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Re-municipalization of public services: trend or hype?



  • Albalate, D., and G. Bel. 2019. “Politicians, Bureaucrats and the Public–Private Choice in Public Service Delivery: Anybody There Pushing for Remunicipalization?” Journal of Economic Policy Reform. doi:10.1080/17487870.2019.1685385.
  • Andrews, R., L. Ferry, C. Skelcher, and P. Wegorowski. 2019. “Corporatization in the Public Sector: Explaining the Growth of Local Government Companies.” Public Administration Review. doi:10.1111/puar.13052.
  • Bel, G., and M. E. Warner. 2008. “Does Privatization of Solid Waste and Water Services Reduce Costs? A Review of Empirical Studies.” Resources, Conservation & Recycling 52 (12Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 1337–1348. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2008.07.014.
  • Bel, G., and X. Fageda. 2007. “Why Do Local Governments Privatize Public Services? A Survey of Empirical Studies.” Local Government Studies 33 (4Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 517–534. doi:10.1080/03003930701417528.
  • Bel, G., and X. Fageda. 2009. “Factors Explaining Local Privatization: A Meta-regression Analysis.” Public Choice 139 (1/2Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 105–119. doi:10.1007/s11127-008-9381-z.
  • Bel, G., and X. Fageda. 2017. “What Have We Learnt after Three Decades of Empirical Studies on Factors Driving Local Privatization?” Local Government Studies 43 (4Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 503–511. doi:10.1080/03003930.2017.1303486.
  • Bel, G., X. Fageda, and M. E. Warner. 2010. “Is Private Production of Public Services Cheaper than Public Production? A Meta-regression Analysis of Solid Waste and Water Services.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 29 (3Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 553–577. doi:10.1002/pam.v29:3.
  • Clifton, J., and D. Díaz-Fuentes. 2018. “The State and Public Corporations.” Chap. 7 in Handbook of the International Political Economy of the Corporation, edited by A. Nolke and C. May, 106–119. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Clifton, J., D. Díaz-Fuentes, and A. L. Gómez. 2018. “The Crisis as Opportunity? on the Role of the Troika in Constructing the European Consolidation State.” Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy & Society 11 (3Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 587–608. doi:10.1093/cjres/rsy021.
  • Clifton, J., D. Diaz-Fuentes, and J. Revuelta. 2010. “The Political Economy of Telecoms and Electricity Internationalization in the Single Market.” Journal of European Public Policy 17 (7Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 988–1006. doi:10.1080/13501763.2010.499229.
  • Clifton, J., F. Comín, and D. Díaz-Fuentes. 2006. “Privatizing Public Enterprises in the European Union 1960–2002: Ideological, Pragmatic, Inevitable?” Journal of European Public Policy 13 (5Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 736–756. doi:10.1080/13501760600808857.
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  • Cumbers, A., and S. Beck. 2018. “Making Sense of Remunicipalization: Theoretical Reflections on and Political Possibilities from German’s Rekommumalisierung Process.” Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy & Society 11 (3Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 503–517. doi:10.1093/cjres/rsy025.
  • Demuth, J., H. W. Friederiszick, and S. Reinhold. 2018. “Reverse Privatization as a Reaction to the Competitive Environment: Evidence from Solid Waste Collection in Germany.” ESMT Working Paper 18–02. doi:10.1142/S2424835518500029.
  • Denhardt, R. B., and J. V. Denhardt. 2000. “The New Public Service: Serving Rather than Steering.” Public Administration Review 60 (6Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 549–559. doi:10.1111/puar.2000.60.issue-6.
  • Dijkgraaf, E., and R. Gradus. 2007. “Collusion in the Dutch Waste Market.” Local Government Studies 33 (4Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 573–588. doi:10.1080/03003930701417601.
  • Dijkgraaf, E., and R. Gradus. 2013. “Cost Advantage Cooperations Larger than Private Waste Collectors.” Applied Economic Letters 20 (7Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 702–705. doi:10.1080/13504851.2012.732682.
  • Girth, A., A. Hefetz, J. Johnston, and M. E. Warner. 2012. “Outsourcing Public Service Delivery: Management Responses in Noncompetitive Markets.” Public Administration Review 72 (6Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 887–900. doi:10.1111/puar.2012.72.issue-6.
  • Gradus, R., E. Dijkgraaf, and M. Wassenaar. 2014. “Understanding Mixed Forms of Refuse Collection, Privatization, and Its Reverse.” International Public Management Journal 17 (3Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 328–343. doi:10.1080/10967494.2014.935237.
  • Gradus, R., M. Schoute, and T. Budding. 2019. “Shifting Modes of Service Delivery in Dutch Local Government.” Journal of Economic Policy Reform. doi:10.1080/17487870.2019.1630123.
  • Gradus, R., and T. Budding. 2018. “Political and Institutional Explanations for Increasing Remunicipalization.” Urban Affairs Review, Published Early View. doi:10.1177/1078087418787907.
  • Hall, D., E. Lobina, and P. Terhorst. 2013. “Re-municipalization in the Early Twenty-first Century: Water in France and Energy in Germany.” International Review of Applied Economics 27: 193–214. doi:10.1080/02692171.2012.754844.
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  • Hefetz, A., M. Warner, and E. Vigoda-Gadot. 2014. “Concurrent Sourcing in the Public Sector: A Strategy to Manage Contracting Risk.” International Public Management Journal 17 (3Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 365–386. doi:10.1080/10967494.2014.935242.
  • Hefetz, A., and M. E. Warner. 2004. “Privatization and Its Reverse: Explaining the Dynamics of the Government Contracting Process.” Journal of Public Administration, Research and Theory 14 (2Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 171–190. doi:10.1093/jopart/muh012.
  • Hefetz, A., and M. E. Warner. 2007. “Beyond the Market Vs. Planning Dichotomy: Understanding Privatisation and Its Reverse in US Cities.” Local Government Studies 33 (4Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 555–572. doi:10.1080/03003930701417585.
  • Hefetz, A., M. E. Warner, and E. Vigoda-Gadot. 2012. “Privatization and Inter-Municipal Contracting: US Local Government Experience 1992–2007.” Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 30 (4Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 675–692. doi:10.1068/c11166.
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  • Lindholst, A. C. 2019. “Addressing Public-value Failure: Remunicipalization as Acts of Public Entrepreneurship.” Journal of Economic Policy Reform. doi:10.1080/17487870.2019.1671192.
  • Lobina, E. 2017. “Water Remunicipalization: Between Pendulum Swings and Paradigm Advocacy.” In Urban Water Trajectories. Future City, 6, edited by S. Bell, A. Allen, P. Hofmann, and T.-H. Teh, pp. 149–161. London, UK: Springer International Publishing.
  • Lobina, E., V. Weghmann, and M. Marwa. 2019. “Water Justice Will Not Be Televised: Moral Advocacy and the Struggle for Transformative Remunicipalization in Jakarta.” Water Alternatives 12 (2Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 725–748.
  • Mann, C., and M. E. Warner. 2019. “Power Asymmetries and Limits to Eminent Domain: The Case of Missoula Water’s Municipalization.” Water Alternatives 12 (2Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 725–737.
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  • Son, K., and R. Zohlnhöfer. 2019. “Measuring Privatization: Comparing Five Indicators of the Deposition of State-Owned Enterprises in Advanced Democracies.” Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis 21 (4Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 402–422. doi:10.1080/13876988.2019.1580007.
  • Terhorst, P. 2014. Remunicipalization in Berlin after the Buy-back. Amsterdam: TNI. https://www.tni.org/en/article/remunicipalization-in-berlin-after-the-buy-back
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  • Voorn, B., M. van Genugten, and S. van Thiel. 2019. “Re-interpreting Re-municipalization: Finding Equilibrium”. Journal of Economic Policy Reform.
  • Warner, E., and A. Hefetz. 2008. “Managing Markets for Public Service: The Role of Mixed Public/Private Delivery of City Services.” Public Administration Review 68 (1Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 150–161. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6210.2007.00845.x.
  • Warner, M. E. 2008. “Reversing Privatization, Rebalancing Government Reform: Markets, Deliberation and Planning.” Policy and Society 27 (2Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 163–174. doi:10.1016/j.polsoc.2008.09.001.
  • Warner, M. E. 2016. “Pragmatic Publics in the Heartland of Capitalism: Local Services in the United States.” In Making Public in a Privatized World: The Struggle for Essential Services, edited by D. McDonald, 189–202. London, Zed Books.
  • Warner, M. E., and A. Hefetz. 2002. “Applying Market Solutions to Public Services: An Assessment of Efficiency, Equity and Voice.” Urban Affairs Review 38 (1Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 70–89. doi:10.1177/107808702401097808.
  • Warner, M. E., and A. Hefetz. 2012. “In-Sourcing and Outsourcing: The Dynamics of Privatization among US Municipalities 2002–2007.” Journal of the American Planning Association 78 (3Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 313–327. doi:10.1080/01944363.2012.715552.
  • Warner, M. E., and A. Hefetz. 2019. “Contracting Dynamics and Unionization: Managing Labor, Political Interests and Markets.” Local Government Studies. doi:10.1080/03003930.2019.1670167.
  • Warner, M. E., and A. M. Aldag. 2019. “Re-municipalization in the US: A Pragmatic Response to Contracting.” Journal of Economic Policy Reform. doi:10.1080/17487870.2019.1646133.
  • Warner, M. E., and G. Bel. 2008. “Competition or Monopoly? Comparing US and Spanish Privatization.” Public Administration: An International Quarterly 86 (3Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 723–735. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9299.2008.00700.x.
  • Warner, M. E., and J. Clifton. 2014. “Marketization, Public Services and the City: The Potential for Polanyian Counter Movements.” Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 7 (1Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 45–61. doi:10.1093/cjres/rst028.
  • Warner, M. E., and R. Hebdon. 2001. “Local Government Restructuring: Privatization and Its Alternatives.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 20 (2Re-municipalization of public services: Trend or hype? ): 315–336. doi:10.1002/pam.2027.
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  • Zafra-Gómez, J. L., C. Campos-Alba, E. de la Higuera-molina, and G. Pérez Lopez. 2019. “Drivers of Contracting Back in Local Governments: Analysing Efficiency, Opportunistic Political Cycles, Political Corruption and Financial Factors.” Journal of Economic Policy Reform. doi:10.1080/17487870.2019.1689359.

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