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Research Article

Policy ecology as concept and method


  • Ahmed, S. 2012. On being Included Racism and Diversity in Institutional Life. Durham: Duke University Press.
  • Anderson, K. 2015. “Duality in Climate Science.” Nature Geoscience 8 (12): 898–900. https://doi.org/10.1038/ngeo2559.
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  • Derrida, J. 1994. Specters of Marx: The State of the Debt, the Work of Mourning and the New International. Translated by Peggy Kamuf. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Diamanti-Kandarakis, E., J.-P. Bourguignon, L. C. Giudice, R. Hauser, G. S. Prins, A. M. Soto, R. Thomas Zoeller, and A. C. Gore. 2009. “Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals: An Endocrine Society Scientific Statement.” Endocrine Reviews 30 (4): 293–342. https://doi.org/10.1210/er.2009-0002.
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  • Dumit, J. 2014. “Writing the Implosion: Teaching the World One Thing at a Time.” Cultural Anthropology 29 (2): 344–362.
  • Feldman, A. 1994. “On Cultural Anesthesia: From Desert Storm to Rodney King.” American Ethnologist 21 (2): 404–418.
  • Forsyth, M. 2022. “Policing in a Relational State: The Case of Sorcery Accusation-Related Violence in Papua New Guinea.” Policing & Society 32 (5): 611–628.
  • Fortier, A.-M. 2016. “The Psychic Life of Policy: Desire, Anxiety and ‘Citizenisation’ in Britain.” Critical Social Policy 37 (1): 3–21.
  • Foucault, M. 2011. The Government of Self and Others: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1982-1983. Translated by Graham Burchell. New York: Picador.
  • Göpfert, M. 2013. “Bureaucratic Aesthetics: Report Writing in the Nigérien Gendarmerie.” American Ethnologist 40 (2): 324–334.
  • Gordon, A. 1997. Ghostly Matters: Haunting and the Sociological Imagination. Minneapolis MN: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Graeber, D. 2015. The Utopia of Rules: On Technology, Stupidity and the Secret Joys of Bureaucracy.
  • Guattari, F. 2000. The Three Ecologies. Translated by Ian Pindar and Paul Sutton. London and New Brunswick, NJ: The Athlone Press.
  • Hansen, T. B., and F. Stepputat. 2001. “Introduction: States of Imagination” In States of Imagination: Ethnographic Explorations of the Postcolonial State, edited by Thomas Blom Hansen and Finn Stepputat. 1–38. Durham: Duke University Press.
  • Haraway, D. 1989. Primate Visions: Gender, Race, and Nature in the World of Modern Science. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Harrison, R. P. 2003. The Dominion of the Dead. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
  • Hightower-Weaver, M. 2008. “An Ecology Metaphor for Educational Policy Analysis: A Call to Complexity.” Educational Researcher 37 (3): 153–167. https://doi.org/10.3102/0013189X08318050.
  • Hitchens, T. 2020. “Norm Setting and Transparency and Confidence-Building in Space Governance” In War and Peace in Outer Space: Law, Policy, and Ethics, edited by Cassandra Steer and Matthew Hersch, 55–90. New York: Oxford Academic. https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780197548684.003.0003.
  • Horton, P. 2022. “Carceral Spectres: Hyperincarceration and the Haunting of Aboriginal Life.” The Australian Journal of Anthropology 33 (SI): 35–45. https://doi.org/10.1111/taja.12431.
  • Hunter, S. 2008. “Living Documents: A Feminist Psychosocial Approach to the Relational Politics of Policy Documentation.” Critical Social Policy 28 (4): 506–528. https://doi.org/10.1177/0261018308095300.
  • Ialenti, V. 2021. “Drum Breach: Operational Temporalities, Error Politics and WIPP’s Kitty Litter Nuclear Waste Accident.” Social Studies of Science 51 (3): 364–391. https://doi.org/10.1177/0306312720986609.
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  • Langford, J. M. 2013. Consoling Ghosts: Stories of Medicine and Mourning from Southeast Asians in Exile. Michigan: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Lea, T. 2020. Wild Policy: Indigeneity and the Unruly Logics of Intervention. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • Lendvai-Bainton, N., and P. Stubbs. “The Anthropology of Policy.” Oxford Research Encyclopaedias. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190854584.013.627.
  • Liboiron, M. 2021. Pollution is Colonialism. Durham: Duke University Press.
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  • Lynteris, C. 2013. “El estado como una relación social. Una crítica materialista antropológica.” Anthropology & Materialism. http://journals.openedition.org/am/291;.
  • Marriott, J., and M. Minio-Paluello. 2014. “The Political and Material Landscape of European Energy Distribution: Tracking the Oil Road.” Theory, Culture & Society 31 (5): 83–101.
  • Mazzucchelli, F., and N. Novello Paglianti. 2022. “How to Remember a Place to Forget? The Semiotic Design of Deep Geological Nuclear Repositories, from Long-Term Communication to Memory Transmission.” Linguistic Frontiers 5 (3): 22–36.
  • Mol, A. 2003. The Body Multiple: Ontology in Medical Practice. Durham: Duke University Press.
  • National Education Association. 2020. Preservation of Records, Knowledge and Memory (RK&M) Across Generations: Final Report of the RK&M Initiative. Paris: Radioactive Waste Management, OECD Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1787/50292bbb-en.
  • Parker, C., and F. Haines. 2018. “An Ecological Approach to Regulatory Studies?” Journal of Law and Society 45 (1): 136–155. https://doi.org/10.1111/jols.12083.
  • Povinelli, E. A. 2017. “Geontologies: The Concept and its Territories.” e-flux Journal: 81. https://www.e-flux.com/journal/81/123372/geontologies-the-concept-and-its-territories/.
  • Reid, S. 2023. “Ocean Justice: Reckoning with Material Vulnerability.” Cultural Politics 19 (1): 107–127.
  • Rhodes, C. J. 2019. “Solving the Plastic Problem: From Cradle to Grave, to Reincarnation.” Science Progress 102 (3): 218–248.
  • Shadaan, R., and M. Murphy. 2020. “Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) as Industrial and Settler Colonial Structures: Towards a Decolonial Feminist Approach.” Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience 6 (1): 1–36.
  • Simpson, A. 2017. “The Ruse of Consent and the Anatomy of ‘Refusal’: Cases from Indigenous North America and Australia.” Postcolonial Studies 20 (1): 18–33.
  • Smith, O. 2007. “Object Artifact, Image Artifacts and Conceptual Artifacts: Beyond the Object into the Event.” Artifact 1 (1): 4–6. https://doi.org/10.1080/17493460600610707.
  • Stevenson, L. 2014. Life Beside itself: Imagining Care in the Canadian Arctic. Oakland, CA: University of California Press.
  • Tarnoff, B. 2022. Internet for the People: The Fight for Our Digital Future. London: Verso.
  • Truscello, M. 2020. Infrastructural Brutalism: Art and the Necropolitics of Infrastructure. Cambridge MS: MIT Press.
  • Zevin, A. 2023. “Gaza and New York.” New Left Review 144: 5–19. https://newleftreview.org/issues/ii144/articles/alexander-zevin-gaza-and-new-york.