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Who is Responsible for Remedying the Harm Caused to Children of Prisoners?


  • Aiello, Brittnie, and Jill McCorkel. 2018. ““‘It Will Crush You Like a Bug’: Maternal Incarceration, Secondary Prisonization, and Children’s Visitation”.” Punishment & Society 20: 351–374.
  • Arditti, Joyce. 2012. Parental Incarceration and the Family: Psychological and Social Effects of Imprisonment on Children, Parents, and Caregivers. New York: New York University Press.
  • Arditti, Joyce, Jennifer Lambert-Shute, and Karen Joest. 2003. “Saturday Morning at the Jail: Implications of Incarceration for Families and Children.” Family Relations 52: 195–204.
  • Bagattini, Alexander. 2019. “Children’s Well-Being and Vulnerability.” Ethics and Social Welfare 13: 211–215.
  • Brown Coverdale, Helen. 2018. “Punishment and Welfare: Defending Offender’s Inclusion as Subjects of State Care.” Ethics and Social Welfare 12: 117–132.
  • Brownlee, Kimberley. 2016. “Don’t Call People ‘Rapists’: On the Social Contribution Injustice of Punishment.” Current Legal Problems 69: 327–352.
  • Brownlee, Kimberley. 2020. Being Sure of Each Other: An Essay on Social Rights and Freedoms. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Brülde, Bengt. 2011. “Rätten Till Hälsa och Några Tankar Om Global Rättvisa.” In Folkhäsloarbetets Etik, edited by Bengt Brülde, 167–206. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
  • Bülow, William. 2014. “The Harms Beyond Imprisonment: Do We Have Special Moral Obligations Towards the Families and Children of Prisoners?” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17: 775–789.
  • Bülow, William, and Lars Lindblom. 2020. “The Social Injustice of Parental Imprisonment.” Moral Philosophy and Politics 7: 299–320.
  • Butt, Daniel. 2007. “On Benefiting from Injustice.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 37: 129–152.
  • Cochran, Joshua, and Daniel Mears. 2013. “Social Isolation and Inmate Behavior: A Conceptual Framework for Theorizing Prison Visitation and Guiding and Assessing Research.” Journal of Criminal Justice 41: 252–261.
  • Collste, Göran. 2015. Global Rectificatory Justice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Comfort, Megan. 2007. “Punishment Beyond the Legal Offender.” Annual Review of Law and Social Science 3: 271–296.
  • Condry, Rachel. 2018. “Prisoners’ Families and the Problem of Social Justice.” In Prisons, Punishment, and the Family: Towards a New Sociology of Punishment? edited by Rachel Condry, and Peter Scharff Smith, 27–40. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Condry, Rachel, Anna Kotova, and Shona Minson. 2016. “Social Injustice and Collateral Damage: The Families and Children of Prisoners.” In Handbook on Prisons. eBook, edited by Yvonne Jewkes, Ben Crewe, and Jamie Bennett, 622–640. Routledge.
  • COPE (Children of Prisoners Europe). 2021. The Issues. Accessed September 28, 2021. https://childrenofprisoners.eu/the-issues/.
  • Deering, John, and Stephen R Smith. 2016. “Revising Wolff’s Support for Retribution in Theories of Punishment: Desistance, Rehabilitation, and Accommodating Individual and Social Accounts of Responsibility.” Ethics and Social Welfare 10: 289–303.
  • Dobbie, Will, Hans Grönqvist, Susan Niknami, Mårten Palme, and Mikael Priks. 2019. “The Intergenerational Effects of Parental Incarceration.” Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education. Working Paper: 2019: 24.
  • Duff, Antony. 2001. Punishment, Communication and Community. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Duus-Otterström, Göran. 2017. “Benefiting from Injustice and the Common-Source Problem.” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20: 1067–1081.
  • Fazel, Seena, Adrian J. Hayes, Katrina Bartellas, Massimo Clerici, and Robert Trestman. 2016. “Mental Health of Prisoners: Prevalence, Adverse Outcomes, and Interventions.” The Lancet Psychiatry 3: 871–881.
  • Hartvigsson, Thomas. Forthcoming. “Between Punishment and Care: Autonomous Offenders Who Commit Crimes Under the Influence of Mental Disorder.” Criminal Law and Philosophy. doi:10.1007/s11572-021-09595-4.
  • Hickey, Colin, Tim Meijers, Ingrid Robeyns, and Dimmer Timmer. 2021. “The Agents of Justice.” Philosophy Compass 17 (10): e12769.
  • Jones, Adele, Bernard Gallagher, Martin Manby, Oliver Robertson, Matthias Schützwohl, Anne Berman, Alexander Hirschfield, et al. 2013. Children of Prisoners: Interventions and Mitigations to Strengthen Mental Health. Huddersfield: University of Huddersfield.
  • Kotova, Anna. 2020. “Beyond Courtesy Stigma: Towards a Multi-Faceted and Cumulative Model of Stigmatisation of Families of People in Prison.” Forensic Science International: Mind and Law 1: 1–8.
  • Lindblom, Lars. 2016. “Equality of What for Children.” In Justice, Education and the Politics of Childhood, edited by J. Drerup, G. Schweiger, G. Graf, and C. Schickhardt, 89–100. Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Lippke, Richard. 2007. Rethinking Imprisonment. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Lippke, Richard. 2017. “Punishment Drift: The Spread of Penal Harm and What We Should Do about It.” Criminal Law and Philosophy 11: 645–659.
  • MacLeod, C. 2010. “Primary Goods, Capabilities, and Children.” In Measuring Justice: Primary Goods and Capabilities, edited by I. Robeyns, and H. Brighouse, 174–192. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Manning, Rita. 2011. “Punishing the Innocent: Children of Incarcerated and Detained Parents.” Criminal Justice Ethics 30: 267–287.
  • Metz, Thaddeus. 2000. “Censure Theory and Intuitions about Punishment.” Law and Philosophy 19: 491–512.
  • Miller, David. 2001. “Distributing Responsibilities.” Journal of Political Philosophy 9: 453–471.
  • Miller, David. 2007. National Responsibility and Global Justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Minson, Shona. 2020. Maternal Sentencing and the Rights of the Child. Ebook. Springer International Publishing.
  • Minson, Shona, and Catherine Flynn. 2021. “Symbiotic Harms of Imprisonment and the Effect on Children’s Right to Family Life Comparing the Impact of Covid-19 Prison Visiting Restrictions in the UK and Australia.” The International Journal of Children’s Rights 29: 305–325.
  • Murray, Joseph. 2007. “The Cycle of Punishment: Social Exclusion of Prisoners and Their Children.” Criminology & Criminal Justice 7: 55–81.
  • Murray, Joseph, and David Farrington. 2008. “The Effects of Parental Imprisonment on Children.” Crime and Justice 37: 133–206.
  • Murray, Joseph. 2005. “The Effects of Imprisonment on Families and Children of Prisoners.” In The Effects of Imprisonment, edited by. A. Liebling and S. Maruna, 442–462. Cullompton: Willan.
  • Nesmith, Ande, and Ebony Ruhland. 2008. “Children of Incarcerated Parents: Challenges and Resiliency, in Their Own Words.” Children and Youth Services Review 30: 1119–1130.
  • Nussbaum, Martha. 2000. Women and Human Development: The Capabilities Approach. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.
  • O’Neill, Onora. 2001. “Agents of Justice.” Metaphilosophy 32: 180–195.
  • Ristrouph, Alice. 2016. “Conditions of Legitimate Punishment.” In The New Philosophy of Criminal Law, edited by Chad Flanders, and Zachary Hoskins, 79–95. London: Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Scharff Smith, Peter. 2014. When the Innocent Are Punished: The Children of Imprisoned Parents. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Scharff Smith, Peter. 2015. “Children of Imprisoned Parents in Scandinavia: Their Problems, Treatment and the Role of Scandinavian Penal Culture.” Law in Context 32: 147–168.
  • Schweiger, Gottfried. 2019. “Ethics, Poverty and Children’s Vulnerability.” Ethics and Social Welfare 13: 288–301.
  • Schweiger, Gottfried, and Gunter Graf. 2015. A Philosophical Examination of Social Justice and Child Poverty. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Socialstyrelsen. 2018. “Barn med frihetsberövade föräldrar: Kartläggning och analys.” Accessed August 30, 2022. https://www.socialstyrelsen.se/globalassets/sharepoint-dokument/artikelkatalog/ovrigt/2018-12-54.pdf.
  • Tadros, Victor. 2011. The Ends of Harm: The Moral Foundations of Criminal Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Tasca, Melinda, Philip Mulvey and Nancy Rodriguez. 2016. “Families coming together in prison: An examination of visitation encounters.” Punishment & Society 18: 459–478.
  • Wallis, Rebecca, and Susan Dennison. 2015. “Out of the Shadows: Republican Criminology and the Children of Prisoners.” Law in Context 32: 86–107.
  • Ward, Tony, and Karen Salmon. 2009. “The Ethics of Punishment: Correctional Practice Implications.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 14: 239–247.
  • Wolff, Jonathan. 2020. Ethics and Public Policy: A Philosophical Inquiry. 2nd ed. London: Routledge.