising, 40 (1), 43–56.
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  • Ham, Chang-Dae, Gunwoo Yoon, and Michelle R. Nelson (2015), “The Interplay of Persuasion Inference and Flow Experience in an Entertaining Food Advergame,” Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 15 (3), 239–50.
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  • Kinard, Brian R., and Katherine B. Hartman (2013), “Are You Entertained? The Impact of Brand Integration and Brand Experience in Television Related Advergames,” Journal of Advertising, 42 (2–3), 196–203.
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  • Pempek, Tiffany A., and Sandra L. Calvert (2009), “Tipping the Balance: Use of Advergames to Promote Consumption of Nutritious Foods and Beverages by Low-Income African American Children,” Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 163 (7), 633–37.
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  • Peters, Sara, and Glenn Leshner (2013), “Get in the Game: The Effects of Game-Product Congruity and Product Placement Proximity on Game Players’ Processing of Brands Embedded in Advergames,” Journal of Advertising, 42 (2–3), 113–30.
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  • Schneider, Lars-Peter, and T. Bettina Cornwell (2005), “Cashing In on Crashes via Brand Placement in Computer Games,” International Journal of Advertising, 24 (3), 321–43.
  • Shibata, Naoki, Yuya Kajikawa, Yoshiyuki Takeda, and Katsumori Matsushima (2009), “Comparative Study on Methods of Detecting Research Fronts Using Different Types of Citation,” Journal of the American Society for information Science and Technology, 60 (3), 571–80.
  • Siemens, Jennifer Christie, Scott Smith, and Dan Fisher (2015), “Investigating the Effects of Active Control on Brand Recall within In-Game Advertising,” Journal of Interactive Advertising, 15 (1), 43–53.
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  • Steffen, Celina, Gunnar Mau, and Hanna Schramm-Klein (2013), “Who Is the Loser When I Lose the Game? Does Losing an Advergame Have a Negative Impact on the Perception of the Brand?,” Journal of Advertising, 42 (2/3), 183–95.
  • Taylor, Charles (2019), “Why Advergames Can Be Dominant on Social Media: Lessons from Popsockets,” Forbes, May 14, https://www.forbes.com/sites/charlesrtaylor/2019/05/14/why-advergames-can-be-dominant-on-social-media-lessons-from-popsockets/#190aa04b2a31.
  • Terlutter, Ralf, and Michael L. Capella (2013), “The Gamification of Advertising: Analysis and Research Directions of In-Game Advertising, Advergames, and Advertising in Social Network Games,” Journal of Advertising, 42 (2–3), 95–112.
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  • Van Reijmersdal, Eva A., Esther Rozendaal, and Moniek Buijzen. (2012), “Effects of Prominence, Involvement, and Persuasion Knowledge on Children’s Cognitive and Affective Responses to Advergames,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 26 (1), 33–42.
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  • Verberckmoes, Shana, Karolien Poels, Nathalie Dens, Laura Herrewijn, and Patrick De Pelsmacker (2016), “When and Why Is Perceived Congruity Important for In-Game Advertising in Fantasy Games?,” Computers in Human Behavior, 64, 871–80.
  • Vermeir, Iris, Snezhanka Kazakova, Tina Tessitore, Verolien Cauberghe, and Hendrik Slabbinck (2014), “Impact of Flow on Recognition of and Attitudes towards In-Game Brand Placements: Brand Congruence and Placement Prominence As Moderators,” International Journal of Advertising, 33 (4), 785–810.
  • Vogel, Rick, and Wolfgang H. Güttel (2013), “The Dynamic Capability View in Strategic Management: A Bibliometric Review,” International Journal of Management Reviews, 15 (4), 426–46.
  • Vyvey, Tine, Elena Nunez Castellar, and Jan Van Looy (2018), “Loaded with Fun? The Impact of Enjoyment and Cognitive Load on Brand Retention in Digital Games,” Journal of Interactive Advertising, 18 (1), 72–82.
  • Waiguny, Martin, Michelle R. Nelson, and Bernhard Marko (2013), “How Advergame Content Influences Explicit and Implicit Brand Attitudes: When Violence Spills Over,” Journal of Advertising, 42 (2–3), 155–69.
  • Waiguny, Martin, Michelle R. Nelson, and Ralf Terlutter (2012), “Entertainment Matters! The Relationship between Challenge and Persuasiveness of an Advergame for Children,” Journal of Marketing Communications, 18 (1), 69–89.
  • Waltman, Ludo, Nees Jan van Eck, and Ed C.M. Noyons (2010), “A Unified Approach to Mapping and Clustering of Bibliometric Networks,” Journal of Informetrics, 4 (4), 629–35.
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  • Yang, Moonhee, David R. Roskos-Ewoldsen, Lucian Dinu, and Laura M. Arpan (2006), “The Effectiveness of ‘In-Game’ Advertising,” Journal of Advertising, 35 (4), 143–52.
  • Yang, Yang, Yousra Asaad, and Yogesh Dwivedi (2017), “Examining the Impact of Gamification on Intention of Engagement and Brand Attitude in the Marketing Context,” Computers in Human Behavior, 73, 459–69.
  • Yoon, Gunwoo, Brittany R.L. Duff, and Seoungho Ryu (2013), “Gamers Just Want to Have Fun? Toward an Understanding of the Online Game Acceptance,” Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43 (9), 1814–26.
  • Yoon, Gunwoo, Brittany R.L. Duff, and Patrick T. Vargas (2013), “Seeing without Looking: The Effects of Hemispheric Functioning on Memory for Brands in Computer Games,” Journal of Advertising, 42 (2–3), 131–41.

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