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Original Articles

Urban, suburban or rural? Understanding preferences for the residential environment



  • Aero, T. 2006. “Residential Choice from a Lifestyle Perspective.” Housing, Theory and Society 23 (2): 109–130. doi:10.1080/14036090600773139.
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  • De Vos, J., V. Van Acker, and F. Witlox. 2016a. “Urban Sprawl: Neighborhood Dissatisfaction and Urban Preferences. Some Evidence from Flanders.” Urban Geography 37 (6): 839–862. doi:10.1080/02723638.2015.1118955.
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  • Jansen, S. J. T. 2012. “What Is the Worth of Values in Guiding Residential Preferences and Choices?” Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 27 (3): 273–300. doi:10.1007/s10901-012-9270-0.
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  • Kamruzzaman, M. D., D. Baker, S. Washington, and G. Turrell. 2013. “Residential Dissonance and Mode Choice.” Journal of Transport Geography 33: 12–28. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2013.09.004.
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  • Kumar, P. P., C. R. Sekhar, and M. Parida. 2018. “Residential Dissonance in TO Neighborhoods.” Journal of Transport Geography 72: 166–177. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2018.09.005.
  • Lindberg, E., T. Hartig, J. Garvill, and T. Garling. 1992. “Residential-location Preferences across the Life-span.” Journal of Environmental Psychology 12 (2): 187–198. doi:10.1016/S0272-4944(05)80070-2.
  • Lovejoy, K., S. Handy, and P. Mokhtarian. 2010. “Neighborhood Satisfaction in Suburban Vesus Traditional Environments: An Evaluation of Contributing Characteristics in Eigh California Neighborhoods.” Landscape and Urban Planning 97: 37–48. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2010.04.010.
  • Luckey, K. S., W. E. Marshall, C. Durso, and C. Atkinson-Palombo. 2018. “Residential Preferences, Transit Accessibility and Social Equity: Insights from the Denver Region.” Journal of Urbanism 11 (2): 149–174.
  • McCrea, R., T. K. Shyy, and R. J. Stimson. 2014. “Satisfied Residents in Different Types of Local Areas: Measuring What’s Most Important.” Social Indicators Research 118: 87–101. doi:10.1007/s11205-013-0406-8.
  • Meesters, J. 2009. “The Meaning of Activities in the Dwelling and the Residential Environment. A Structural Approach in People-environment Relations.” Sustainable Urban Areas (27), IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Mohamed, R. 2008. “Who Would Pay for Rural Open Space Preservation and Inner-city Redevelopment? Identifying Support for Policies that Can Contribute to Regional Land Use Governance.” Urban Studies 45 (13): 2783–2803. doi:10.1177/0042098008098206.
  • Mouratidis, K. 2018. “Rethinking How Built Environments Influence Subjective Well-being: A New Conceptual Framework.” Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability 11 (1): 24–40.
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  • Schwanen, T., and P. L. Mokhtarian. 2004. “The Extent and Determinants of Dissonance between Actual and Preferred Residential Neighbourhood Type.” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 31: 759–784. doi:10.1068/b3039.
  • Sigelman, L., and J. R. Henig. 2001. “Crossing the Great Divide. Race and Preferences for Living in the City versus the Suburbs.” Urban Affairs Review 37 (1): 3–18.
  • Talen, E. 2001. “Traditional Urbanism Meets Residential Affluence: An Analysis of the Variability of Suburban Preference.” Journal of the American Planning Association 67 (2): 199–216. doi:10.1080/01944360108976229.
  • Van Dam, F., S. Heins, and B. S. Elbersen. 2002. “Lay Discourses of the Rural and Stated and Revealed Preferences for Rural Living. Some Evidence of the Existence of a Rural Idyll in the Netherlands.” Journal of Rural Studies 18: 461–476. doi:10.1016/S0743-0167(02)00035-9.
  • van Oostrom, M. 2001. “What People Want, Where People Live”: New Housing Policy in the Netherlands.” Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 16: 307–308. doi:10.1023/A:1012593716604.
  • Vasanen, A. 2012. “Beyond Stated and Revealed Preferences: The Relationship between Residential Preferences and Housing Choices in the Urban Region of Turku, Finland.” Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 27: 301–315. doi:10.1007/s10901-012-9267-8.
  • Yang, Y., and K. O’Neill. 2014. “Understanding Factors Affecting People’s Attitudes toward Living in Compact and Mixed Environments: A Case Study of A New Urbanist Project in Eugene, Oregon, USA.” Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability 7 (1): 1–22.