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Now You See Me – Now You Don't: Journalists’ Experiences With Surveillance


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  • Mann, Steve, and Joseph Ferenbok. 2013. “New Media and the Power Politics of Sousveillance in a Surveillance-Dominated World.” Surveillance and Society 11 (1-2): 18–34. doi: 10.24908/ss.v11i1/2.4456
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  • Monahan, Torin. 2006. Surveillance and Security: Technological Politics and Power in Everyday Life. New York: Routledge.
  • Nagy, Veronika. 2017. How to silence the lambs?—Constructing authoritarian governance in posttransitional Hungary. Surveillance & Society 15 (3/4): 447–455.
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  • Stoycheff, Elisabeth. 2016. “Under Surveillance: Examining Facebook’s Spiral of Silence Effects in the Wake of NSA Internet Monitoring.” Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly. Epub ahead of print, March 8, 2016. doi:10.1177/1077699016630255.
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