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Research Articles

Strategic ignorance and politics of time: how expert knowledge framed shale gas policies


  • Chailleux, S., J. Merlin, and Y. Gunzburger. 2018. “Unconventional Oil and Gas in France: From Popular Distrust to Politicization of the Underground.” The Extractive Industries and Society 5 (4): 682–690.
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  • Van de Graaf, T., T. Haesebrouck, and P. Debaere. 2017. “Fractured Politics? the Comparative Regulation of Shale Gas in Europe.” Journal of European Public Policy. doi:10.1080/13501763.2017.1301985.
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  • Weible, C., and T. Heikkila. 2016. “Comparing the Politics of Hydraulic Fracturing in New York, Colorado, and Texas.” Review of Policy Research 33 (3): 232–250. doi:10.1111/ropr.2016.33.issue-3.
  • Weible, C., T. Heikkila, K. Ingold, and M. Fischer. 2016. Policy Debates on Hydraulic Fracturing: Comparing Coalition Politics in North America and Europe. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Widener, P. 2018. “National Discovery and Citizen Experts in Aotearoa New Zealand: Local and Global Narratives of Hydraulic Fracturing.” The Extractive Industries and Society 5: 515–523. Online first. doi:10.1016/j.exis.2018.06.009.
  • Zittoun, P. 2009. “Understanding Policy Change as a Discursive Problem.” Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 11 (1): 65–82. doi:10.1080/13876980802648235.
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  • Zittoun, P., and S. Chailleux. forthcoming. Policies under Pressure. Cheltenham: Elgar Publishing.

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