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Searchable Encryption Taxonomy: Survey



  • Alabdulatif, A., Khalil, I., & Mai, V. (2013). Protection of electronic health records (EHRs) in cloud [Paper presentation]. 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE.
  • Ali, F. S., & Lu, S. (2016). Searchable encryption with conjunctive field free keyword search scheme [Paper presentation]. 2016 International Conference on Network and Information Systems for Computers (ICNISC). IEEE.
  • Amanatidis, G., Boldyreva, A., & O’Neill, A. (2007). Provably-secure schemes for basic query support in outsourced databases. Springer.
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  • Byun, J. W., Lee, D. H., & Lim, J. (2006). Efficient conjunctive keyword search on encrypted data storage system [Paper presentation]. European Public Key Infrastructure Workshop. Springer.
  • Cao, N., Wang, C., Li, M., Ren, K., & Lou, W. (2014). Privacy-preserving multi-keyword ranked search over encrypted cloud data. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 25(1), 222–233. https://doi.org/10.1109/TPDS.2013.45
  • Cash, D. (2013). Highly-scalable searchable symmetric encryption with support for Boolean queries [Paper presentation]. Annual Cryptology Conference. Springer.
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  • Catalano, D., & Fiore, D. (2013). Vector commitments and their applications [Paper presentation]. International Workshop on Public Key Cryptography (pp. 55–72). Springer.
  • Çetin, G. S., Chen, H., Laine, K., Lauter, K., Rindal, P., & Xia, Y. (2017). Private queries on encrypted genomic data. BMC Medical Genomics, 10(S2), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12920-017-0276-z
  • Chang, Y.-C., & Mitzenmacher, M. (2005). Privacy preserving keyword searches on remote encrypted data [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security. Springer.
  • Chase, M., & Kamara, S. (2010). Structured encryption and controlled disclosure [Paper presentation]. International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security. Springer.
  • Chen, C. (2014). A hierarchical clustering method for big data oriented ciphertext search [Paper presentation]. 2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). IEEE.
  • Chen, C., Zhu, X., Shen, P., Hu, J., Guo, S., Tari, Z., & Zomaya, A. Y. (2016). An efficient privacy-preserving ranked keyword search method. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 27(4), 951–963. https://doi.org/10.1109/TPDS.2015.2425407
  • Chen, R., Mu, Y., Yang, G., Guo, F., & Wang, X. (2015). Dual-server public-key encryption with keyword search for secure cloud storage. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 11(4), 789–798.
  • Chen, Z., Wu, C., Wang, D., & Li, S. (2012). Conjunctive keywords searchable encryption with efficient pairing, constant ciphertext and short trapdoor [Paper presentation]. Pacific-Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics (pp 176–189). Springer.
  • Cheon, J. H. (2016). Ghostshell: Secure Biometric authentication using integrity-based homomorphic evaluations. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2016, 484.
  • Chuah, M., & Hu, W. (2011). Privacy-aware bedtree based solution for fuzzy multi-keyword search over encrypted data [Paper presentation]. 2011 31st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops. IEEE.
  • Cui, J., Zhou, H., Zhong, H., & Xu, Y. (2018). AKSER: Attribute-based keyword search with efficient revocation in cloud computing. Information Sciences, 423, 343–352. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2017.09.029
  • Curtmola, R., Garay, J., Kamara, S., & Ostrovsky, R. (2011). Searchable symmetric encryption: improved definitions and efficient constructions. Journal of Computer Security, 19(5), 895–934. https://doi.org/10.3233/JCS-2011-0426
  • Dai, H., Yang, M., Yang, G., Xiang, Y., Hu, Z., & Wang, H. (2021). A keyword-grouping inverted index based multi-keyword ranked search scheme over encrypted cloud data. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 1–1. https://doi.org/10.1109/TSUSC.2021.3125520
  • Deng, Z., Li, K., Li, K., & Zhou, J. (2017). A multi-user searchable encryption scheme with keyword authorization in a cloud storage. Future Generation Computer Systems, 72, 208–218. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2016.05.017
  • Di Crescenzo, G., & Saraswat, V. (2007). Public key encryption with searchable keywords based on Jacobi symbols [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Cryptology in India. Springer.
  • Du, M., Wang, Q., He, M., & Weng, J. (2018). Privacy-preserving indexing and query processing for secure dynamic cloud storage. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 13(9), 2320–2332. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIFS.2018.2818651
  • Farràs, O., & Ribes-González, J. (2019). Provably secure public-key encryption with conjunctive and subset keyword search. International Journal of Information Security, 18(5), 533–548. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10207-018-00426-7
  • Fu, Z. (2013). Multi-keyword ranked search supporting synonym query over encrypted data in cloud computing. IEEE.
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  • Fu, Z., Sun, X., Linge, N., & Zhou, L. (2014). Achieving effective cloud search services: Multi-keyword ranked search over encrypted cloud data supporting synonym query. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 60(1), 164–172. https://doi.org/10.1109/TCE.2014.6780939
  • Fu, Z., Xia, L., Sun, X., Liu, A. X., & Xie, G. (2018). Semantic-aware searching over encrypted data for cloud computing. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 13(9), 2359–2371. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIFS.2018.2819121
  • Geffert, V. (2008). SOFSEM 2008: Theory and practice of computer science [Paper presentation]. 34th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Nový Smokovec, Slovakia, January 19–25, 2008, Proceedings (Vol. 4910). Springer.
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  • Golle, P., Staddon, J., & Waters, B. (2004). Secure conjunctive keyword search over encrypted data [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security. Springer.
  • Han, F., Qin, J., & Hu, J. (2016). Secure searches in the cloud: A survey. Future Generation Computer Systems, 62, 66–75. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2016.01.007
  • Handa, R., & Challa, R. K. (2015). A cluster based multi-keyword search on outsourced encrypted cloud data [Paper presentation]. 2015 2nd International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom). IEEE.
  • Handa, R., Krishna, C. R., & Aggarwal, N. (2018). An efficient approach for secure information retrieval on cloud. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 34(3), 1345–1353. https://doi.org/10.3233/JIFS-169430
  • Hasan, M. Z., Mahdi, M. S. R., Sadat, M. N., & Mohammed, N. (2018). Secure count query on encrypted genomic data. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 81, 41–52. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbi.2018.03.003
  • Hore, B., Mehrotra, S., Canim, M., & Kantarcioglu, M. (2012). Secure multidimensional range queries over outsourced data. The VLDB Journal, 21(3), 333–358. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00778-011-0245-7
  • Hore, B., Mehrotra, S., Canim, M., & Kantarcioglu, M. (2012). Secure multidimensional range queries over outsourced data. The VLDB Journal, 21(3), 333–358. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00778-011-0245-7
  • Huang, Q., & Li, H. (2017). An efficient public-key searchable encryption scheme secure against inside keyword guessing attacks. Information Sciences, 403, 1–14.
  • Hwang, Y. H., & Lee, P. J. (2007). Public key encryption with conjunctive keyword search and its extension to a multi-user system [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Pairing-Based Cryptography. Springer.
  • Ibrahim, A., Jin, H., Yassin, A. A., & Zou, D. (2012). Secure rank-ordered search of multi-keyword trapdoor over encrypted cloud data [Paper presentation]. 2012 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference. IEEE.
  • Jin, Z., & Chen, Y. (2015). Telemedicine in the cloud era: Prospects and challenges. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 14(1), 54–61. https://doi.org/10.1109/MPRV.2015.19
  • Kamal, A. A. A. M., & Iwamura, K. (2019). Searchable encryption using secret-sharing scheme for multiple keyword search using conjunctive and disjunctive searching [Paper presentation]. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing, International Conference on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech) (pp. 149–156). IEEE.
  • Kamara, S., & Lauter, K. (2010). Cryptographic cloud storage. Springer.
  • Kamara, S., & Papamanthou, C. (2013). Parallel and dynamic searchable symmetric encryption [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security. Springer.
  • Kamara, S., Papamanthou, C., & Roeder, T. (2012). Dynamic searchable symmetric encryption [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security.
  • Khurana, A., & Challa, C. (2017). Search with context sensitive synonyms: In multi keyword ranked search over the encrypted cloud data [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Communication, Computing and Networking ICCCN.
  • Kokoç, M., & Ersöz, S. (2021). New ranking functions for interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets and their application to multi-criteria decision-making problem. Cybernetics and Information Technologies, 21(1), 3–18. https://doi.org/10.2478/cait-2021-0001
  • Kurosawa, K., & Ohtaki, Y. (2012). UC-secure searchable symmetric encryption [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security. Springer.
  • Kuzu, M., Islam, M. S., & Kantarcioglu, M. (2012). Efficient similarity search over encrypted data. IEEE.
  • Li, J. (2010). Fuzzy keyword search over encrypted data in cloud computing. IEEE.
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  • Li, M. (2011). Authorized private keyword search over encrypted data in cloud computing [Paper presentation]. 2011 31st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. IEEE.
  • Li, R., & Liu, A. X. (2017). Adaptively secure conjunctive query processing over encrypted data for cloud computing [Paper presentation]. 2017 IEEE 33rd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). IEEE.
  • Li, R., Xu, Z., Kang, W., Yow, K. C., & Xu, C.-Z. (2014). Efficient multi-keyword ranked query over encrypted data in cloud computing. Future Generation Computer Systems, 30, 179–190. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2013.06.029
  • Liang, K., & Susilo, W. (2015). Searchable attribute-based mechanism with efficient data sharing for secure cloud storage. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 10(9), 1981–1992. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIFS.2015.2442215
  • Lin, H., Shao, J., Zhang, C., & Fang, Y. (2013). CAM: Cloud-assisted privacy preserving mobile health monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 8(6), 985–997. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIFS.2013.2255593
  • Liu, Q., Tan, C. C., Wu, J., & Wang, G. (2013). Towards differential query services in cost-efficient clouds. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 25(6), 1648–1658.
  • Liu, Q., Tan, C. C., Wu, J., & Wang, G. (2012). Cooperative private searching in clouds. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 72(8), 1019–1031. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpdc.2012.04.012
  • Liu, Q., Wang, G., & Wu, J. (2009). An efficient privacy preserving keyword search scheme in cloud computing [Paper presentation]. 2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering. IEEE.
  • Liu, Q., Wang, G., & Wu, J. (2012). Secure and privacy preserving keyword searching for cloud storage services. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 35(3), 927–933. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnca.2011.03.010
  • Liu, Z., Lv, S., Wei, Y., Li, J., Liu, J. K., & Xiang, Y. (2017). FFSSE: Flexible forward secure searchable encryption with efficient performance. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2017, 1105.
  • Lu, R. (2012). EPPA: An efficient and privacy-preserving aggregation scheme for secure smart grid communications. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 23(9), 1621–1631.
  • Ma, R., Li, J., Guan, H., Xia, M., & Liu, X. (2015). EnDAS: Efficient encrypted data search as a mobile cloud service. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 3(3), 372–383. https://doi.org/10.1109/TETC.2015.2445101
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  • Miao, Y., Ma, J., Liu, X., Liu, Z., Shen, L., & Wei, F. (2018). VMKDO: Verifiable multi-keyword search over encrypted cloud data for dynamic data-owner. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 11(2), 287–297. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-016-0487-7
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