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Nordic discourses on marginalisation through education



  • Alexiadou, N., Dovemark, M., Erixon-Arreman, I., Holm, A.-S., Lundahl, L., & Lundström, U. (2016). Managing inclusion in competitive school systems: The cases of Sweden and England. Research in Comparative and International Education, 11(1), 13–33.
  • Anthias, F. (2012). Intersectional what? Social divisions, intersectionality and levels of analysis. Ethnicities, 13(1), 3–29.
  • Arnesen, A.-L. (2017). Social class, inclusion and exclusion: Teacher and student practices in Norwegian urban education. In W. Pink (Ed.), Second handbook of international urban education (pp. 695–717). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-40317-5_37
  • Arnot, M. (2009). Educating the gendered citizen sociological engaments with national and global agendas. London: Routledge.
  • Barneombudet. (2017). Uten mål og mening? Elever med spesialundervisning i grunnskolen [Without purpose and meaning? Pupils with special needs education in primary school]. Retrieved from http://barneombudet.no/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Bo_rapport_enkeltsider.pdf
  • Bastien, S., & Holmarsdottir, H. (2015a). Growing up global Towards the critical engagement of youth and youth voices in research to address global wicked problems. In S. Bastian & H. B. Holmarsdottir (Eds.), Youth “At the Margins”: Critical perspectives and experiences of engaging youth in research worldwide (pp. 1–23). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
  • Bastien, S., & Holmarsdottir, H. B. (Eds.). (2015b). Youth “At the Margins”: Critical perspectives and experiences engaging youth in research worldwide. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. doi:10.1007/978-94-6300-052-9
  • Beach, D., Dovemark, M., Schwartz, A., & Öhrn, E. (2013). Complexities and contradictions of educational inclusion: A meta-ethnographic analysis. Nordic Studies in Education, 33(4), 254–268.
  • Beach, D., & Sernhede, O. (2013). On creativity and resistance in Nordic youth culture on the margins. In G. Gudmundsson, D. Beach, & V. Vestel (Eds.), Youth and marginalisation: Young people from immigrant families in Scandinavia (pp. 61–85). London: Tufnell Press.
  • Bernstein, B. (1975). Class, codes and control. London: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203011430
  • Birkelund, G. E. (2013). Class and stratification analysis (Vol. 30). Bingley: Emerald.
  • Bjordal, I. (2016). Markedsretting i en urban norsk skolekontekst: Et sosialt rettferdighetsperspektiv [Marketization in an urban Norwegian school context: A social justice perspective]. ( Doctoral dissertation), Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Trondheim, Norway.
  • Blossing, U., Imsen, G., & Moos, L. (Eds.). (2014). The Nordic educational model “A school for All” encounters neo-liberal policy. Dordrecht Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Brunila, K., & Edström, C. (2013). The famous Nordic gender equality and what’s Nordic about it: Gender equality in Finnish and Swedish education. Nordic Studies in Education, 33(4), 300–313.
  • Carlson, M. (2015). Are you going to write as we think or as you think?” On troubled positions, borders and boundaries among migrant women in a Swedish context. In I. Brandell, M. Carlson, & Ö. A. Ctrez (Eds.), Borders and the changing boundaries of knowledge (pp. 109–128). Stockholm: Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul.
  • Carlson, M., & Kanci, T. (2017). The nationalised and gendered citizen in a global world – Examples from textbooks, policy and steering documents in Turkey and Sweden. Gender and Education, 29(3), 313–331.
  • Chinga-Ramirez, C. (2015). Skolen ser ikke hele meg! En narrativ og postkolonial studie av sosial ulikhet i den videregående skolen gjennom minoritetselevers erfaringer med å våre annerledes [The school does not see all of me! A narrative and postcolonial study of social inequality in upper secondary school through minority students’ experiences with being different]. ( Doctoral dissertation), Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet Trondheim, Norway.
  • Chinga-Ramirez, C. (2017). Becoming a “foreigner”: The Principle of equality, intersected identities, and social exclusion in the Norwegian school. European Education, 49(2–3), 151–165.
  • Dewilde, J., & Kulbrandstad, L. A. (2016). Nyankomne barn og unge i den norske utdanningskonteksten [Newly arrived children and youth in the Norwegian education context]. Norand, 11(2), 13–33.
  • Dewilde, J., & Skrefsrud, T. A. (2016). Including alternative stories in the mainstream: How transcultural young people in Norway perform creative cultural resistance in and outside of school. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 20(10), 1032–1042.
  • Dovemark, M. (2017). How private “everyday racism” and public “racism denial” contribute to unequal and discriminatory educational experiences. Ethnography & Education, 8(1), 16–30.
  • Dovemark, M., & Arreman, I. E. (2017). The implications of marketisation for students enrolled on introductory programmes in Swedish upper sedondary education. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 1–14. doi:10.1177/1746197916683466
  • Dovemark, M., & Beach, D. (2015). Academic work on a back-burner: Habituating students in the upper-secondary school towards marginality and a life in the precariat. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 19(6), 583–594.
  • Dovemark, M., & Holm, A.-S. (2015). Pedagogic identities for sale! Segregation and homogenization in Swedish upper secondary school. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 38(4),1–12.
  • Dovemark, M., Kosunen, S., Kauko, J., Magnúsdóttir, B., Hansen, P., & Rasmussen, P. (2018). Deregulation, Privatisation and Marketisation of Nordic Comprehensive Education: Social Changes Reflected in Schooling. Educational Inquiry, doi: 10.1080/20004508.2018.1429768.
  • Dovemark, M. (2014). A School for All? Different worlds: Segregation on basis of freedom of choice. In U. Blossing, G. Imsen, & L. Moos (Eds.), The Nordic education model “A school for All” encounters neo-liberal policy (pp. 173–191). Dordrecth Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Dykes, F. O., & Delport, J. L. (2017). Our voices count: The lived experiences of LGBTQ educators and its impact on teacher education preparation programs. Teaching Education, 1–12. doi:10.1080/10476210.2017.1366976
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  • Fraser, N. (2003). Social justice in the age of identity politics: Redistribution, recognition and participation. In N. Fraser & A. Honneth (Eds.), Redistrrbution or recognition? (pp. 9–48). London: Verso.
  • Grue, J. (2011). Discourse analysis and disability: Some topics and issues. Discourse and Society, 22(5), 532–546.
  • Grue, J. (2016). The social meaning of disability: A reflection on categorisation, stigma and identity. Sociology of Health and Illnesses, 38(6), 957–964.
  • Grue, J., Johannessen, L., & Rasmussen, E. (2015). Prestige rankings of chronic diseases and disabilities; A survey among professionals in the disability field. Social Science and Medicine, 124, 180–186.
  • Gudmundsson, G., Beach, D., & Vestel, V. (Eds.). (2013). Youth and marginalization: Young people from immigrant families in Scandinavia. London: Tufnell Press.
  • Helakorpi, J., Mietola, R., & Niemi, A.-M. (2014). Tasa-arvoisten mahdollisuuksien vuoksi erillään? Erityisluokkien oppilaat koulun sosiaalisissa ja institutionaalisissa järjestyksissä [Excluded from equal opportunities? Students of special needs classes in social and institutional orders of the school]. In M. Gissler, K. M. Könkänen, P. Päivi Muranen, & M. Wrede-Jäntti (Eds.), Nuoruus toisin sanoen: Nuorten elinolot -vuosikirja 2014 [Youth in other words: Yearbook of youth living conditions]. (pp. 161–171). Helsinki: Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.
  • Holm, G. (2015). Participatory photography: Language minority teenagers sense of belonging? Educacao Tematica Digital, 17(1), 211–227.
  • Holm, G., & Mansikka, J.-E. (2013). Multicultural education as policy and praxis in Finland: Heading in a problematic direction? Recherches En Éducation, 16, 63–74.
  • Horst, C. (2017). På ulige fod – Etniske minoritetsbørn som et skoleeksempel [On unequal terms – ethnic minority children as a school example]. Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
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  • Jonsson, A.-C., & Beach, D. (2013). A problem of democracy; stereotypical notions of intelligence and identity in college preparatory academic programmes in the Swedish upper secondary school. Nordic Studies in Education, 33, 50–62.
  • Jonsson, A.-C., & Beach, D. (2015). Institutional discrimination: Stereotypes and social reproduction of “class” in the Swedish upper-secondary school. Social Psychology of Education: an International Journal, 18(4), 703–717.
  • Juva, I., & Holm, G. (2017). Not all students are equally equal: Normality as Finnishnness. In K. Kantntasalmi & G. Holm (Eds.), The state, schooling and identity diversifying education in Europe (pp. 213–232). Singapore: Palgrave.
  • Kankkunen, P., Harinen, P., Nivala, M., & Tapio, N. (2010). Kuka ei kuulu joukkoon?Lasten ja nuorten kokema syrjintä Suomessa (Who doesn’t belong to the group: Children and Youth’s experiences of discrimination in Finland). In Ministry of Interior publications 36/2010. Helsinki: Ministry of the Interior. Retrieved from http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-491-628-8
  • Kauppila, A., & Lappalainen, S. (2015). Vammais- ja koulutuspolitiikan risteyksessä rakentuvan kansalaisuuden paradoksi [The paradox of citizenship in the crossroad of disability and education policy]. Kasvatus, 46(2), 109–142.
  • Keogh, J. (2008). Education, equality and human rights: issues of gender, ‘race’, sexuality, disability and social class. International Journal Of Disability, Development & Education, 55(2), 195–196.
  • Kjaran, J. I., & Jóhannesson, I. A. (2013). Manifestations of heterosexism in Icelandic upper secondary schools and the responses of LGBT students. Journal of LGBT Youth, 10(4), 351–372.
  • Kjaran, J. I., & Jóhannesson, I. A. (2015). Inclusion, exclusion and the queering of spaces in two Icelandic upper secondary schools. Ethnography & Education, 10(1), 42–59.
  • Kjaran, J. I., & Kristinsdóttir, G. (2015). Schooling sexualities and gendered bodies. Experiences of LGBT students in Icelandic upper secondary schools. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 19(9), 978–993.
  • Ladson-Billings, G. (2010). Just what is critical race theory and what’s it doing in a nice field like education? International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 11(1), 17–24.
  • Lahelma, E., Lappalainen, S., Palmu, T., & Pehkonen, L. (2014). Vocational teachers’ gendered reflections on education, teaching and care. Gender and Education, 26(3), 293–305.
  • Lappalainen, S., & Aaltonen, S. (2014). Samalla viivalla? Koulutuspolulta poikenneiden nuorten resurssit ja toisen asteen koulutus [On the same line? The resources of school drop-out youth and secondary education]. In K. Brunila, K. B. Hakala, E. Lahelma, & A. Teittinen (Eds.), Ammatillinen koulutus ja yhteiskunnalliset eronteot [Vocational education and societal differences]. (pp. 110–127). Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
  • Lappalainen, S., Mietola, R., & Lahelma, E. (2013). Gendered divisions on classed routes to vocational education. Gender and Education, 25(2), 189–205.
  • Lehtonen, J. S. (2016). Experiences of non-heterosexual and trans youth on career choice and in the workplace. In T. Köllen (Ed.), Sexual orientation and transgender issues in organizations: Global perspectives on LGBT workforce diversity (pp. 289–306). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-29623-4_17
  • Leonardo, Z. (2009). Race whiteness and education. New York: Taylor & Francis.
  • Liasidou, A. (2012). Inclusive education and critical pedagogy at the intersections of disability, race, gender and class. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 10(1), 168–184.
  • Lundahl, L. (2016). Equality, inclusion and marketization of Nordic education: Introductory notes. Research in Comparative and International Education, 11(1), 3–12.
  • Mansikka, J. E., & Holm, G. (2011). On reflexivity and suspension: Perspectives on a cosmopolitan attitude in education. Nordic Studies in Education, 31(2), 76–85.
  • Mikander, P. (2016). Westerners and others in Finnish school textbooks ( Doctoral dissertation). University of Helsinki, Helsinki.
  • Møller, Å. (2013). Cultural racism in liberal democratic education in Sweden. In G. Gudmundsson, D. Beach, & V. Vestel (Eds.), Youth and marginalization Young people from immigran families in Scandinavia (pp. 133–154). London: Tufnell Press.
  • Niemi, A.-M., & Kurki, T. (2014). Getting on the right track? Educational choice-making of students with special educational needs in pre-vocational education and training. Disability and Society, 29(10), 1631–1644.
  • Niemi, A.-M., & Kurki, T. (2013). Amislaiseksi valmistettu, valmennettu, kuntoutettu ja ohjattu? [Prepared, trained, rehabilitated and guided to become a vocational educational student?]. In K. Brunila, K. Hakala, E. Lahelme, & A. Teittinen (Eds.), Ammatillinen koulutus ja yhteiskunnalliset eronteot [Vocational education and societal difference-making]. (pp. 201–2015). Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
  • Niemi, A.-M., & Mietola, R. (2016). Between hopes and possibilities: (Special) educational paths, agency and subjectivities. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 19(3), 218–229.
  • Nordli Hansen, M. (2017). Segregering og ulikhet i Oslo-skolen [Segregation and inequality in the Oslo-school]. In J. Lunggren (Ed.), Oslo ulikhetenes by (pp. 257–277). Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
  • Nylund, M., Rosvall, P-Å., Eiríksdóttir, E., Holm, A-S., Isopahkala-Bouret, U., Niemi, A-M., & Ragnarsdóttir, G. (2018). The academic-vocational divide in three Nordic countries and its implications for class and gender. Education Inquiry, doi: 10.1080/20004508.2018.1424490.
  • Odenbring, Y., & Lappalainen, S. (2013). In “the educational twilight zone”: Gendered pedagogy and constructions of the ideal pupil in the transition from pre-primary education to compulsory schooling in Finland and Sweden. Nordic Studies in Education, 33, 329–343.
  • Öhrn, E. (2012). Urban education and segregation: The responses from young people. European Educational Research Journal, 11(1), 45–57. doi:10.2304.eerj.2012.11.1.45
  • Oliver, M., & Barnes, C. (2012). The new politics of disablement. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1007/978-0-230-39244-1
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  • Padovan-Özdemir, M. (2016). The making of educationally manageable immigrant schoolchildren in Denmark 1970-2013: A critical prism for studying the fabrication of the Danish Welfare nation state. ( Doctoral dissertation), Københavns Universitet, København.
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  • Solbue, V. (2014). In search of my hidden preconceptions as a researcher. Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives, 12(6), 817–827.
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