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Research Articles

Multi-temporal variation of the Ross Sea Polynya in response to climate forcings

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  • Arrigo K.R. & Van Dijken G.L. 2003a. Phytoplankton dynamics within 37 Antarctic coastal polynya systems. Journal of Geophysical Research—Oceans 108, article no. 3271, doi: 10.1029/2002JC001739.
  • Arrigo K.R. & Van Dijken G.L. 2003b. Impact of iceberg C‐19 on Ross Sea primary production. Geophysical Research Letters 30, article no. 1836, doi: 10.1029/2003GL017721.
  • Arrigo K.R., Van Dijken G.L., Ainley D.G., Fahnestock M.A. & Markus T. 2002. Ecological impact of a large Antarctic iceberg. Geophysical Research Letters 29, article no. 1104, doi: 10.1029/2001GL014160.
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  • Capparelli V., Franzke C., Vecchio A., Freeman M.P., Watkins N.W. & Carbone V. 2013. A spatiotemporal analysis of US station temperature trends over the last century. Journal of Geophysical Research—Atmospheres 118, 7427–7434.
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  • Comiso J.C. & Gordon A.L. 1998. Inter-annual variability in summer sea ice minimum, coastal polynyas and bottom water formation in the Weddell Sea. In M.O. Jeffries (ed): Antarctic sea ice: physical processes, interactions and variability. Pp. 293–315. Washington DC: American Geophysical Union.
  • Comiso J.C., Kwok R., Martin S. & Gordon A.L. 2011. Variability and trends in sea ice extent and ice production in the Ross Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research—Oceans 116, article no. 04021, doi: 10.1029/2010JC006391.
  • Drucker R., Martin S. & Kwok R. 2011. Sea ice production and export from coastal polynyas in the Weddell and Ross seas. Geophysical Research Letters 38, L17502, doi: 10.1029/2011GL048668.
  • Ezer T. & Corlett W.B. 2012. Is sea level rise accelerating in the Chesapeake Bay? A demonstration of a novel new approach for analyzing sea level data. Geophysical Research Letters 39, L19605, doi: 10.1029/2012GL053435.
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  • Jo Y.H., Kim H.C., Son S. & Kim D. 2016. Analysis of the timing of phase changes in the chlorophyll concentration in the East/Japan Sea. Continental Shelf Research 127, 1–11.
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  • Kohyama T. & Hartmann D.L. 2016. Antarctic sea ice response to weather and climate modes of variability. Journal of Climate 29, 721–741.
  • Kwok R. & Comiso J.C. 2002. Spatial patterns of variability in Antarctic surface temperature: connections to the Southern Hemisphere annular mode and the Southern Oscillation. Geophysical Research Letters 29, article no. 1705, doi: 10.1029/2002GL015415.
  • Ledley T.S. & Huang Z. 1997. A possible ENSO signal in the Ross Sea. Geophysical Research Letters 24, 3253–3256.
  • Lee H.S. 2013. Estimation of extreme sea levels along the Bangladesh coast due to storm surge and sea level rise using EEMD and EVA. Journal of Geophysical Research—Oceans 118, 4273–4285.
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  • Martin S., Drucker R.S. & Kwok R. 2007. The areas and ice production of the western and central Ross Sea polynyas, 1992–2002, and their relation to the B-15 and C-19 iceberg events of 2000 and 2002. Journal of Marine Systems 68, 201–214.
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  • Montes‐Hugo M.A. & Yuan X. 2012. Climate patterns and phytoplankton dynamics in Antarctic latent heat polynyas. Journal of Geophysical Research—Oceans 117, C05031, doi: 10.1029/2010JC006597.
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  • Parkinson C.L. & Cavalieri D.J. 2012. Antarctic sea ice variability and trends, 1979-2010. The Cryosphere 6, 871–880.
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  • Robinson N.J. & Williams M.J.M. 2012. Iceberg-induced changes to polynya operation and regional oceanography in the southern Ross Sea, Antarctica, from in situ observations. Antarctic Science 24, 514–526.
  • Rusciano E., Budillon G., Fusco G. & Spezie G. 2013. Evidence of atmosphere–sea ice–ocean coupling in the Terra Nova Bay polynya (Ross Sea—Antarctica). Continental Shelf Research 61, 112–124.
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  • Smith W.O., Ainley D.G. & Cattaneo-Vietti R. 2007. Trophic interactions within the Ross Sea continental shelf ecosystem. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 362, 95–111.
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  • Stammerjohn S.E., Martinson D.G., Smith R.C., Yuan X. & Rind D. 2008. Trends in Antarctic annual sea ice retreat and advance and their relation to El Niño–Southern Oscillation and Southern Annular Mode variability. Journal of Geophysical Research—Oceans 113, C03S90, doi: 10.1029/2007JC004269.
  • Turner J., Comiso J.C., Marshall G.J., Lachlan‐Cope T.A., Bracegirdle T., Maksym T., Meredith M.P., Wang Z. & Orr A. 2009. Non‐annular atmospheric circulation change induced by stratospheric ozone depletion and its role in the recent increase of Antarctic sea ice extent. Geophysical Research Letters 36, L08502, doi: 10.1029/2009GL037524.
  • Van Woert M.L. 1999. Wintertime dynamics of the Terra Nova Bay polynya. Journal of Geophysical Research—Oceans 104, 7753–7769.
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  • Yuan X.J. 2004. ENSO-related impacts on Antarctic sea ice: a synthesis of phenomenon and mechanisms. Antarctic Science 16, 415–425.
  • Zwally H.J., Comiso J.C. & Gordon A.L. 1985. Antarctic offshore leads and polynyas and oceanographic effects. In S.S. Jacobs (ed.): Oceanology of the Antarctic continental shelf. Pp. 203–226. Washington DC: American Geophysical Union.