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How may biochar influence severity of diseases caused by soilborne pathogens?

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▪▪ of considerable interest

  • Retan GA. Charcoal as a means of solving some nursery problems. J. Forestry 13, 25–30 (1915).
  • Elad Y, Rav David D, Meller Harel Y et al. Induction of systemic resistance in plants by biochar: a soil-applied carbon sequestering agent. Phytopathology 100(9), 913–921 (2010).
  • Meller Harel Y, Elad Y, Rav-David D et al. Biochar mediates systemic response of strawberry to foliar fungal pathogens. Plant Soil 357(1–2), 245–257 (2012).

▪▪ First study to show that the presence of biochar in the potting media can induce upregulation of plant defence-related genes and priming.

  • Elad Y, Cytryn E, Harel YM, Lew B, Graber ER. The biochar effect: plant resistance to biotic stresses. Phytopath. Mediterr. 50(3), 335–349 (2011).
  • Elmer WH, Pignatello JJ. Effect of biochar amendments on mycorrhizal associations and Fusarium crown and root rot of asparagus in replant soils. Plant Dis. 95(8), 960–966 (2011).

▪▪ Study exploring interactions between mycorrhizal fungi and disease development as affected by biochar, with an emphasis on mechanisms, particularly adsorption of allelopathic compounds by biochar.

  • Jaiswal AK, Elad Y, Graber ER, Frenkel O. Rhizoctonia solani suppression and plant growth promotion in cucumber as affected by biochar pyrolysis temperature, feedstock and concentration. Soil Biol. Biochem. 69, 110–118 (2014).

▪Explores the relationship between biochar physical and chemical characteristics and suppression or promotion of diseases caused by a soilborne pathogen.

  • Matsubara Y, Hasegawa N, Fukui H. Incidence of Fusarium root rot in asparagus seedlings infected with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus as affected by several soil amendments. J. Jpn. Soc. Hort. Sci. 71(3), 370–374 (2002).
  • Zwart DC, Kim S-H. Biochar amendment increases resistance to stem lesions caused by Phytophthora spp. in tree seedlings. HortScience 47(12), 1736–1740 (2012).
  • Nerome M, Toyota K, Islam TM et al. Suppression of bacterial wilt of tomato by incorporation of municipal biowaste charcoal into soil. Soil Microorgan. 59(1), 9–14 (2005) [ in Japanese].
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  • Orellana RG, Mandava NB. m-Hydroxyphenylacetic and m-methoxyphenylacetic acids of Rhizoctonia solani: their effect on specific root-nodule activity and histopathology in soybean. J. Phytopath. 107(2), 159–167 (1983).
  • Mendes R, Garbeva P, Raaijmakers JM. The rhizosphere microbiome: significance of plant beneficial, plant pathogenic, and human pathogenic microorganisms. FEMS Microbio. Rev. 37(5), 634–663 (2013).

▪▪ Comprehensive review of the importance of the rhizosphere microbiome.

  • Junker RR, Tholl D. Volatile organic compound mediated interactions at the plant-microbe interface. J. Chem. Ecol. 39(7), 810–825 (2013).
  • Farag MA, Zhang HM, Ryu CM. Dynamic chemical communication between plants and bacteria through airborne signals: Induced resistance by bacterial volatiles. J. Chem. Ecol. 39(7), 1007–1018 (2013).
  • Bitas V, Kim HS, Bennett JW, Kang S. Sniffing on microbes: diverse roles of microbial volatile organic compounds in plant health. Mol. Plant Microbe Interact. 26(8), 835–843 (2013).
  • Bakker P, Doornbos RF, Zamioudis C, Berendsen RL, Pieterse CMJ. Induced systemic resistance and the rhizosphere microbiome. Plant Pathol. J. 29(2), 136–143 (2013).

▪▪ Detailed review regarding the role of rhizosphere microbiome in plant resistance to disease.

  • Philippot L, Raaijmakers JM, Lemanceau P, van der Putten WH. Going back to the roots: the microbial ecology of the rhizosphere. Nature Rev. Microbiol. 11, 789–799. (2013).
  • Silber A, Levkovitch I, Graber ER. pH-Dependent mineral release and surface properties of cornstraw biochar: agronomic implications. Environ. Sci. Technol. 44(24), 9318–9323 (2010).
  • Graber ER, Tsechansky L, Lew B, Cohen E. Reducing capacity of water extracts of biochars and their solubilization of soil Mn and Fe. Eur. J. Soil Sci. 65, 162–172 (2014).
  • Datnoff LE, Elmer WH, Huber DM. Mineral Nutrition and Plant Disease. American Phytopathological Society Press, St. Paul, USA (2007).
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  • Kelman A, McGuire RG, Tzeng KC. Reducing the severity of bacterial soft rot by increasing the concentration of calcium in potato tubers. In: Soilborne Plant Pathogens: Management of Diseases with Macro- and Microelements. Engelhard, AW (Ed.): American Phytopathological Society, St Paul, USA, 102–123 (1989).
  • Hafez AAR, Stout PR, DeVay JE. Potassium uptake by cotton in relation to Verticillium wilt. Agron. J. 67, 359–361 (1975).
  • Prendergast-Miller MT, Duvall M, Sohi SP. Biochar–root interactions are mediated by biochar nutrient content and impacts on soil nutrient availability. Eur. J. Soil Sci. 65, 173–185 (2014).
  • Newsham KK, Fitter AH, Watkinson AR. Multi-functionality and biodiversity in arbuscular mycorrhizas. Trends Ecol. Evol. 10, 407–411 (2005).
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  • Wall PC, Neate SM, Graham RD, Reuter DJ, Rovira AD. The effect of rhizoctonia root disease and applied nitrogen on growth, nitrogen uptake and nutrient concentrations in spring wheat. Plant Soil 163(1), 111–120 (1994).
  • Clough TJ, Condron LM, Kammann C, Moeller C. A review of biochar and soil nitrogen dynamics. Agronomy 3(2), 275–293 (2013).
  • Joseph SD, Camps-Arbestain M, Lin Y et al. An investigation into the reactions of biochar in soil. Aust. J. Soil Res. 48(6–7), 501–515 (2010).
  • Husson O. Redox potential (Eh) and pH as drivers of soil/plant/microorganism systems: a transdisciplinary overview pointing to integrative opportunities for agronomy. Plant Soil 362(1–2), 389–417 (2012).
  • Yuan J-H, Xu R-K. Effects of biochars generated from crop residues on chemical properties of acid soils from tropical and subtropical china. Soil Res. 50(7), 570–578 (2012).
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  • Cayuela ML, Sanchez-Monedero MA, Roig A, Hanley K, Enders A, Lehmann J. Biochar and denitrification in soils: when, how much and why does biochar reduce N2O emissions? Sci. Rep. 3, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep01732 (2013).
  • Bornemann LC, Kookana RS, Welp G. Differential sorption behaviour of aromatic hydrocarbons on charcoals prepared at different temperatures from grass and wood. Chemosphere 67(5), 1033–1042 (2007).
  • Chen BL, Chen ZM. Sorption of naphthalene and 1-naphthol by biochars of orange peels with different pyrolytic temperatures. Chemosphere 76(1), 127–133 (2009).
  • Graber ER, Tsechansky L, Gerstl Z, Lew B. High surface area biochar negatively impacts herbicide efficacy. Plant Soil 353(1–2), 95–106 (2011).
  • Graber ER, Tsechansky L, Khanukov J, Oka Y. Sorption, volatilization and efficacy of the fumigant 1,3-dichloropropene in a biochar-amended soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 75(4), 1365–1373 (2011).
  • Han YX, Boateng AA, Qi PX, Lima IM, Chang JM. Heavy metal and phenol adsorptive properties of biochars from pyrolyzed switchgrass and woody biomass in correlation with surface properties. J. Environ. Manag. 118, 196–204 (2013).
  • Uchimiya M, Bannon DI, Wartelle LH. Retention of heavy metals by carboxyl functional groups of biochars in small arms range soil. J. Agric. Food Chem. 60(7), 1798–1809 (2012).
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  • Graber ER, Meller-Harel Y, Kolton M et al. Biochar impact on development and productivity of pepper and tomato grown in fertigated soilless media. Plant Soil 337(1-2), 481–496 (2010).

▪▪ Conjectured two alternatives for improved plant performance under biochar treatment: influence on microbial populations or hormesis due to low doses of biochar chemicals.

  • Spokas KA, Novak JM, Stewart CE et al. Qualitative analysis of volatile organic compounds on biochar. Chemosphere 85(5), 869–882 (2011).
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  • Kolton M, Meller Harel Y, Pasternak Z, Graber ER, Elad Y, Cytryn E. Impact of biochar application to soil on the root-associated bacterial community structure of fully developed greenhouse pepper plants. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 77(14), 4924–4930 (2011).
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  • Masiello CA, Chen Y, Gao X et al. Biochar and microbial signaling: production conditions determine effects on microbial communication. Environ. Sci. Technol. 47(20), 11496–11503 (2013).

▪▪ Shows that adsorption of signalling molecules by biochar may influence microbial communications, providing a mechanism by which biochar may impact microbial communities.

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▪ Classic review paper examining influence of biochar on mycorrhize.

  • Solaiman ZM, Blackwell P, Abbott LK, Storer P. Direct and residual effect of biochar application on mycorrhizal root colonisation, growth and nutrition of wheat. Aust. J. Soil Res. 48(7), 546–554 (2010).
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