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Research Articles

Debunking anti-Chinese stereotypes in Italy: intersectional perspectives and intermedial aesthetics in Sergio Basso’s Giallo a Milano (2009)1


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  • Dimmi chi sono [Sarita]. 2019. Directed by Sergio Basso. Italy/Germany: La Sarraz Pictures/National Media Production.
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  • Giallo a Milano [Made in Chinatown]. 2009. Directed by Sergio Basso. Italy: La Sarraz Pictures/CSC Production.
  • Gli anni [The Years]. 2018. Directed by Sara Fgaier. Italy/France: Grand Huit/Dugong Films.
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  • La strada dei Samouni [Samouni Road]. 2018. Directed by Stefano Savona. Italy/France: Dugong Production/Picofilms/Alter Ego Production/Rai Cinema/Arte France Cinéma.
  • Made in Chinatown. 2010. Directed by Sergio Basso. Italy: La Sarraz Pictures/RCS Quotidiani. https://www.corriere.it/spettacoli/speciali/2010/giallo-a-milano/.
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  • Pedone, V. 2018. In the eye of the beholder: The orientalist representation of Chinese migrants in Italian documentaries. Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies 6, no. 1: 81–95. doi:10.1386/jicms.6.1.81_1.
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  • Tutto parla di te [Everything Speaks of You]. 2012. Directed by Alina Marazzi. Italy/Switzerland: MIR Cinematografica/Film Investment Piedmont/Intesa Sanpaolo.
  • Vogliamo anche le rose [We Want Roses too] (2007). Directed by Alina Marazzi, Italy/Switzerland: Mir Cinematografica/Ventura Film/Rai Cinema/RTSI/CULT - Fox Channels Italy/Aamod/Yle Teema Ateljee.
  • Zhang, G. 2013. The protest in Milan’s Chinatown and the Chinese Immigrants in Italy in the Media (2007-2009). Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies 1, no. 1: 21–37. doi:10.1386/jicms.1.1.21_1.
  • Zhang, G. 2017. Chinese migrants, morality and ethics in Italian cinema. Journal of Modern Italian Studies 22, no. 3: 385–405. doi:10.1080/1354571X.2017.1321935.
  • Zhang, G. 2019a. Migration and the Media. Debating Chinese Migration to Italy, 1992-2012. Toronto: Toronto University Press.
  • Zhang, G. 2019b. “Frames and agendas in italian films about Chinese migrants.” In LEA – Lingue e letterature d’Oriente e d’Occidente, vol. 8 Natali, Ilaria. 124–37. Firenze: Firenze University Press.