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¿Qué Importa el preámbulo? Pensamiento decolonial en el preámbulo de las constituciones de Bolivia y Ecuador: una aproximación desde el análisis del discurso

Referencias bibliográficas

  • Acosta, A. (2013). El Buen Vivir: Sumak Kawsay, una oportunidad para imaginar otros mundos. Barcelona: Icaria y Antrazyt.
  • Allende, S. (1971). Discurso de asunción de mando Estadio Nacional. Santiago: Disponible. http://www.socialismo-chileno.org/PS/APSA/Discursos%20de%20Salvador%20Allende%201971b%20.pdf.
  • Allot, N. (2013). Relevance Theory. En: A. Capone, F. Lo Piparo y M. Carapezza (Eds). Perspectives on Linguistic Pragmatics, (pp. 57–98). Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Austin, J. L. (2000). How to do things with words. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Baldin, S. (2015). The concept of harmony in the Andean transformative constitutionalism: A subversive narrative and its interpretations. Revista General de Derecho Público Comparado, 17, 1–25.
  • Bateson, G. (1973). Steps to an ecology of mind: collected essays in anthropology, psychiatry, evolution, and epistemology. Frogmore: Paladin.
  • Bateson, N. (2011). An ecology of mind: a daughter's portrait of Gregory Bateson. Oley: Bullfrog Films.
  • Bengoechea, M. (2006). The gradual shift of feminine grammatical gender to the center of discourse: Fresh breezes in the identification of women in the Spanish press. Spanish in Context 3(1), 139–157.
  • Bolivia, Estado Plurinacional. (2009a). Constitución Política del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia. La Paz: Ministerio de la Presidencia.
  • Bolivia, Plurinational State of (2009b). Constitution. (Max Planck Institute, Trans.). (n.d.) La Paz: Project Constitute, Oxford University Press.
  • Bolivia, Estado Plurinacional. (2009c). Constitution of the Plurinational State of Bolivia. (L.F. Valle Velasco, Traductor). 2017. Middletown.
  • Bresling, B. (2009). From words to worlds: exploring constitutional functionality. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press.
  • Ceceña, A. E. (2008). Derivas del mundo en el que caben todos los mundos. México: Siglo XXI.
  • Clavero, B. (2010). Apunte para la ubicación de la constitución de Bolivia. Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional 89, 195–217.
  • Cordero, S. (1995). Language and Discrimination against Women. Chasqui 52, 91–94.
  • de Sousa Santos, B. (2014). Epistemologies of the South justice against epistemicide. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers.
  • de las Casas, F. B. (2004). Brevissima relacion de la destruycion de las Indias. Publicación original 1552. Madrid, Edaf.
  • DRAE en línea. (s.f.). Diccionario de la Real Academia Española de la Lengua. Acceso enero 2018. http://www.rae.es/
  • Dolhare, M. I., y Rojas-Lizana, S. (2017). The indigenous concept of Vivir Bien in the Bolivian legal field: A decolonial proposal. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 1–11. doi: https://doi.org/10.1017/jie.2017.31.
  • Dussel, E. (1992). 1492 el encubrimiento del otro: hacia el origen del "mito de la modernidad.". Madrid: Nueva Utopía.
  • Dussel, E. (1993). Eurocentrism and modernity (introduction to the Frankfurt lectures). boundary 2 20(3), 65–76.
  • Dussel, E. (2005). Transmodernidad e interculturalidad (interpretación desde la filosofía de la liberación). Universidad Autónoma de México-Iz, 1–28. http://red.pucp.edu.pe/wp-content/uploads/biblioteca/090514.pdf. Acceso julio 2018.
  • Dussel, E. (2006). 20 tesis de política. México: Siglo XXI.
  • Dussel, E. (2017). Sesiones escuela de formación política. Canal YouTube Carlos Ometochtzin. Acceso diciembre 2017. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcMtuhBH75WScIrEtYISR9g/featured
  • Ecuador, República del. (2008a). Constitución Política de la República del Ecuador. (s.f.)
  • Ecuador, Republic of. (2008b). Constitution. (Traducción Max Planck Institute). (s.f.) Proyecto Constitute, Oxford University Press.
  • Fairclough, N. (1995). Critical discourse analysis: papers in the critical study of language. Harlow: Longman.
  • Fauconnier, G. (2004). Pragmatics and cognitive linguistics. En L. R. Horn y G. Ward (Eds.). The handbook of pragmatics, (pp. 657–74). Oxford: Blackwell Pub.
  • Fleuri, R. M. y Fleuri, L. (2017). Learning from Brazilian Indigenous peoples: Towards a decolonial education. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 1 -11. doi:https://doi.org/10.1017/jie.2017.28.
  • Grosfoguel, R. (2006). La descolonización de la economía política y los estudios postcoloniales: Transmodernidad, pensamiento fronterizo y colonialidad global. Tabula Rasa, 4, 17–48.
  • Grosfoguel, R. (2013). The Structure of Knowledge in Westernized Universities: Epistemic Racism/Sexism and the Four Genocides/Epistemicides of the Long 16th Century. Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge, 11(1), 1–8.
  • Guamán Poma de Ayala, F. (1987). Nueva crónica y buen gobierno. Publicación original 1613. Madrid: Historia 16.
  • Gulick, A. W. (2006). We are not the people: The 1805 Haitian constitution’s challenge to political legibility in the age of revolution. American Literature, 78(4), 799–820.
  • Hook, D., e Iglesias-Rogers, G. (2017). Translations in times of disruption: An interdisciplinary study in transnational contexts. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Huanacuni Mamani, F. (2010). Vivir Bien/Buen Vivir filosofía, políticas, estrategias y experiencias regionales. La Paz: Convenio Andrés Bello: Instituto Internacional de Integración.
  • Lakoff, G. y Johnson, M. (1999). Philosophy in the flesh: the embodied mind and its challenge to Western thought. New York: Basic Books.
  • Levinson, S. (2011). Do constitutions have a point? Reflections on "parchment barriers" and preambles. Social Philosophy & Policy Foundation, 28(1): 150–178.
  • Lovelock, J. (1987). Gaia: a model for planetary and cellular dynamics. En W. I. Thompson (Ed.). Gaia, a way of knowing: political implications of the new biology, (pp. 83–97). Great Barrington: Lindisfarne Press.
  • Lupien, P. (2011). The incorporation of indigenous concepts of plurinationality into the new constitutions of Ecuador and Bolivia. Democratization, 18(3), 774–796.
  • Mignolo, W. (2007). Coloniality and modernity/rationality. Cultural Studies, 21(2-3), 155–167.
  • Mignolo, W. (2009). The communal and the decolonial. Blog: Walter Mignolo: Thoughts on modernity/coloniality, geopolitics of knowledge, border thinking, pluriversality, and the decolonial option. Acceso 30/10/2017. http://waltermignolo.com/
  • Mignolo, W. (2011). Geopolitics of sensing and knowing: On (de)coloniality, border thinking and epistemic disobedience. Postcolonial Studies, 14(3), 273–283.
  • Mignolo, W. (2012). Local histories/global designs: Coloniality, subaltern knowledges, and border thinking. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Mignolo, W. (2013). On pluriversality. Blog: Walter Mignolo: Thoughts on modernity/coloniality, geopolitics of knowledge, border thinking, pluriversality, and the decolonial option. Acceso 01/12/2017. http://waltermignolo.com/on-pluriversality/.
  • Mignolo, W. y Tlostanova, M. V. (2006). Theorizing from the borders: Shifting to geo- and body-politics of knowledge. European Journal of Social Theory, 9(2), 205–221.
  • Orgad, L. (2010). The preamble in constitutional interpretation. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 8(4), 714–738.
  • Oviedo Freire, A. (2013). Buen vivir vs. sumak kawsay: reforma capitalista y revolución alter-nativa. Buenos Aires: Ediciones CICCUS.
  • Parra, N. (2009). After-dinner declarations. Edición bilingüe. D.Oliphant (Traductor). Austin: Host Publications.
  • Patzi Paco, F. (2009). Sistema comunal: una propuesta alternativa al sistema liberal. La Paz: Editorial Vicuña.
  • Reisigl, M. y Wodak, R. (2001). Discourse and discrimination: Rhetorics or racism and antisemitism. London: Routledge.
  • Rice, R. (2012). The new politics of protest indigenous mobilization in Latin America's neoliberal era. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
  • Schmid, U. (2010). Constitution and narrative: peculiarities of rhetoric and genre in the foundational laws of the USSR and the Russian federation. Stud East Eur Thought, 62, 431–451.
  • Sessions, G. (Ed.). (1999). Deep ecology for the 21st century: Readings on the philosophy and practice of the new environmentalism. Ukiah, Calif.: New Dimensions Radio.
  • Subcomandante Marcos y Ponce de León, J. (2001). Our word is our weapon: selected writings, London: Serpent's Tail.
  • Tajadura Tejada, J. (2001). La función de los preámbulos constitucionales. Cuestiones Constitucionales. Revista Mexicana de Derecho Constitucional, 5, 235–262.
  • Taylor, S. (2001). Locating and conducting discourse analytic research. En M. Wetherell, S. Taylor y S. J. Yates (Eds.), Discourse as data: a guide for analysis (pp. 5–48). London: SAGE in association with The Open University.
  • Traverso, E. (2016). Fire and blood: The European civil war 1914–1945. London: Verso.
  • van Cott, D. L. (2007). Latin America's Indigenous Peoples. Journal of Democracy, 18(4), 127–142.
  • van Dijk, T. A. (1996). Discourse, power and access. En C. R. Caldas-Coulthard y M. Coulthard (Eds.), Texts and practices: readings in critical discourse analysis (pp. 84–104). London: Routledge.
  • Wodak, R. (2011). Complex texts: Analysing, understanding, explaining and interpreting meanings. Discourse Studies, 13(5), 623–633.
  • Xiang, Z. (2016). The (De)coloniality of conceptual inequivalence: Reinterpreting Ometeol through Nahua Tlacuiloliztli. En J. G. Ramos y T. Daly (Eds.) Decolonial approaches to Latin American literatures and cultures, (pp. 39–55). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Yampara Huarachi, S. (2011). Cosmovivencia andina. Vivir y convivir en armonía integral-Suma Qamana. Bolivian Studies Journal, 18, 1–22. doi:https://doi.org/10.5195/bsj.2011.42.


  • Acosta, A. (2013). El Buen Vivir: Sumak Kawsay, una oportunidad para imaginar otros mundos [Buen Vivir: Sumak Kawsay, an opportunity to imagine other worlds]. Barcelona: Icaria & Antrazyt.
  • Allot, N. (2013). Relevance theory. In A. Capone, F. Lo Piparo, & M. Carapezza (Eds.), Perspectives on linguistic Pragmatics (pp. 57–98). Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Austin, J. L. (2000). How to do things with words. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Baldin, S. (2015). The concept of harmony in the Andean transformative constitutionalism: A subversive narrative and its interpretations. Revista General de Derecho Público Comparado, 17, 1–25.
  • Bateson, G. (1973). Steps to an ecology of mind: Collected essays in anthropology, psychiatry, evolution, and epistemology. Frogmore: Paladin.
  • Bateson, N. (2011). An ecology of mind: A daughter's portrait of Gregory Bateson. Oley: Bullfrog Films.
  • Bengoechea, M. (2006). The gradual shift of feminine grammatical gender to the center of discourse: Fresh breezes in the identification of women in the Spanish press. Spanish in Context, 3(1), 139–157.
  • Bolivia, Estado Plurinacional. (2009a). Constitución Política del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia [Political Constitution of the Plurinational State of Bolivia]. La Paz: Ministerio de la Presidencia.
  • Bolivia, Plurinational State of. (2009b). Constitution. (Max Planck Institute, Trans.). (n.d.) La Paz: Project Constitute, Oxford University Press.
  • Bolivia, Estado Plurinacional. (2009c). Constitution of the Plurinational State of Bolivia [Constitution of the Plurinational State of Bolivia]. (L.F. Valle Velasco, Trans.). 2017. Middletown.
  • Bresling, B. (2009). From words to worlds: Exploring constitutional functionality. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press.
  • Ceceña, A. E. (2008). Derivas del mundo en el que caben todos los mundos [Drifts from the world in which all worlds fit]. Mexico: Siglo XXI.
  • Clavero, B. (2010). Apunte para la ubicación de la constitución de Bolivia [Notes to situate the Bolivian constitution]. Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional, 89, 195–217.
  • Cordero, S. (1995). Language and discrimination against women. Chasqui, 52, 91–94.
  • de las Casas, F. B. (2004). Brevissima relacion de la destruycion de las Indias [A brief account of the destruction of the Indies]. Original publication 1552. Madrid, Edaf.
  • de Sousa Santos, B. (2014). Epistemologies of the South justice against epistemicide. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers.
  • Dolhare, M. I., & Rojas-Lizana, S. (2017). The indigenous concept of Vivir Bien in the Bolivian legal field: A decolonial proposal. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 1–11. doi: https://doi.org/10.1017/jie.2017.31
  • DRAE online. (n.d.). Diccionario de la Real Academia Española de la Lengua [Dictionary of the Spanish language]. Retrieved from http://www.rae.es/
  • Dussel, E. (1993). Eurocentrism and modernity (introduction to the Frankfurt lectures). boundary 2, 20(3), 65–76.
  • Dussel, E. (2008). Twenty theses on politics. Durham: Duke University Press.
  • Dussel, E. (2012). Transmodernity and Interculturality: An interpretation from the perspective of philosophy of Liberation. Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World, 1, 28–59.
  • Dussel, E. (2017). Sesiones escuela de formación politica. Youtube channel Carlos Ometochtzin. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcMtuhBH75WScIrEtYISR9g/featured
  • Ecuador, Republic of. (2008b). Constitution. (Max Planck Institute, Trans.). (n.d.) Project Constitute, Oxford University Press.
  • Ecuador, República del. (2008a). Constitución Política de la República del Ecuador [Political Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador]. (n.d.).
  • Fairclough, N. (1995). Critical discourse analysis: Papers in the critical study of language. Harlow: Longman.
  • Fauconnier, G. (2004). Pragmatics and cognitive linguistics. In L. R. Horn, & G. Ward (Eds.), The handbook of pragmatics (pp. 657–674). Oxford: Blackwell Pub.
  • Fleuri, R. M., & Fleuri, L. (2017). Learning from Brazilian indigenous peoples: Towards a decolonial education. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 1–11. doi: https://doi.org/10.1017/jie.2017.28
  • Grosfoguel, R. (2011). Decolonizing post-colonial studies and paradigms of political economy: Transmodernity, decolonial thinking and global coloniality. Transmodernity, 1(1), 1–36.
  • Grosfoguel, R. (2013). The structure of knowledge in Westernized Universities: Epistemic racism/sexism and the four Genocides/epistemicides of the long 16th century. Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge, 11(1), 1–8.
  • Guamán Poma de Ayala, F. (1987). Nueva crónica y buen gobierno [New chronicle and good government]. Original publication 1613. Madrid: Historia 16.
  • Gulick, A. W. (2006). We are not the people: The 1805 Haitian constitution’s challenge to political legibility in the age of revolution. American Literature, 78(4), 799–820.
  • Hook, D., & Iglesias-Rogers, G. (2017). Translations in times of disruption: An interdisciplinary study in transnational contexts. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Huanacuni Mamani, F. (2010). Vivir Bien/Buen Vivir filosofía, políticas, estrategias y experiencias regionales [Vivir Bien/Buen Vivir: Philosophy, politics, strategies and regional experiences]. La Paz: Convenio Andrés Bello: Instituto Internacional de Integración.
  • Lakoff, G., & Johnson, M. (1999). Philosophy in the flesh: The embodied mind and its challenge to Western thought. New York: Basic Books.
  • Levinson, S. (2011). Do constitutions have a point? Reflections on “parchment barriers” and preambles. Social Philosophy & Policy Foundation, 28(1), 150–178.
  • Lovelock, J. (1987). Gaia: A model for planetary and cellular dynamics. In W. I. Thompson (Ed.), Gaia, a way of knowing: Political implications of the new biology (pp. 83–97). Great Barrington: Lindisfarne Press.
  • Lupien, P. (2011). The incorporation of indigenous concepts of plurinationality into the new constitutions of Ecuador and Bolivia. Democratization, 18(3), 774–796.
  • Mignolo, W. (2007). Coloniality and modernity/rationality. Cultural Studies, 21(2-3), 155–167.
  • Mignolo, W. (2009). The communal and the decolonial. Blog: Walter Mignolo: Thoughts on modernity/coloniality, geopolitics of knowledge, border thinking, pluriversality, and the decolonial option. Retrieved from http://waltermignolo.com/
  • Mignolo, W. (2011). Geopolitics of sensing and knowing: On (de)coloniality, border thinking and epistemic disobedience. Postcolonial Studies, 14(3), 273–283.
  • Mignolo, W. (2012). Local histories/global designs: Coloniality, subaltern knowledges, and border thinking. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Mignolo, W. (2013). On pluriversality. Blog: Walter Mignolo: Thoughts on modernity/coloniality, geopolitics of knowledge, border thinking, pluriversality, and the decolonial option. 01/12/2017. Retrieved from http://waltermignolo.com/on-pluriversality/
  • Mignolo, W., & Tlostanova, M. V. (2006). Theorizing from the borders: Shifting to geo- and body-politics of knowledge. European Journal of Social Theory, 9(2), 205–221.
  • Orgad, L. (2010). The preamble in constitutional interpretation. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 8(4), 714–738.
  • Oviedo Freire, A. (2013). Buen vivir vs. sumak kawsay : reforma capitalista y revolución alter-nativa [Buen vivir vs. sumak kawsay: capitalist reform and alter-native revolution]. Buenos Aires: Ediciones CICCUS.
  • Parra, N. (2009). After-dinner declarations. Bilingual edition. Translated by D. Oliphant. Austin: Host Publications.
  • Patzi Paco, F. (2009). Sistema comunal: una propuesta alternativa al sistema liberal [Communal System: An alternative proposal to the liberal system]. La Paz: Editorial Vicuña.
  • Reisigl, M., & Wodak, R. (2001). Discourse and discrimination: Rhetorics or racism and antisemitism. London: Routledge.
  • Rice, R. (2012). The new politics of protest indigenous mobilization in Latin America's neoliberal era. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
  • Schmid, U. (2010). Constitution and narrative: Peculiarities of rhetoric and genre in the foundational laws of the USSR and the Russian Federation. Stud East Eur Thought, 62, 431–451.
  • Sessions, G. (ed.). (1999). Deep ecology for the 21st century: Readings on the philosophy and practice of the new environmentalism. Ukiah, Calif.: New Dimensions Radio.
  • Subcomandante, M., & Ponce de León, J. (2001). Our word is our weapon: Selected writings. London: Serpent's Tail.
  • Tajadura Tejada, J. (2001). La función de los preambulos constitucionales. Cuestiones Constitucionales [The function of constitutional preambles: Constitutional issues]. Revista Mexicana de Derecho Constitucional, 5, 235–262.
  • Taylor, S. (2001). Locating and conducting discourse analytic research. In M. Wetherell, S. Taylor, & S. J. Yates (Eds.), Discourse as data: A guide for analysis (pp. 5–48). London: SAGE in association with The Open University.
  • Traverso, E. (2016). Fire and blood: The European civil war 1914–1945. London: Verso.
  • van Cott, D. L. (2007). Latin America's indigenous peoples. Journal of Democracy, 18(4), 127–142.
  • van Dijk, T. A. (1996). Discourse, power and access. In C. R. Caldas-Coulthard, & M. Coulthard (Eds.), Texts and practices: Readings in critical discourse analysis (pp. 84–104). London: Routledge.
  • Wodak, R. (2011). Complex texts: Analysing, understanding, explaining and interpreting meanings. Discourse Studies, 13(5), 623–633.
  • Xiang, Z. (2016). The (De)coloniality of conceptual inequivalence: Reinterpreting Ometeol through Nahua Tlacuiloliztli. In J. G. Ramos, & T. Daly (Eds.), Decolonial approaches to Latin American literatures and cultures (pp. 39–55). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Yampara Huarachi, S. (2011). Cosmovivencia andina. Vivir y convivir en armonía integral-Suma Qamana [Andean ‘cosmovivence’: Live and live together in integral harmony - Suma Qamana]. Bolivian Studies Journal, 18, 1–22. doi: https://doi.org/10.5195/bsj.2011.42

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