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Research Articles

Being ‘the lowest’: models of identity and deficit discourse in vocational education



  • Antaki, Charles. 2012. “Discourse Analysis and Conversation Analysis.” In The SAGE Handbook of Social Research Methods, edited by Pertti Alasuutari, Leonard Bickman, and Julia Brannen, 431–446. London: Sage.
  • Bakker, Nelleke, Jan Noordman, and Marjoke Rietveld-van Wingerden. 2010. Vijf eeuwen opvoeden in Nederland [Five Centuries of Child-Rearing in the Netherlands]. 2nd ed. Assen: Van Gorcum.
  • Chankseliani, Maia, Susan James Relly, and Andrea Laczik. 2016. “Overcoming Vocational Prejudice: How Can Skills Competitions Improve the Attractiveness of Vocational Education and Training in the UK?” British Educational Research Journal 42 (4): 582–599.
  • Covington, Martin V., and Karen Manheim Teel. 1996. Overcoming Student Failure: Changing Motives and Incentives for Learning. Washington: American Psychological Association.
  • Demanet, Jannick, and Mieke Van Houtte. 2011. “Social-Ethnic School Composition and School Misconduct: Does Sense of Futility Clarify the Picture?” Sociological Spectrum: The Official Journal of the Mid-South Sociological Association 31 (2): 224–256. doi:10.1080/02732173.2011.541343.
  • Dronkers, Jaap. 1993. “Educational Reform in the Netherlands: Did It Change the Impact of Parental Occupation and Education?” Sociology of Education 66 (4): 262–277.
  • Dronkers, Jaap, and Roxanne Korthals. 2016. “Tracking in the Netherlands – Ability Selection or Social Reproduction?” In Models of Secondary Education and Social Inequality: An International Comparison, edited by Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Sandra Buchholz, Jan Skopek, and Moris Triventi, 149–162. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
  • Foucault, Michel. 1966. The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences. London: Routledge.
  • Foucault, Michel. 1977. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. Translated by Alan Sheridan. New York: Vintage Books.
  • Francis, Becky, Louise Archer, Jeremy Hodgen, David Pepper, Becky Taylor, and Mary-Claire Travers. 2017. “Exploring the Relative Lack of Impact of Research on ‘Ability Grouping’ in England: A Discourse Analytic Account.” Cambridge Journal of Education 47 (1): 1–17.
  • Gamoran, Adam. 2010. “Tracking and Inequality: New Directions for Research and Practice.” In The Routledge International Handbook of the Sociology of Education, edited by Michael W. Apple, Stephen J. Ball, and Luís Armando Gandin, 213–228. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
  • Hester, Stephen, and Peter Eglin. 1997. Culture in Action: Studies in Membership Categorisation Analysis. Washington, DC: University Press of America.
  • Horn, Ilana Seidel. 2007. “Fast Kids, Slow Kids, Lazy Kids: Framing the Mismatch Problem in Mathematics Teachers’ Conversations.” Journal of the Learning Sciences 16 (1): 37–79.
  • Inspectie van het Onderwijs. 2018. “Onderwijsverslag: De staat van het onderwijs 2016/2017.” Inspectie van het Onderwijs. https://www.onderwijsinspectie.nl/documenten/rapporten/2018/04/11/rapport-de-staat-van-het-onderwijs.
  • Inspectie van het Onderwijs. 2020. “De Staat van het Onderwijs 2020.” Inspectie van het Onderwijs. https://www.onderwijsinspectie.nl/documenten/rapporten/2020/04/22/staat-van-het-onderwijs-2020.
  • Jonsson, A., and D. Beach. 2013. “A Problem of Democracy: Stereotypical Notions of Intelligence and Identity in College Preparatory Academic Programmes in the Swedish Upper Secondary School.” Nordic Studies in Education 33 (1): 50–62.
  • Knigge, Michel, and Bettina Hannover. 2011. “Collective School-Type Identity: Predicting Students’ Motivation beyond Academic Self-Concept.” International Journal of Psychology: Journal International de Psychologie 46 (3): 191–205. doi:10.1080/00207594.2010.529907.
  • Mijs, Jonathan J. B., and Bowen Paulle. 2016. “The Burden of Acting Wise: Sanctioned Success and Ambivalence about Hard Work at an Elite School in the Netherlands.” Intercultural Education 27 (1): 22–38. doi:10.1080/14675986.2016.1144383.
  • Nylund, Mattias, Per-Åke Rosvall, and Kristina Ledman. 2017. “The Vocational–Academic Divide in Neoliberal Upper Secondary Curricula: The Swedish Case.” Journal of Education Policy 32 (6): 788–808.
  • Oakes, Jeannie. 2005. Keeping Track: How Schools Structure Inequality. 2nd ed. New Haven & London: Yale University Press.
  • Puckett, Cassidy, and Brian E. Gravel. 2020. “Institutional Ambiguity and De Facto Tracking in STEM.” Teachers College Record 122 (8): 1–38.
  • Skeggs, Beverley. 2004. Class, Self, Culture. London, England: Routledge.
  • Spruyt, Bram, Filip Van Droogenbroeck, and Dimokritos Kavadias. 2015. “Educational Tracking and Sense of Futility: A Matter of Stigma Consciousness?” Oxford Review of Education 41 (6): 747–765. doi:10.1080/03054985.2015.1117971.
  • Tarabini, Aina, Marta Curran, and Alba Castejón. 2022. “Ability as Legitimation of Tracking: Teachers’ Representations of Students in Vocational and Academic Tracks.” British Educational Research Journal, Advance Online Publication, 1–16. doi:10.1002/berj.3808.
  • van Daalen, Rineke. 2010. Het vmbo als stigma. Lessen, leerlingen en gestrande idealen [The Vocational Track as Stigma. Lessons, Students, and Stranded Ideals]. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Augustus.
  • van den Bulk, Lenie. 2011. “Later kan ik altijd nog worden wat ik wil: Statusbeleving, eigenwaarde en toekomstbeeld van leerlingen in het voortgezet onderwijs, met de nadruk op de relatieve positie van vmbo-leerlingen [Later, I Can Still Be What I Want to Be. Status, Self Esteem and Aspirations in Secondary Education, with a Focus on the Relative Position of Pupils in Non-Academic Tracks].” PhD diss., Utrecht University.
  • van de Weerd, Pomme. 2019. ““Those Foreigners Ruin Everything Here”: Interactional Functions of Ethnic Labelling among Pupils in the Netherlands.” Journal of Sociolinguistics 23 (3): 244–262. doi:10.1111/josl.12344.
  • van de Weerd, Pomme. 2020. “Nederlanders and Buitenlanders: A Sociolinguistic-Ethnographic Study of Ethnic Categorization among Secondary School Pupils.” PhD diss., Maastricht University.
  • van de Werfhorst, Herman. 2019. “Een onderwijsstelsel dat nog stamt uit de negentiende eeuw [An Educational System that Stems from the Nineteenth Century].” Wiardi Beckman Stichting. Accessed June 13, 2019. https://www.wbs.nl/publicaties/een-onderwijsstelsel-dat-nog-stamt-uit-de-negentiende-eeuw#footnoteref8_8zzk1j9.
  • van de Werfhorst, Herman, Louise Elffers, and Sjoerd Karsten. 2015. Onderwijsstelsels vergeleken [Educational Systems Compared]. Meppel: Didactief Online.
  • van de Werfhorst, Herman, and Jonathan J. B. Mijs. 2010. “Achievement Inequality and the Institutional Structure of Educational Systems: A Comparative Perspective.” Annual Review of Sociology 36: 407–428. doi:10.1146/annurev.soc.012809.102538.
  • Van Houtte, Mieke, Jannick Demanet, and Peter A. J. Stevens. 2012. “Self-Esteem of Academic and Vocational Students: Does within-School Tracking Sharpen the Difference?” Acta Sociologica 55 (1): 73–89. doi:10.1177/0001699311431595.
  • Van Houtte, Mieke, and Peter A. J. Stevens. 2008. “Sense of Futility: The Missing Link Between Track Position and Self-Reported School Misconduct.” Youth & Society 40 (2): 245–264. doi:10.1177/0044118X08316251.
  • Verhoeven, Monique, Astrid M. G. Poorthuis, and Monique Volman. 2019. “The Role of School in Adolescents’ Identity Development. A Literature Review.” Educational Psychology Review 31 (1): 35–63. doi:10.1007/s10648-018-9457-3.
  • Wheelahan, Leesa. 2015. “Not Just Skills: What a Focus on Knowledge Means for Vocational Education.” Journal of Curriculum Studies 47 (6): 750–762.
  • Wortham, Stanton. 2004. “From Good Student to Outcast: The Emergence of a Classroom Identity.” BEthos 32 (2): 164–187.
  • Wortham, Stanton. 2006. Learning Identity: The Joint Emergence of Social Identification and Academic Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.