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Finnish eldercare services in crisis: the viewpoint of rural home care workers


Archived material

  • ParasSos interviews (archived by National Institute for Health and Welfare)
  • 1 Home care staff member, interviewed 8 October 2008.
  • 2 Home care staff member (a, b), interviewed 22 October 2008.
  • 3 Client of the home care services, interviewed 14 November 2008.
  • 4 Director of social services, interviewed in 8 December 2008.
  • 5 Home care staff member, interviewed in 18 December 2009.
  • 6 Social work staff member, interviewed in 18 December 2009.
  • 7 Social work staff member, interviewed in 12 January 2010.
  • 8 Social work staff member, interviewed in 28 April 2010.
  • 9 Home care staff members (a, b), interviewed in 18 May 2010.
  • 10 Home care staff member, interviewed in 18 May 2010.


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