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The Moral Resilience of Young People Who Care



  • Aldridge, J. 2008. “All Work and No Play? Understanding the Needs of Children with Caring Responsibilities.” Children & Society 22: 253–264.
  • Aldridge, J. 2018. “Where are we Now? Twenty-Five Years of Research,Policy and Practice on Young Carers.” Critical Social Policy 38 (1): 155–165.
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  • Becker, F., and S. Becker. 2008. Young Adult Carers in the UK: Experiences, Needs and Services for Carers Aged 16-24. London: The Princess Royal Trust for Carers.
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  • Bolas, H., A. Van Wersch, and D. Flynn. 2007. “The Well-Being of Young People Who Care for a Dependent Relative: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.” Psychology and Health 22: 829–850.
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  • Carers Trust Scotland. 2016. Young People Caring Out There: Experiences of LGBT Young Adult Carers in Scotland. Accessed 21 May 2020. http://www.ep-yc.org/wp-content/uploads/participants-database/sc7.pdf.
  • Cassidy, T., and M. Giles. 2012. “Further Exploration of the Young Carers Perceived Stress Scale: Identifying a Benefit-Finding Dimension.” British Journal of Health Psychology 18: 642–655.
  • Clay, D., C. Connors, N. Day, M. Gkiza, and J. Aldrige. 2016. The Lives of Young Carers in England. Qualitative Report to Dept. for Education. London: DOE.
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  • Cunningham, L., I. Shochet, C. Smith, and A. Wurfl. 2017. “A Qualitative Evaluation of an Innovative Resilience-Building Camp for Young Carers.” Child & Family Social Work 22: 700–710.
  • Defilippis, T., K. Curtis, and A. Gallagher. 2019. “Conceptualising Moral Resilience for Nursing Practice.” Nursing Inquiry 26 (3): 1–7. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/nin.12291.
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  • Hamington, M. 2018. “The Care Ethics Moment: International Innovations.” International Journal of Care and Caring 2 (3): 309–318.
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  • Hunter, S., D. Riggs, and M. Augoustinous. 2017. “Hegemonic Masculinity Versus a Caring Masculinity: Implications for Understanding Primary Caregiving Fathers.” Social and Personality Psychology Compass 11: 3.
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  • Leinonen, A. 2011. “Adult Children and Parental Care-Giving: Making Sense of Participation Patterns among Siblings.” Ageing & Society 31 (2): 308–327.
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  • McDougall, E., M. O'Connor, and J. Howell. 2018. ““Something That Happens at Home and Stays at Home”: An Exploration of the Lived Experience of Young Carers in Western Australia.” Health and Social Care in the Community 26 (4): 572–580.
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  • Milligan, C., and M. Morbey. 2016. “Care, Coping and Identity: Older Men's Experiences of Spousal Care-Giving.” Journal of Aging Studies 28: 105–114.
  • Monteverde, S. 2016. “Caring for Tomorrow’s Workforce: Moral Resilience and Healthcare Ethics Education.” Nursing Ethics 23 (1): 104–116.
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  • Mullin, A. 2011. “Gratitude and Caring Labour.” Ethics and Social Welfare 5 (2): 110–122.
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  • Pickard, S. 2010. “The‘Good Carer’: Moral Practices in Late Modernity.” Sociology 44 (3): 471–487.
  • Rose, H., and K. Cohen. 2010. “The Experiences of Young Carers: A Meta-Synthesis of Qualitative Findings.” Journal of Youth Studies 13 (4): 473–487.
  • Rushton, C. 2016. “Moral Resilience: A Capacity for Navigating Moral Distress in Critical Care.” AACN Advanced Critical Care 27 (1): 111–119.
  • Skovdal, M., and E. Andreouli. 2011. “Using Identity and Recognition as a Framework to Understand and Promote the Resilience of Caregiving Children in Western Kenya.” Journal of Social Policy 40 (3): 613–630.
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  • Tarrant, A. 2018. “Care in an age of Austerity: Men’s Care Responsibilities in Low-Income Families.” Ethics and Social Welfare 12 (1): 34–48.
  • van de Sand, J., B. Laxman, and S. Nolan. 2018. “ Engaging men as Fathers and Caregivers: An Entry Point to Advancing Women’s Empowerment and Rights.” International Journal of Care and Caring 2 (3): 425–431.
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  • Wayman, S., P. Raws, and H. Leadbitter. 2016. ‘There’s Nobody is There – No-One Who can Actually Help?’. The Challenges of Estimating the Number of Child Carers and Knowing how to Meet Their Needs. London: Children’s Society.