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Recent publications

Pages 72-76 | Published online: 28 Feb 2007



  • Abdejaouad , Mahdi . 2006 . Issues in the history of mathematics teaching in Arab countries . Paedagogica Historica , 42 : 629 – 664 . Particularly concerned with the middle ages and the effect of the madrasa.]
  • Achtner , W . 2005 . Infinity in science and religion—the creative role of thinking about infinity . Neue Zeitschrift Fur Systematische Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie , 47 : 392 – 411 . [This article discusses the history of the concepts of Potential infinity and actual infinity in the context of Christian theology, mathematical thinking and metaphysical reasoning.]
  • Arnol'd , VI . 2006 . Forgotten and neglected theories of Poincaré . Russian Mathematical Surveys , 61 : 1 – 18 .
  • Barrow-Green , June and Gray , Jeremy . 2006 . Geometry at Cambridge, 1863–1940 . Historia Mathematica , 33 : 315 – 356 .
  • Barrow-Green , J and Gray , J . 2006 . Geometry and its uses in physics, 1900–1930. Four papers from an Open University Conference, Milton Keynes, September 2002 . Historia Mathematica , 33 ( 3 ) : 275 – 276 .
  • Bjarnadóttir , K . 2006 . From isolation and stagnation to ‘modern’ mathematics in Iceland: a reform or confusion? . Paedagogica Historica , 42 : 547 – 558 .
  • Bray , Joey R . 2006 . From Maxwell to Einstein: introducing the time-dilation property of special relativity in undergraduate electromagnetics . IEEE Antennas And Propagation Magazine , 48 : 109 – 114 . [This paper demonstrates how one of the consequences of special relativity can be easily introduced in an undergraduate engineering course on electromagnetics. The paper begins with a historical account of how Maxwell's electromagnetic theory eventually led to the theory of special relativity.]
  • Camerota , F . 2006 . Teaching Euclid in a practical context: linear perspective and practical geometry . Science and Education , 15 : 323 – 334 .
  • Clark , KM . 2006 . Investigating teachers' experiences with the history of logarithms: a collection of five case studies . PhD, University of Maryland ,
  • Colquhoun , D . 2006 . The quantitative analysis of drug–receptor interactions: a short history . Trends In Pharmacological Sciences , 27 : 149 – 157 . [Pharmacology started to develop into a real quantitative science in 1909, when A V Hill derived the Langmuir equation in the course of his studies on nicotine and curare. Presents ‘a history of the developments since then’.]
  • Cormack , LB . 2006 . The commerce of utility: teaching mathematical geography in early modern England . Science and Education , 15 : 305 – 322 .
  • Cullen , Christopher . 2006 . Can we make the history of mathematics historical? The case of ancient China . Studies In History And Philosophy of Science , 37 : 515 – 525 .
  • Donoghue , EF . 2006 . The education of mathematics teachers in the United States: David Eugene Smith, early twentieth-century pioneer . Paedagogica Historica , 42 : 559 – 573 .
  • Durham , Ian T . 2006 . Rethinking the history of solar wind studies: Eddington's analysis of Comet Morehouse . Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London , 60 : 261 – 270 .
  • Favino , F . 2006 . Mathematics and mathematicians at Sapienza University in Rome (XVII–XVIII century) . Science and Education , 15 : 357 – 392 .
  • Geva , T . 2006 . Magnetic resonance imaging: historical perspective . Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance , 8 : 573 – 580 .
  • Giacardi , Livia . 2006 . From Euclid as textbook to the Giovanni gentile reform (1867–1923): problems, methods and debates in mathematics teaching in Italy . Paedagogica Historica , 42 : 587 – 613 .
  • Glasserman , Paul and Kou , Steven . 2006 . A conversation with Chris Heyde . Statistical Science , 21 : 286 – 298 . [Chris has been honoured worldwide for his contributions in probability, statistics and the history of statistics.]
  • Goel , S . 2006 . An invisible minority: Asian Americans in mathematics . Notices of the American Mathematical Society , 53 : 878 – 882 .
  • Goulding , Robert . 2006 . Method and mathematics: Peter Ramus's histories of the sciences . Journal of the History of Ideas , 67 : 63 – 85 .
  • Gouzevitch , D and Gouzevitch , I . 2006 . Les mathématiques a l'Europèenne comme outil de modernisation: le cas de le Russie Pétrovienne . Quaderns d'Uaderns d'Història de l'Enginyeria , 7 : 197 – 229 .
  • Grier , DA . 2006 . Irene Stegun, the handbook of mathematical functions, and the lingering influence of the new deal . American Mathematical Monthly , 113 : 585 – 597 .
  • Higgitt , Rebekah . 2006 . Why I don't FRS my tail: Augustus De Morgan and the Royal Society . Notes and Records of the Royal Society , 60 : 253 – 259 .
  • Hon , Giora and Goldstein , Bernard R . 2006 . Adding velocities without exceeding the velocity of light: Wilhelm Wien's algorithm (1904) and Albert Einstein's light postulate (1905) . Centaurus , 48 : 89 – 113 .
  • Karp , Alexander . 2006 . ‘Universal responsiveness’' or ‘splendid isolation?’' Episodes from the history of mathematics education in Russia . Paedagogica Historica , 42 : 615 – 628 .
  • Kastanis , I and Kastanis , N . 2006 . The transmission of mathematics into Greek education, 1800–1840: from individual initiatives to institutionalization . Paedagogica Historica , 42 : 515 – 534 .
  • Klyve , D and Stemkoski , L . 2006 . Graeco–Latin squares and a mistaken conjecture of Euler . The College Mathematics Journal , 37 : 2 – 15 .
  • Kollerstrom , N . 2006 . An hiatus in history: the British claim for Neptune's co-prediction, 1845–1846: Part 2 . History of Science , 44 : 349 – 371 .
  • Kufner , Alois , Maligranda , Lech and Persson , Lars-Erik . October 2006 . The prehistory of the Hardy inequality . American Mathematical Magazine , : 1906 – 1928 . [Contributions of E Landau, G Pólya, I Schur and M Riesz]
  • Kushner , Boris A . 2006 . The constructive mathemdi atics of A. A. Markov . American Mathematical Magazine , (June–July)
  • Kvasz , L . 2006 . Heidegger's account of the rise of mathematical natural science in confrontation with Husserl's conception of mathematisation in Krisis” . Filosoficky Casopis , 54 : 183 – 205 .
  • Link , D . 2006 . Traces of the mouth: Andrei Andreyevich Markov's mathematization of writing . History of Science , 44 : 321 – 348 .
  • Maanen , J van , Jesseph , DM , Hunter , M , Stedall , J and Malcolm , N . 2006 . John Pell (1611–1685): mathematical utopian, review symposium on Noel Malcolm and Jacqueline Stedall: . John Pell (1611–1685) and his Correspondence with Sir Charles Cavendish: The Mental World of an Early Modern Mathematician (Oxford, 2005), Metascience , 15 : 217 – 249 .
  • Mammino , Liliana . 2006 . The recent history of theoretical chemistry presented from a method-related perspective . Journal of Molecular Structure—Theochem , 769 : 61 – 68 . [Particular attention is given to the continuous refining of physical modelling and mathematical tools.]
  • Marchisotto , EAC . 2006 . The projective geometry of Mario Pieri: a legacy of Georg Karl Christian von Staudt . Historia Mathematica , 33 : 277 – 314 .
  • Neumann , Peter M . 2006 . The concept of primitivity in group theory and the second memoir of Galois . Archive for History of Exact Sciences , 60 : 379 – 429 .
  • Osler , MJ . 2006 . A hero for their times: early biographies of Newton . Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London , 60 : 291 – 305 .
  • Papaodysseus , Constantin , Fragoulis , Dimitrios K , Panagopoulos , Mihalis , Panagopoulos , Thanasis , Rousopoulos , Panayiotis , Exarhos , Mihalis and Skembris , Angelos . 2006 . Determination of the method of construction of 1650 BC wall paintings . IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence , 28 : 1361 – 1371 . [It has been demonstrated that the artist or group of artists has used seven geometrical archetypes and seven corresponding well-constructed stencils (four hyperbolae, two ellipses, and one Archimedes' spiral) to draw the wall painting ‘Gathering of Crocus’ in 1650 BC. This method of drawing seems to be unique in the history of arts and of great importance for archaeology, and the history of mathematics and sciences, as well.]
  • Phillips , C . 2006 . Robert Woodhouse and the evolution of Cambridge Mathematics . History of Science , 44 : 69 – 993 .
  • Pragacz , Piotr . November 2006 . The life and work of Alexander Grothendieck . American Mathematical Magazine ,
  • Rommevaux , Sabine . 2006 . Un exemple de question mathématique au Moyen Âge . Annals of Science , 63 : 425 – 446 .
  • Rosenberg , Gary D . 2006 . Nicholas Steno's chaos and the shaping of evolutionary thought in the scientific revolution . Geology , 34 : 793 – 796 . [On the 1659 notebook ‘Chaos’ of Nicholas Steno (1638—1686), which ‘adds important insight into geology's place in the Scientific Revolution’, in particular Steno's ‘geometric definition of form’.]
  • Sauer , T . 2006 . Field equations in teleparallel space–time: Einstein's Fernparallelismus approach toward unified field theory . Historia Mathematica , 33 : 399 – 439 .
  • Schubring , Gert . 2006 . History of teaching and learning mathematics . Paedagogica Historica , 42 : 511 – 514 . [(Editorial.)]
  • Schubring , Gert . 2006 . Researching into the history of teaching and learning mathematics: the state of the art . Paedagogica Historica , 42 : 665 – 677 .
  • Schubring , Gert . 2003 . ‘Reformation’ and ‘counter-reformation’ in mathematics—the role of the Jesuits . Llull , 26 : 1069 – 1076 .
  • Scholz , E . 2006 . Introducing groups into quantum theory (1926–1930) . Historia Mathematica , 33 : 440 – 490 .
  • Sempi , Carlo . 2006 . A short and partial history of probabilistic normed spaces . Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics , 3 : 283 – 300 .
  • Shafer , G and Vovk , V . 2006 . The sources of Kolmogorov's Grundbegriffe . Statistical Science , 21 : 70 – 98 .
  • Smid , Harm J . 2006 . Between the market and the state . Paedagogica Historica , 42 : 575 – 586 . [On mathematics teaching and the development of secondary eduction in the Netherlands, c. 1838–1863.]
  • S⊘rensen , Henrik Kragh . 2006 . Louis Olivier: a mathematician only known through his publications in Crelle's Journal during the 1820s . Centaurus , 48 : 201 – 231 .
  • Swart , Barbara and Venter , Antoinetta . 2006 . What is quantitative finance? . South African Journal of Science , 102 : 113 – 116 . [(Editorial) This article gives an overview of the history and basic concepts of quantitative financial analysis.]
  • Tonietti , Tito M . 2006 . The mathematical contributions of Francesco Maurolico to the theory of music of the 16th century (the problems of a manuscript) . Centaurus , 48 : 149 – 200 .
  • Volkert , K . 2006 . Georg Klügel's dissertation (1763) now accessible on the worldwide web . Historia Mathematica , 33 : 357 – 358 .
  • Wolenski , Jan . 2006 . Polish logic . Logic Journal of The IGPL , 12 : 399 – 428 .
  • [This paper outlines the history of logic in Poland in the years 1918–1939 (with some additions concerning the periods before 1918 and after 1945).]
  • Wolfe , Christopher R . 2006 . SCiP at 35: an idiosyncratic history of the Society for Computers in Psychology . Behavior Research Methods , 38 : 245 – 250 .


  • Atalay , Bulent . 2006 . Math and the Mona Lisa: the art and science of Leonardo Da Vinci , HarperCollins .
  • Berndt , Bruce C . 2006 . Number theory in the spirit of Ramanujan , Oxford University Press . [An introduction to q-series and theta functions: at the end of each chapter the results are placed in historical context.]
  • Bewersdorff , Jorg . 2006 . Galois theory for beginners: a historical perspective , Oxford Universitdyi Press .
  • Danielson , Dennis . 2006 . The first Copernican: Georg Joachim Rheticus and the rise of the Copernican revolution , Walker Books . [Biography of Copernicus's only student.]
  • Derbyshire , John . 2006 . Unknown quantity: a real and imaginary history of algebra , Joseph Henry Press .
  • Edwards , Jess . 2006 . Writing, geometry and space in seventeenth-century England and America: circles in the sand , Routledge .
  • Folkerts , Menso . 2006 . The development of mathematics in medieval Europe: the Arabs, Euclid, Regiomontanus , Ashgate . [This volume complements the previous collection of articles by Menso Folkerts, Essays on Early Medieval Mathematics. It deals with the development of mathematics in Europe from the 12th century to about 1500.]
  • Hellman , Hal . 2006 . Great feuds in mathematics: ten of the liveliest disputes ever , Wiley .
  • Mashaal , Maurice . 2006 . Bourbaki: a secret society of mathematics , American Mathematical Society .
  • Norman , Jesse . 2006 . After Euclid , University of Chicago Press . [Re-examines the ancient and long-disregarded concept of visual reasoning and reasserts its potential as a formidable tool in our ability to grasp various kinds of geometrical knowledge.]
  • Smith , Michael J de . 2006 . Maths For the mystified: an exploration of the history of mathematics and its relationship to modern-day science and computing , Troubador Publishing .
  • Steffens , Karl-Georg . 2006 . The history of approximation theory: from Euler to Bernstein , Birkhäuser .
  • Young , Anne L . 2006 . Mathematical ciphers: from Caesar to RSA , Oxford University Press .

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