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Selected Abstracts From the 2018 International Neuroethics Society Annual Meeting


  • Graham, M., C. Weijer, D. Cruse, et al. 2015. An ethics of welfare for patients diagnosed as vegetative with covert awareness. AJOB-Neuroscience 6(2): 31–41. [InsertedFromOnline]
  • Kahane, G., and J. Savulescu. 2009. Brain damage and the moral significance of consciousness. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 34(1): 6–26.
  • Kondziella, D., C. K. Friberg, V. G. Frokjaer, M. Fabricius, and K. Møller. 2016. Preserved consciousness in vegetative and minimal conscious states: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 87(5): 485–492. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2015-310958
  • Sassi, F. 2006. Calculating QALYs, comparing QALY and DALY calculations. Health Policy and Planning 21(5): 402–408.
  • Seel, R. T., Sherer, M., J. Whyte, et al. 2010. Assessment scales for disorders of consciousness: Evidence-based recommendations for clinical practice and research. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 91(12): 1795–1813. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2010.07.218



  • Dalley, J. W., B. J. Everitt, and T. W. Robbins. 2011. Impulsivity, compulsivity, and top-down cognitive control. Neuron 69(4): 680–694.
  • Husak, D. 1999. Addiction and criminal liability. Law and Philosophy 18: 655–684. doi:10.2307/3505096
  • Robinson, P. H. 1985. Causing the conditions of one’s own defense: A study in the limits of theory in criminal law doctrine. Virginia Law Review 71(1): 1–63. doi:10.2307/1072934
  • Volkow, N. D., and J. S. Fowler. 2000. Addiction, a disease of compulsion and drive: Involvement of the orbitofrontal cortex. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) 10(3): 318–325.
  • Yaffe, G. 2013. Are addicts akratic?: Interpreting the neuroscience of reward. In Addiction and self-control: Perspectives from philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience, ed. N. Levy, 190–213. New York: Oxford University Press.


  • Frégnac, Y. 2017. Big data and the industrialization of neuroscience: A safe roadmap for understanding the brain? Science 358(6362): 470–477. doi:10.1126/science.aan8866
  • Ienca, M., E. Vayena, and A. Blasimme. 2018. Big data and dementia: Charting the route ahead for research, Ethics, and policy. Frontiers in Medicine 5: 13. doi:10.3389/fmed.2018.00013.
  • Kellmeyer, P. 2018. Big brain data: On the responsible use of brain data from clinical and consumer-directed neurotechnological devices. Neuroethics. 1–16.
  • Landhuis, E. 2017. Neuroscience: Big brain, big data. Nature 541(7638): 559–561. doi:10.1038/541559a.
  • Monteith, S., and T. Glenn. 2016. Automated decision-making and big data: Concerns for people with mental illness. Curr Psychiatry Rep 18(12): 112.


  • Cascio, M. A., and E. Racine. 2018. Person-Oriented research ethics: Integrating relational and everyday ethics in research. Accountability in Research 25(3): 170–197.
  • Dubois, J. M., R. L. Volpe, and E. K. Rangel. 2008. Hidden empirical research ethics: A review of three health journals from 2005 through 2006. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 3(3): 7–18. doi:10.1525/jer.2008.3.3.7.
  • McDougall, R. 2015. Reviewing literature in bioethics research: Increasing rigour in non-systematic reviews. Bioethics 29(7): 523–528.
  • Racine, E. 2016. Can moral problems of everyday clinical practice ever be resolved? A proposal for integrative pragmatist approaches. In Ethics in child health: Principles and cases in neurodisability, ed. Peter L. Rosenbaum, Gabriel M. Ronen, Bernard Dan, Jennifer Johannesen and Eric Racine, 33–48. London: Mac Keith Press.


  • Bialek, M., S. Terbeck, and S. Handley. 2014. Cognitive psychological support for the ADC model of moral judgment. AJOB Neuroscience 5(4): 21–23. doi:10.1080/21507740.2014.951790
  • Dubljević, V., and E. Racine. 2014. The ADC of moral judgment: Opening the black box of moral intuitions with heuristics about agents, deeds and consequences. AJOB—Neuroscience 5(4): 3–20. doi:10.1080/21507740.2014.939381
  • Dubljević, V., S. Sattler, and E. Racine. 2018. Deciphering moral intuition: How agents, deeds and consequences influence moral judgment. PLOS One 13(10): e0204631.
  • Koenigs, M., M. Kruepke, J. Zeier, and J. Newman. 2012. Utilitarian moral judgment in psychopathy. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 7(6): 708–714. doi:10.1093/scan/nsr048
  • Mendez, M. F. 2009. The neurobiology of moral behavior: Review and neuropsychiatric implications. CNS Spectrums 14(11): 608–620. doi:10.1017/S1092852900023853


  • Alexander-Bloch, A., R. Lambiotte, B. Roberts, J. Giedd, N. Gogtay, and E. Bullmore. 2012. The discovery of population differences in network community structure; new methods and applications to brain functional networks in schizophrenia. NeuroImage 59(4): 3889–3900.
  • Cong, P. 2016. Neural interfaces for implantable medical devices: Circuit design considerations for sensing stimulation, and safety. IEEE Solid States Circuits Magazine Fall 8: 48–56.
  • Giacino, J. T., J. J. Fins, S. Laureys, and N. D. Schiff. 2014. Disorders of consciousness after acquired brain injury: The state of the science. Nature Reviews Neurology 10(2): 99–114. doi:10.1038/nrneurol.2013.279
  • Rivnay, J., H. Wang, L. Fenno, K. Deisseroth, and G. G. Malliaras. 2017. Next-generation probes, particles, and proteins for neural interfacing. Science Advances 3(6): e1601649–e1601669.
  • Vatansever, D., D. K. Menon, A. E. Manktelow, B. J. Sahakian, and E. A. Stamatakis. 2015. Default mode network connectivity during task execution. NeuroImage 122: 96–104.


  • Bouton, C. E., A. Shaikhouni, N. V. Annetta, et al. 2016. Restoring cortical control of functional movement in a human with quadriplegia. Nature 533(7602): 247–250. doi:10.1038/nature17435
  • Flesher, S. N., J. L. Collinger, S. T. Foldes, et al. 2016. Intracortical microstimulation of human somatosensory cortex. Science Translational Medicine 8: 361ra141–361ra141. doi:10.1126/scitranslmed.aaf8083.
  • Gilbert, F., M. Cook, T. O’Brien, and J. Illes. 2017. Embodiment and estrangement: Results from a first-in-Human “Intelligent BCI” trial. Science and Engineering Ethics. doi:10.1007/s11948-017-0001-5.
  • Marasco, P. F., J. S. Hebert, J. W. Sensinger et al. 2018. Illusory movement perception improves motor control for prosthetic hands. Science Translational Medicine 10: eaao6990. doi:10.1126/scitranslmed.aao6990.


  • Karagiannidou, M., R. Wittenberg, F. I. T. Landeiro, et al. 2018. Systematic literature review of methodologies and data sources of existing economic models across the full spectrum of alzheimer’s disease and dementia from apparently healthy through disease progression to end of life care: A systematic review protocol. BMJ Open 8(6): e020638. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-020638
  • Landeiro, F., H. Wace, I. Ghinai, et al. 2018a. Resource utilisation and costs in predementia and dementia: A systematic review protocol. BMJ Open 8(1): e019060.
  • Landeiro, F., K. Walsh, I. Ghinai, et al. 2018b. Measuring quality of life of people with predementia and dementia and their caregivers: A systematic review protocol. BMJ Open 8(3): e019082.
  • Winblad, B., P. Amouyel, S. Andrieu, et al. 2016. Defeating alzheimer’s disease and other dementias: A priority for european science and society. The Lancet Neurology 15(5): 455–532. doi:10.1016/S1474-4422(16)00062-4
  • World Health Organization. 2012. Dementia: A public health priority. Geneva: World Health Organization.


  • Crockett, M. J. 2016. How formal models can illuminate mechanisms of moral judgment and decision making. Current Directions in Psychological Science 25(2): 85–90. doi:10.1177/0963721415624012
  • Dubljevic, V., and E. Racine. 2014. The ADC of moral judgment: Opening the black box of moral intuitions with heuristics about agents, Deeds, and consequences. AJOB Neuroscience 5(4): 3–20. doi:10.1080/21507740.2014.939381
  • Haidt, J. 2001. The emotional dog and its rational tail: A social intuitionist approach to moral judgment. Psychological Review 108(4): 814. doi:10.1037//0033-295X.
  • Kant, I. 1785. Grundlegung zur metaphysik der sitten. Frankfurt am Main: Shurkamp.
  • Sensen, O. 2011. Kant on human dignity. Göttingen: Walter de Gruyter.



  • Illes, J. 2007. Empirical neuroethics: Can brain imaging visualize human thought? Why is neuroethics interested in such a possibility?. EMBO Reports 8: S57–S60. 1: doi:10.1038/sj.embor.7401007.
  • National Institutes of Health. 2017. BRAIN initiative: Research on the ethical implications of advancements in neurotechnology and brain science (R01). Accessed June 25, 2018. https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-MH-18-500.html.
  • NIH BRAIN Initiative Multi-Council Working Group Neuroethics Division. Forthcoming. Neuroethics guiding principles for the NIH BRAIN initiative. Manuscript in Production.


  • 45 CFR 46. 2009. Protection of Human Subjects “Common Rule”.
  • Richardson, H. S., and L. Belsky. 2004. The ancillary-care responsibilities of medical researchers: An ethical framework for thinking about the clinical care that researchers owe their subjects. Hastings Cent. Rep 34(1): 25–33. doi:10.2307/3528248





  • Erler, A. 2011. Does memory modification threaten our authenticity? Neuroethics 4(3): 235–249. doi:10.1007/s12152-010-9090-4.
  • Loftus, E. F., and R. L. Greenspan. 2017. If I’m certain, Is it true? Accuracy and confidence in eyewitness memory. Psychological Science in the Public Interest 18(1): 1–2. doi:10.1177/1529100617699241.
  • Parens, E. 2010. The ethics of memory blunting: Some initial thoughts. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 4: 190. (December 20, doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2010.00190.


  • Elsey, J., and M. Kindt. 2016. Manipulating human memory through reconsolidation: Ethical implications of a new therapeutic approach. AJOB Neuroscience 7(4): 225–236. doi:10.1080/21507740.2016.1218377
  • Erler, A. 2011. Does memory modification threaten our Authenticity? Neuroethics 4(3): 235–249.
  • Gligorov, N. 2016. Neuroethics and the scientific revision of common sense. Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Parens, E. 2010. The ethics of memory blunting and the narcissism of small differences. Neuroethics 3(2): 99–107. doi:10.1007/s12152-010-9070-8
  • Vukov, J. 2017. Enduring questions and the ethics of memory blunting. Journal of the American Philosophical Association 3(02): 227–246. doi:10.1017/apa.2017.23


  • Berger, M., and Z. Sarnyai. 2015. More than skin deep”: Stress neurobiology and mental health consequences of racial discrimination. Stress 18(1): 1–10. doi:10.3109/10253890.2014.989204
  • Davidson, R. J., and B. S. McEwen. 2012. Social influences on neuroplasticity: Stress and interventions to promote well-being. Nature Neuroscience 15(5): 689–695. doi:10.1038/nn.3093
  • Fink, A. E. 2017. Teaching the neurobiology of stress and traumatic memory in the context of social power and identity. International neuroethics society annual meeting abstracts. November Washington, D.C.
  • Hackman, D. A., M. J. Farah, and M. J. Meaney. 2010. Socioeconomic status and the brain: Mechanistic insights from human and animal research. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 11(9): 651–659. doi:10.1038/nrn2897
  • Rusch, N., A. R. Todd, G. V. Bodenhausen, and P. W. Corrigan. 2010. Biogenetic models of psychopathology, implicit guilt, and mental illness stigma. Psychiatry Research 179(3): 328–332. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2009.09.010


  • Chandrasekaran, B., and N. Kraus. 2009. The scalp-recorded brainstem response to speech: Neural origins and plasticity. Psychophysiology 2: 39–46.
  • Cunningham, J., T. Nicol, S. G. Zecker, A. Bradlow, and N. Kraus. 2001. Neurobiologic responses to speech in noise in children with learning problems: Deficits and strategies for improvement. Clinical Neurophysiology 112(5): 758–767. doi:10.1016/S1388-2457(01)00465-5
  • Hornickel, J., S. Anderson, E. Skoe, H.-G. Yi, and N. Kraus. 2012 . Subcortical representation of speech fine structure relates to reading ability. NeuroReport 23(1): 6–9.
  • Johnson, K. L., T. Nicol, S. G. Zecker, and N. Kraus. 2008. Developmental plasticity in the human auditory brainstem. Journal of Neuroscience 28(15): 4000–4007. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0012-08.2008



  • Burnett, C. J., and M. J. Krashes. 2016. Resolving behavioral output via chemogenetic designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs. The Journal of Neuroscience 36(36): 9268–9282. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1333-16.2016.
  • Chen, R., G. Romero, M. G. Christiansen, A. Mohr, and P. Anikeeva. 2015. Wireless magnetothermal deep brain stimulation. Science (New York, N.Y.) 347(6229): 1477–1480. doi:10.1126/science.1261821.
  • Grau, C., R. Ginhoux, A. Riera, et al. 2014. Conscious brain-to-brain communication in humans using Non-Invasive technologies. PLoS ONE 9(8): e105225. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0105225.
  • Ibsen, S., A. Tong, C. Schutt, S. Esener, and H. C. Sreekanth. 2015. Sonogenetics is a non-invasive approach to activating neurons in Caenorhabditis elegans. Nature Communications 6 (1): 8264. doi:10.1038/ncomms9264.
  • Ramirez, S., S. Tonegawa, and X. Liu. 2014. Identification and optogenetic manipulation of memory engrams in the hippocampus. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 7: 226. doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2013.00226.


  • Greely, H. T. 2008. Remarks on human biological enhancement. Kansas Law Review 56(5): 1139–1157.
  • Hodge, J. G., and L. O. Gostin. 2001. School vaccination requirements: Historical, social, and legal perspectives. Kentucky Law Journal 90(4): 831–890.
  • Olsen, C. 2009. Constitutionality of home education: How the supreme court and American history endorse parental choice. Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal 2009(2): 399–423.
  • Rush, S. E. 1985. The warren and burger courts on state, parent, and child conflict resolution: A comparative analysis and proposed methodology. Hastings Law Journal 36(4): 461–514.
  • Wadlington, W. 1994. Medical decision making for and by children: Tension between parent, state, and child. University of Illinois Law Review 1994(2): 311–336.


  • Buchanan, A., D. W. Brock, N. Daniels, and D. Wikler. 2000. From chance to choice: Genetics and justice. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Greely, H., B. Sahakian, J. Harris, et al. 2008. Towards responsible use of cognitive-enhancing drugs by the healthy. Nature 456(7223): 702–705. doi:10.1038/456702a
  • Harris, J. 2010. Enhancing evolution: The ethical case for making better people. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Judson, R., and S. W. Langdon. 2009. Illicit use of prescription stimulants among college students: Prescription status, motives, theory of planned behaviour, knowledge and self-diagnostic tendencies. Psychology, Health, and Medicine 14(1): 97–104. doi:10.1080/13548500802126723[InsertedFromOnline]
  • Sattler, S., G. Mehlkop, P. Graeff, and C. Sauer. 2014. Evaluating the drivers of and obstacles to the willingness to use cognitive enhancement drugs: The influence of drug characteristics, social environment, and personal characteristics. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy 9(1): 8. 10.1186/1747-597X-9-8


  • Truog, R. D., S. D. Brown, D. Browning, E. M. Hundert, E. A. Rider, S. K. Bell, and E. C. Meyer. 2015. Microethics: The ethics of everyday clinical practice. Hastings Center Report 45(1): 11. doi:10.1002/hast.41.
  • Bernat, J. L. 2015. Observations on ethical issues in the Neuro-ICU. Neurocritical Care 23(1): 1–3. doi:10.1007/s12028-015-0142-9.
  • Komesaroff, P. A. 1995. From bioethics to microethics: Ethical debate and clinical medicine. In Troubled bodies: Critical perspectives on postmodernism, medical ethics, and the body, ed. P Komesaroff, 62–86. Melbourne: Melbourne University press. doi:10.1215/9780822379782-004.


  • Graimann, B., B. Allison, and G. Pfurtscheller. 2010. Brain-computer interfaces: A gentle introduction. In Brain-computer interfaces, ed. B. Graimann. Berlin: Springer.
  • Göhring, D., D. Latotzky, M. Wang, and R. Rojas. 2013. Semi-autonomous car control using brain computer interfaces. In Intelligent autonomous systems 12. Advances in intelligent systems and computing, ed. S. Lee, H. Cho, K. J. Yoon, J. Lee, vol.194. Berlin: Springer.


  • de Haan, S., E. Rietveld, M. Stokhof, and D. Denys. 2017. Becoming more oneself? Changes in personality following DBS treatment for psychiatric disorders: Experiences of OCD patients and general considerations. PLoS One 12(4): e0175748. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0175748.
  • Gallagher, S. 2018. Deep brain stimulation, self and relational autonomy. Neuroethics. doi:10.1007/s12152-018-9355-x.
  • Lázaro-Muñoz, G., A. L. McGuire, and W. K. Goodman. 2017. Should we be concerned about preserving agency and personal identity in patients with adaptive deep brain stimulation systems?. AJOB Neuroscience 8(2):73–75. doi:10.1080/21507740.2017.1320337
  • Müller, S., M. Bittlinger, and H. Walter. 2017. Threats to neurosurgical patients posed by the personal identity debate. Neuroethics 10(2):299–310. doi:10.1007/s12152-017-9304-0
  • Nyholm, S. 2018. Is the personal identity debate a ‘threat’ to neurosurgical patients? A reply to müller et al. Neuroethics 11(2):229–235. doi:10.1007/s12152-017-9337-4

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