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Responsibilities between the church and state in the field of elderly care in Finland



  • Angell, Olav Helge, and Anne Birgitta Pessi. 2010. “Co-operation in Welfare? Inter-organizational Relationships between Church-based Welfare Agents and the Welfare State at the Local Level in Norway and Finland.” Diaconia 1 (1): 62–81.10.13109/diac.2010.1.1.62
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  • Pessi, Anne Birgitta, and Henrietta Grönlund. 2011. “The Palce of the Church: Public Sector or Civil Society? Welfare Provision of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland.” Journal of Church and State 54 (3): 353–374.
  • Pessi, Anne Birgitta, Olav Helge Angell, and Per Petterson. 2009. “Nordic Majority Churches as Agents in the Welfare State: Critical Voices and/or Complementary Providers?” Temenos. Nordic Journal of Comparative Religion 45 (2): 207–234.
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  • Sihvonen, Ari-Pekka, Tuija Mastelin, Seppo Koskinen, Päivi Sainio, and Arpo Aromaa. 2013. “Terveet ja toimintakykyiset elinvuodet.” [Healthy and Active Life Years.] In Gerontologia, edited by Eino Heikkinen, Jyrki Jyrkämä, and Taina Rantanen, 66–71. Helsinki: Duodecim.
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  • Virkki, Tuija, Anssi Vartiainen, and Riitta Hänninen. 2012. “Talouden ja hoivan ristipaineissa. Vanhustyöntekijöiden näkemyksiä työnsä muutoksesta.” [Between Economy and Care. Elderly Care Workers Views of the Changing Nature of Their Work.] Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 77 (3): 253–264.
  • Welbourne, Penelope. 2011. “Twenty-first Century Social Work: The Influence of Political Context on Public Service Provision in Social Work Education and Service Delivery.” European Journal of Social Work 14 (3): 403–420.10.1080/13691451003706670
  • Yeung, Anne Birgitta. 2004. “Individually Together: Volunteering in Late Modernity: Social Work in the Finnish Church.” PhD diss., Finnish Federation for Social Welfare and Health.

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