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To Serve and Survey: French Gendarmes as International Police in Peacebuilding Missions in Bosnia and Kosovo



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  • Interviews
  • Interview with Benoit, personal home, South of France, 21 April 2015
  • Interview with Christian, his office, Paris region, 25 June 2014
  • Interview with Gérard, his office, West of France, 19 June 2014
  • Interview with Jacques, personal home, West of France, 20 April 2015
  • Interview with Jean-Paul, personal home, South of France, 21 April 2015
  • Interview with Michel, his office, West of France, 19 June 2014
  • Interview with Pascal, his office, Paris region, 3 July 2014
  • Interview with Philippe, coffee place, West of France, 19 June 2014
  • Interview with Pierre, personal home, West of France, 10 April 2013
  • Interview with Yann, his office, Paris region, 27 June 2014
  • Informal conversation with Ljubica, Brčko, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 14 May 2017

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